Dr. Bellinger is a world renowned expert on the role of the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus in regulating ingestive behavior and body weight. Most recently he has used his knowledge of feeding behavior to develop an NIH-funded R01 animal model to study temporomandibular joint, myofacial and tooth nociception. These studies have led to a greater understanding of how gonadal hormones affect nociception. These studies have led to a greater understanding of how gonadal hormones affect nociception both peripherally and centrally.
Dr. Bellinger has been Principal Investigator or Co-investigator on 20 extramural NIH, NSF or company grants and many in-house grants. These projects have produced 161 peer-reviewed research publications and 224 abstracts. Dr. Bellinger's publications have appeared in American Journal of Physiology; Archives in Oral Biology; Arthritis Rheumatism; Brain Research Review; BMC Neuorology; European Journal of Pain; Hormone and Metabolic Research; International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Journal of Cellular Physiology; Journal of Dental Research; Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Nutrition; Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery; Life Science; Neuroendocrinology; Neuroscience; Osteoarthritis and Cartilage; Peptides; Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior; Physiology and Behavior; Journal of Cellular Physiology; Journal of Neuroscience; Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine and many other journals. Dr. Bellinger's work has been well accepted and cited over 4,500 times with an h-index of 34 and h-110 of 106. He has been asked by 35 different journals, including Nature and Science, to review manuscripts and has reviewed NIH and NSF grants. He has been interviewed by Science magazine several times.