National Institutes of Health - (Bethesda, Maryland, United States)
External Organization
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award or honor given
ADK regulation of fat metabolism and insulin sensitivity,
conferred on Wu, Chaodong,
Career Development Award,
conferred on Hoyt, Kenneth,
MERIT Award,
conferred on Begley, Tadhg,
MERIT Award,
conferred on Young, Ryland,
MERIT Award,
conferred on Carroll, Raymond,
Fellows Award for Research Excellence,
conferred on Reddy, Samba,
Intramural Postdoctoral Training Fellowship,
conferred on Reddy, Samba,
Postdoctoral Fellowship,
conferred on Singleton, Daniel,
awards grant
2D and 3D contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluation of HCC chemoembolization
3D Stent Reconstruction in Bifurcating Lesions By Fusion of OCT and Micro-CT Data
3D super-resolution ultrasound imaging for cancer detection and treatment monitoring
A Computer-based, Student-Centered Middle-School Approach to One Health Learning
A High-Throughput Microfluidic In Vitro CNS Myelination Model towards Drug Screening
A New Animal Model for Stress-induced Transition from Acute to Chronic Pain
A Self-Cleaning Membrane to Extend the Lifetime of an Implanted Glucose Biosensor
A longitudinal investigation of the cerebellum in adulthood: anatomical and network changes, motor function, and cognition
A new animal model for stress-induced transition from acute to chronic pain
A new mammalian-specific function for OspC in Lyme borreliosis
A novel mouse model of testicular granulosa cell tumors
A novel nanomedicine for fluorescence image-guided surgery and intraoperative therapy in ovarian cancer
A poly-omic study of the molecular mechanisms underlying maternal diet interventions for offspring obesity and NAFLD
Accelerating Discovery of Neutralizing Paratopes with Functional Antibody Screening Technology
Acquisition of a Confocal/Multiphoton Microscopy System
Actions of Manganese On Neuroendocrine Development
Advanced Methods for Mimicking the Osteogenic Niche to Heal Bone
Advanced training in the design, execution, and dissemination of clinical trials, including dyadic interventions, for persons affected by chronic conditions and disability
Aging Effect on Genome Maintenance during Hepatocyte Regeneration
Altered genomic imprinting as a basis for FASD placental growth defects
Ameloblast Differentiation and Amelogenesis: Next-Generation Models to Define Key Mechanisms and Factors Involved in Biological Enamel Formation
An Important Role of Osr1 in Outflow Tract Development
An Ontology for Microbial Phenotypes
An artery-on-a-chip containing blood outgrowth endothelium as a model of vaso-occlusion and drug testing in sickle cell disease
Analysis of Staphylococcus Aureus Host Interactions
Androgen’s role in skeletal muscle regeneration
Animal Models of Infectious Diseases
Antimicrobial, Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic, Silver-Based, Electrospun Bandages for Superior Wound Healing
Application of Imaging to Development of Tuberculosis Interventions
Artificial Ecology Sink As Prophylaxis Against Viral Infection
Bacterial Export of Folded Proteins: Transport Mechanism of the Tat Translocon
Bacterial-type hexokinase (HK) in the opportunistic parasite Cryptosporidium parvum
Bacteriophage strategies to lyse bacterial cells
Balance Recovery Training for Fall Prevention in Retirement Communities
Biannual Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms
Bidirectional Regulatory Interactions Between Lymph Vessel and Adjacent Tissues
Bioactive, "Self-Fitting" Shape Memory Polymer (SMP) Scaffolds to Treat Cranial Bone Defects
Biomechanical Indices for Coronary Lesion Rupture Risk and Lesion Prognostication
Biophysical Constraints on Evolution of Enzyme Specificity
Biphasic Roles of OSX-WNT-B-Catenin Signaling Pathway in Tooth Root Formation
Brain-Behavior Markers of Negative Affectivity, Comorbidity in Anxiety Disorders
Breaking a Novel Feedback Loop to Inhibit Fibrosis
Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis
Brillouin Microscope for Biomedical Research
Broadly Neutralizing Non-Antibody Protein For Treating Clostridium Difficile Infection
CCAR2 as a Target for Prevention of Colorectal Cancer
CLAP-seq: An Aptamer-Based Platform for Transcriptome-Wide Mapping of RNA Modifications
CMV Pentameric Complex Based Vaccine Strategies for Prevention of Congenital CMV
Cachexia in ApcMIN/+ mice: The role of IL-6
Cachexia in ApcMIN/+ mice: The role of IL-6
Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C Modulates Immune Response to Protect The Heart
Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C in Development and Reversal of Heart Failure
Cell specific Partitioning Defective Par1a/b deletion effects on renal repair
Center for Translational Environmental Health Research
Characterization of C02 Sensing and Regulatory Response in Borrelia burgdorferi
Characterization of Clostridium Difficile Spore Germination
Characterization of a novel mouse model with enhanced TGF-Beta signaling in the ovary
Characterize Essential Regions in C. Difficile Toxin B for its Neutralization
Chemoprotective Effects of EPA and DHA on Colonic Adult Stem Cells
Chemoprotective Effects of Natural Products on Colonic Adult Stem Cells
Chondrocyte-Derived Bone Cells Determine the Overall Pattern of TMJ Condyle and Contribute to Bone Remodeling
Chromium VI-Induced Toxicity On Female Reproductive Function
Circadian Clock Disruption and Ischemic Stroke Outcomes: Age and Sex Differences
Circadian clock activation and tissue specificity in Drosophila
Clinical Research - Mechanisms of Human Basophil-Mediated Allergic Inflammation
Combination Drug Testing for New TB Regimens
Comparative Biomedical Research Training for Veterinarians
Comparative Mechanisms of Cancer Chemoprevention
Computational Design of Novel ß-wrapins Targeting and Sequestering Amyloid-ß, a-synuclein and IAPP
Consequences of Pathogen Co-Infection in Mosquitoes on West Nile Virus Transmission
Conserved RNA Secondary Structures in three Betacoronaviruses: MHV, BCoV, and MERS-CoV
Consistent Variable Selection in p>>n Settings
Contributions of Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C to Healthy and Failing Hearts
Control of Virus Induced Lysis
Control of Virus Induced Lysis
Controlling Arbovirus Transmission: Population
Suppression and Virus-Induced Mosquito Death
Convergence of Cellular and Molecular Pathways in Appetitive Taste
Copper is a Host Effector in Protection Against Urinary Tract Infection
Coupling of Protein Synthesis with Cell Division
Cytosolic Ah Receptor: Mechanism of Action
DMP1 Mutations: Defects in Odontogenesis
DNA Repair Pathway Choice and Significance in Targeted Genome Editing of Aedes Aegypti
Defining the molecular mechanisms of MacAB in protection of Salmonella from oxidative stress
Delivery of Protein Biosensors Across the Plasma Membrane of Live Cells
Dementia-Friendly Communities to Promote Active Living in Persons with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and AD-related Dementias (ADRD)
Dentin Sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) and Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) in Dentinogensis Imperfecta (DGI) and Odontoblast Function
Determining Genetic Signatures of the Cryptococcal Response to Zoloft by an Integrated Approach Combining Transcriptome, Translatome and Genetic Screens
Determining the Mechanism of Temperature Compensation of the Circadian Clock
Develop General Methods for the Synthesis of Proteins with Posttranslational Lysine Modifications
Developing Therapeutics against Giardia and Other Anaerobic Protozoa by Targeting Parasite Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetase (ACS)
Development and characterization of an AAV-based tool to functionally ablate astrocytic mitochondria in specific brain regions in vivo
Development of An Potimized System for Non-Covalent Delivery of Proteins Into Cells
Development of Platform for Ligand Screening using Hyperpolarized NMR
Development of Therapeutic Bacteriophages Against Carbapenemase-Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Development of Therapeutic Bacteriophages Against Carbapenemase-Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Development of a High-Throughput Microfludics-Enabled Functional Assay for Rapidly Identifying Neutralizing Antibodies
Development of a mouse model of pediatric high-grade gliomas
Development of a universal DISC vaccine strategy against congenital cytomegalovirus
Development of an Effective DISC Vaccine Strategy Against Congenital CMV
Development of murine model of neuroborreliosis
Diagnostic identification of language and reading disorders among bilingual learners
Diet induced modifications of microbiota metabolites in colon tumorigenesis
Diet-dependent regulation of DCIS progression
Dietary Flavonoids-Microbiota-Ah Receptor Interactions in the Gut
Discovery Of Host Cell Candidate Proteins Critical To The Attachment By Cryptosporidium Sporozoites
Discovery and Characterization of Novel Regulators of Mitochondrial Copper Homeostasis
Discovery of inhibitors against cryptosporidial fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
Dissecting Connectivity and Function of Transplanted Interneurons in the Injured Spinal Cord
EHS Workshop for State Legislators
Effect of Alcohol Withdrawal on Pain Sensitization
Effect of Improved Graft Compliance Matching on Intimal Hyperplasia
Effect of Inflammation on Recovery and Pain After Spinal Cord Injury
Elucidating the stoichiometry of GPCR oligomers
Elucidating the stoichiometry of GPCR oligomers
Elucidation of a Dictyostelium chalone
Elucidation of a Eukaryotic Chemorepulsion Mechanism
Endogenous Fluorescence Lifetime Endoscopy for Early Detection of Oral Cancer and Dysplasia
Endothelial estrogen receptor alpha and cardiometabolic disease
Engineered enteric nerve plexi to improve predictive preclinical screens in early-stage colorectal adenocarcinomas
Enhancing pathogen-specific memory CD8+ T cell responses in vivo
Environmental and Rural Health Education Partnership
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Organophosphate Esters
Epa and Protein Modulation In Copd
Epigenetic Attenuation of Long-Term Effects of Nerve Agents
Epigenetic Signatures of Developmental Reprogramming in Target and Surrogate Tissues
Epigenetic regulation of brain and behavior by the estrous cycle
Epigenetics of the Aging Astrocyte: Implications for Stroke
Epigenetics of the Aging Astrocyte: Implications for Stroke
Epigenomic signaling and heart failure
Estimating Recovery in Cardiac Rehabilitation using Mobile Health Technology and Personalized Machine Learning
Estimating and communicating spatial certainty when childhood cancers co-cluster
Estradiol and Zoster Associated Orofacial Pain
Estrogen and TMJ Pain
Estrogens, Ovarian Aging and Calcium Channel Modulation
Evaluation of Marketed Drugs for Rapid Development As Anti- Cryptosporidial Agents
Evaluation of Novel Interferon Epsilon across Human Pregnancy
Evaluation of Trk Probes in Models for Dry Eye Disease
Examining Progression of a Neurodegenerative Disorder
Exercise Training-Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species as Protective Mechanisms in the Coronary Microcirculation
Exercise-induced reactive oxidants as microvascular protective mechanisms
Extracellular Vesicles Produced by Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Novel Therapy for Autoimmune Uveitis
F30 HL110743 Improved Muscle Regeneration by Anti-miRNA Alteration in Macrophage Polarization
F32 AR052610 Adipogenic versus myogenic signaling in muscle regeneration
F32 HL090196 Angiogenesis, macrophages and tissue recovery from injury
FFATA: Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Hydrogel Scaffolds for Osteochondral Regeneration
Families for Biomedical Science Success
Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling in Odontogenic Epithelial Stem Cells
Fibrogenic Role of Rock Delta1 and Mechanism In Cardiac Remodeling
Fighting Obesity by Reinventing Public Transportation: A Natural Experiment
Follicular and endometrial pathology in polycystic ovary syndrome-
Formation and Maintenance of Neuromuscular Synaptic Connections
Foxo/NFkB Interactions in the Regulation of Metabolic Homeostasis
From FASD to AUDs: Strategies for Preventing Alcohol Addictions
Functional Anatomy of Mammalian Phosphatidylinositol Transfer Proteins
Functional Anaylsis of the Embryonic Epigenome In A Non-Rodent Model
Functional interactions among retinoschisin and its binding partners
Functional mechanisms underlying Dystroglycan-dependent and independent roles of protein O-mannosylation in the nervous system
Gag-like Proteins in Exosome-mediated Neural Development and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Genetic Analysis of Inner Ear Development in Zebrafish
Genetic Suppression of Loss of TPP1
Ghrelin deficiency predisposes mice to aging-associated inflammation through compromised gut function and microbiota dysbiosis
Glial Interactions In Premyelinating Oligodendrocyte Dest
Global Changes In the 3'UTRome Toggle Responsiveness To Growth Factors
Global Changes In the 3'UTRome Toggle Responsiveness To Growth Factors
Global Changes In the 3'UTRome Toggle Responsiveness To Growth Factors
Graph-based Bayesian Analysis of Genomics and Proteomics Data
Growth Regulation of the Intrahepatic Biliary Tree
Gustatory Receptors sense RNA and ribonuclcic acid metabolites as nutrients and signaling molecules during rapid growth
HPV and Cancer mHealth Prevention Education for HIV Positive Women Pilot Study
Harnessing Copper to Impede Uropathogen Colonization
Hierarchical antiviral immunity in disease vector mosquitoes
High school student research opportunities program grant
Host Genetic Determinants of Diversity in Viral-Induced Neuropathology
Hyperpolarization Assisted and Structure Based Screening of Protein-Ligand Interactions in Live Cells
IMSD at Texas A&M University: Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity in Biomedical Sciences
IRE1/XBP1s Signaling: A Novel Essential Regulator For Bone Marrow Microenvironment Support of Multiple Myeloma Bone
Identification and Function of nuDMP1 in Odontoblast Differentiation
Identification and Role of Type IV Secretion Effector Proteins in Coxiella Burnetii
Identification and disruption of mosquito heme transporters
Identification of Novel Small Molecules for Cns Myelin Repair
Identifying Risk Factors and Interactions for Type 1 Diabetes in Large Studies
Imaging enhancer-promoter interaction dynamics during embryonic brain development
Immunoepigenetic Targeting of MHC Regulators in FAP
Impact of Prenatal vitamin A deficiency on cell fate alterations in adult airway hyperresponsiveness
Impact of the Anti-PEG Response on the Efficacy of PEG Hydrogel-Mediated Bone Regeneration
Improved Live Attenuated Brucella Vaccines to Reduce Human Disease
Improving Outcomes in Cataract Surgery: Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) Resistant to Cell Growth (Diversity Supplement)
Impulsive Behavior in Adolescent Healthy Weight and Obese Smokers and Nonsmokers
In Vivo Dual Bioluminescence Reporter System of Infectious Borrelia Burgdorferi
Incorporation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Into Placental Vasculature
Inducible Tissue-Specific Transgene Expression In Large Animal Biomedical Models
Innovative approaches for analyzing SEER breast cancer data
Integrating theory, genomics, and comparative approaches to break barriers to the understanding of genome structure and sex chromosome evolution.
Integration of Diverse Inputs Determines Developmental Outcomes
Integrins as regulators of vascular contractility in aged resistance arteries
Intercellular Communication in the Mammalian Ovary
Internal Toxin Neutralizer for Treating STEC-infection
Intravitreal ECE-1 siRNA Treatment for Retinal Dysfunction during Early Diabetes
Investigating How Prior Task Success Improves Memory Performance In Older Adults
Investigating Novel Functions for NIK/MAP3K14 in High-Grade Glioma
Investigation into the Epidemic of Unexplained Kidney Disease in Nicaragua: Understanding the Acute Clinical Scenario and Natural History of Disease in Mesoamerican Nephropathy
Investigation of the FAS-II Enzyme, FabK, as a Druggable Target in Clostridium difficile
Iron Trafficking and Regulation in Biological Systems
Iron in Mitochondrial Physiology and Disease
Isolation of Terminal Schwann Cells by Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting
Ixodes scapularis and Amblyomma americanum tick cement proteome
K01 AR059096 Regulation of muscle regeneration by microRNAs
KO8 HL70158 The chemokine system in collateral artery formation
Localization of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+-Gated K+ Channels to Specific 'Active Zone Material' Macromolecules at Presynaptic Active Zones and How that Influences Neurotransmitter Secretion
Localization of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+-Gated K+ Channels to Specific 'Active Zone Material' Macromolecules at Presynaptic Active Zones and How that Influences Neurotransmitter Secretion
Localization of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+-Gated K+ Channels to Specific 'Active Zone Material' Macromolecules at Presynaptic Active Zones and How that Influences Neurotransmitter Secretion
Localization of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+-Gated K+ Channels to Specific 'Active Zone Material' Macromolecules at Presynaptic Active Zones and How that Influences Neurotransmitter Secretion
Localization of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+-Gated K+ Channels to Specific 'Active Zone Material' Macromolecules at Presynaptic Active Zones and How that Influences Neurotransmitter Secretion
Localization of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+-Gated K+ Channels to Specific 'Active Zone Material' Macromolecules at Presynaptic Active Zones and How that Influences Neurotransmitter Secretion
Low-complexity decoupling of multi-frequency arrays for magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy using operational amplifiers
Lymphatic Fluid Flow Modeling with Active Network Components
Lymphatic Forum 2019
Lymphatics and lymphangiogenesis in kidney function and inflammation
MADS-box transcriptional regulation of dimorphic transition in Penicillium marneffei
MIRROR: A Chip-Scale Mid-IR Ring Resonance System for On-the-fly Reporting of Analytes
Manipulation of Host Complement by Clostridium Difficile Spores - an Immune Evasion Strategy
Mapping The Macromolecular Architecture Of The Synaptic Basal lamina At Neuromuscular Junctions And Localizing The C-terminus of Neural Agrin In It-
Mapping Transport Pathways Through Nuclear Pores Using 3D Super-Resolution Microscopy
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Mast cell/histamine-mediated inflammation and subsequent decrease of lymphatic amyloid beta clearance accelerate progression of Alzheimer's disease
Maternal Circulating miRNA Function In Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Measurement Error, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer
Measuring stress in military connected adolescents
Mechanical Regulation of Ultra-Sensitivity in E. coli Flagellar Motors
Mechanism of Ephrin Signaling in Mammalian Palatal Fusion
Mechanism of Prenatal Chromium-VI Exposure and Germ Cell Apoptosis in the Ovary
Mechanism of Protein Folding Intermediate Disaggregation By Molecular Chaperones
Mechanism of Srf-N-Mediated Cardiac Suppression
Mechanism of membrane fission at the recycling endosome
Mechanism of protein aggregate recognition and disassembly by molecular chaperones
Mechanisms and optimization of endosomal escape for delivery applications
Mechanisms by which CD74 Contributes to Traumatic Brain Injury
Mechanisms of Angiogenic Switch Activation During Wound Repair
Mechanisms of Circadian Clock Control of mRNA Translation
Mechanisms of Circadian Repression
Mechanisms of Hedgehop Mediated Rescue of Radiation-Induced Hyposalivation
Mechanisms of Neurovascular Crosstalk in Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
Mechanistic Role of Rnd3 in Response to Cardiac Stress
Mentoring for the Future In Academic-Chemistry
Merit Award: Measurement Error, Nutrition and Breast/Colon Cancer
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived A1-Exosomes for Traumatic Brain Injury
Metabolic regulation of adipocyte-macrophage crosstalk in obesity
Micrornas As Targets for Colon Cancer Chemotherapy
Microvesicle Isolation from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infected Macrophage using Multi-stage Microfluidic Channel
Mineralomics : Designing mineral based therapeutics to control and direct cell function
Minimally-Invasive Metabolite Monitoring Systems for in vitro and in vivo Disease Models
Mirror Image Aptamers: Next Generation RNA-Binding Reagents for Basic Research and Therapeutic Applications
Mirror image DNA circuitry for complex microRNA analysis in live cells
Modeling Heterogeneity for Safe Cancer Prevention and Detection
Modeling Odontohypophosphatasia in the Sheep
Modeling and Analysis of the Role of Microbiota Metabolites in T-Cell Differentiation-
Molecular Basis for Dietary Chemoprevention
Molecular Basis of Treating Endometriosis By Prostaglandin E2 Receptor Inhibitors
Molecular Control of Calcium Influx at the ER-Plasma Membrane Junctions
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Fungal Circadian Rhythms
Molecular Mechanisms and Application of Ah Receptor - Microrna Interactions
Molecular Mechanisms of Copper Delivery to Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase
Molecular Mechanisms of Drug-Induced Liver Injury
Monitoring neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer using 3D subharmonic aided pressure estimation
Morphine undermines recovery of function after SCI: Neurobiological mechanisms
Multifrequency ultrasound imaging for improved breast tissue characterization
Multilayer Vascular Grafts Based on Collagen-Mimetic Hydrogels
Multiparametric ultrasound imaging for early detection of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Multiresolution FLIM and Reflectance Confocal Microscopy to Detect Dysplasia
Muscle GPRC6A regulation of protein turnover with overload and disuse recovery
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dissemination and Extrapulmonary Spread
NFkb: Integrator of Host-Diet-Microbiota Interactions
NIH 1R01CA197761-01 Physical Activity Impacts of a Planned Activity-Friendly Community: The What, Where, When, and Why of Environmental Approaches to Obesity Prevention
NIH Clinical Center and the Center for Phage Technology
NIK Promotes a Leader Cell Phenotype in Glioma
NIh-Developing Cell Lines From Clock Neurons In Drosophila
NLM ReDiReCT: Integrating NLM Resources into Disaster Preparedness and Response Cross-Disciplinary Training
Nanoengineered bone repair scaffolds generated from stem cells and their secreted products for improved spinal fusion
Native ion mobility mass spectrometry studies of potassium inward rectifier channels: insight into gating and lipid binding
Native ion mobility mass spectrometry studies of potassium inward rectifier channels: insight into gating and lipid binding
Natural inhibitors of carcinogenesis (PO1 CA48112)
Neural Circuits for Reinstatement of Fear
Neural Substrates of Contextual Memory In Fear Extinction
Neural circuits for stress-impaired extinction learning
Neurobiological Control of Periodontal Homeostasis through MicroRNA, TGF-beta, and Wnt Signaling
Neuroendocrine Effects of Alcohol on Puberty-
Neuroendocrine Regulation of Biliary Growth and Fibrosis
Neuroprotection In the Aging Female Brain
Neurosteroid Treatment for OP Intoxication
New Concepts In Organic Selectivity and Mechanisms
New Concepts In Organic Selectivity and Mechanisms
Nociceptive Input After Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Expands the Region of Secondary Injury and Undermines Long-Term Recovery
Noradrenergic modulation of stress-induced deficits in fear extinction
Novel Biochemical Pathways for the Metabolism of Carbohydrates in the Human gut Micriobiome
Novel Inhibitors of Cruzain and Trypanosoma brucei Cathepsin B as Potential Drug Candidates for the treatment of African Trypanosomiasis and Chagas Disease
Novel Signals Regulate Cell Fate Patterning
Novel strategies for plant-derived anticancer agents (U01/U19 CA 52956)
Nutrient-sensing GHS-R in macrophage reprogramming and inflamm-aging
Nutrition, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Training Grant
Nutritional Modulation to Minimize Resistance Exercise Induced Metabolic Deregulations and Improve Training Responsiveness in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Obesity, Stress, and Neuromuscular Function in the Elderly
Opposing Roles of Distinct Output Projections From Prefrontal Cortex
Optogenetic Approaches to Study Complex Neuronal Circuits During Cognitive Aging
Optogenetic Toolkit for Remote Control of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels
Osteoinductive Microgel-Based Scaffolds for hMSC Delivery
P30AG044271 San Antonio Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center
Pavlovian Conditioning of Injured Spinal Cord Systems
Pentraxin regulation of macrophage differentiation
Phage Display With Two Genetically Incorporated Noncanonical Amino Acids
Physical Activity Impacts of a Planned Activity-Friendly Community: The What, Where, When and Why of Environmental Approaches to Obesity Prevention
Physiological Role for Cation Channels in Bacteria
Placental Trophoblast Infection and TLR Mediated Response to Congenital CMV
Population Genetic Structure of Ixodes scapularis and disease transmission
Prenatal Alcohol and Stroke Susceptibility in the Aging Adult with FASD
Prenatal microRNA Neuro-Therapeutics for Fetal Alcohol Exposure
Preparation and Distribution of Adult Stem Cells
Prevention of Hepatocellular Carcinoma In Vulnerable Communities In Texas
Prone and Oscillation Pediatric Clinical Trial (PROSPECT)
Prostaglandin E2 Signaling In Growth and Pains of Endometriosis
Protective role of adenosine 2A receptor in NAFLD
Protozoan Purine Phosphoribosyltransferases as Targets to Treat Malaria, African Trypanosomiasis and Chagas's Disease
Protozoan Purine Phosphoribosyltransferases as Targets to Treat Malaria, African Trypanosomiasis and Chagas's Disease
Protozoan Purine Phosphoribosyltransferases as Targets to Treat Malaria, African Trypanosomiasis and Chagas's Disease
Protozoan Purine Phosphoribosyltransferases as Targets to Treat Malaria, African Trypanosomiasis and Chagas's Disease
R01 HL074236 Chemokines and Immune Cells in Hind Limb Ischemia
R01DE032540 - Regulation of dental pulp stem cell polarization for tubular dentin regeneration
Regulation Of Biliary Growth And Fibrosis By Melatonin
Regulation of Bile Duct Growth in Bile Duct Ligated Rats
Regulation of Circadian Transcription
Regulation of Feeding Behavior by Brain-based Nutrient Sensors
Relationships Among Metronidazole Resistance, Pharmacodynamics and Treatment Outcomes in Clostridium Difficile Infection
Remote intravascular pressure sensing using ultrasound
Research Education Program for Laboratory Animal Medicine Veterinarians
Resorbable, Self-fitting Pediatric Stents to Prevent Vaginal Fibrosis
RhoE-mediated Sterile Inflammation Regulation in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Role Of Stem Cell Derived Microvesicles In Alcoholic Liver Injury
Role of Caspase-8 in Neuroinflammation, Demyelination and Myelin Repair
Role of Cytokine Signaling In Intestinal Restitution
Role of Erk1/2 In Neuromuscular Synapses and Myofiber Development In Vivo
Role of FAM20C in the Phosphorylation of SIBLING Protein
Role of Immune Cells in Immunosuppressive Drug-Induced Hypertension
Role of Nucleostemin in Conferring The Drug Resistance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Role of P53 Polymorphisms In Disparities In Breast Carcinogenesis and Outcome
Role of Sensory Neuropeptides in the Regulation of Biliary Function
Role of Stem Cell-Derived T Lymphocytes in Chronic HBV Infection
Role of TET dioxygenase associated immune mechanisms in cardiac injury and repair
Role of circadian rhythms in the susceptibility to Clostridium difficile infection
Role of glial sphingolipid ceramide in aging and Alzheimers disease
Role of mesenteric lymphatics and dietary endotoxin in metabolic syndrome
Role of miR15a and miR34c in PGE2 Signaling in the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis
Role of renal lymphatics in blood pressure regulation
Role of the Phospholipids in Golgi Secretory Function
Roles of SWI/SNF complexes in posttranscriptional processing of RNA
Roles of resident macrophages in salivary gland development, homeostasis, regeneration, and function restoration after radiotherapy (Liu, Fei)
SCH: INT: A Context-aware Cuff-less Wearable Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor using a Bio-Impedance Sensor Array
SIM2s Regulation of Senescence
Scaling Up Culturally Affirming Pathways to Biomedical Faculty Careers for Native Scholars
Self-Regulation Skills as Predictors of URM Student Success in Biomedical Research
Shape Memory Polymer Embolic Foams for Treating Cerebrovascular Aneurysms
Short-term mesenteric lymphatic adaptation to trauma-related intestinal edema
Signaling Molecules in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Sixteen Channel Carbon-13 Phased Array Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla
Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and Dysfunction in Human Cancer
Small Animal Model Vaccines and Pathogenesis - BA 23-1171
Social-Ecological Factors Influencing Receptivity to Zika Virus and the Efficacy of Interventions in Communities Along the Texas-Mexico Border
Stress Hydrocortisone in Pediatric Septic Shock (SHIPSS) Trial
Structural and Functional Studies of Uterine Smooth Muscle Cells
Structural and functional studies of protein kinase C regulation
Structure And Mechanism Of The Human Fe-S Cluster Assembly Complex
Structure and Mechanism of the Human FE-S Cluster Assembly Complex
Structure and functional dynamics of virus-host protein interactions
Structure-Based Discovery of Critical Vulnerabilities of Mycobacteria
Structure-Based Discovery of Critical Vulnerabilities of Mycobacteria
Structures of Mtb proteins conferring susceptibility to known Mtb inhibitors
Studies of the Roles of DMP1 and DSPP In Osteogenesis and Dentinogenesis
Study the Interaction Between Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein and Immune Cell Membranes
Studying Inclusive Mentor Networks to Diversify the Biomedical Workforce
Studying Reversible Histone Acylations in Nucleosome Contexts
Suppression mechanism of Geminivirus-encoded TrAP protein
Synthetic Cartilage-Capped Regenerative Osteochondral Plugs to Heal Osteochondral Defects
Systems Biology of the Circadian Clock Output Network
T32 AG021890 Training Grant on the Biology of Aging
T32 GM079085 Injury, ischemia and inflammation: A translation approach to trauma treatment
T32 HL07446 Pathobiology of Occlusive Vascular Disease
TET-Mediated Epigenetic Regulation in Cardiac Development
TEX-VAL: Texas A&M Tissue Chip Validation Center
TEX-VAL: Texas A&M Tissue Chip Validation Consortium
TGF-BETA Signaling in Endometrial Cell Function and Dysfunction
Targeting Insulin Resistance by Estrogen Receptor in Control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Targeting tumor cell Toll-like receptor
Task A-08 entitled "Base IDIQ Contract Kick-Off"
Taste Receptor Coding
Telomere Structure and Function In Arabidopsis
Telomere structure and function in Arabidopsis
The Biology and Biochemistry of Lipid Transfer-Protein-Regulated Phosphoinositide Signaling.
The Control On Neural Transmission By Glycosylation
The Effects of Endogenous and Dietary Estrogen On Colonic Stem Cells
The Effects of Morphine on Sensory and Motor Functions After a Spinal Cord Injury
The Enzymology of Phosphonate Metabolism
The Impact of Grade Retention: A Developmental Approach (Project Achieve)
The Interaction of Varenicline, Ethanol, and CNS Development
The MENTORS (Model Education Networks to Optimize Rural Science) Project
The MENTORS (Model Education Networks to Optimize Rural Science) Project
The Mechanistic Enzymology of Thiamin Biosynthesis
The Molecular Basis of Viral DNA Sensing through the cGAS-STING Pathway
The Origin of Rod Shape in Bacteria
The Ral Small GTPase In C. elegans development
The Regulation of Physical Function and Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Signaling After Cessation of 5-Fluorouracil Treatment
The Role of FAM20B-Catalyzed Proteoglycans in Tooth Development
The Role of FAM20B-Catalyzed Proteoglycans in Tooth Development
The Role of Small Non-Coding RNA in Borrelial Pathogenesis
The Role of Stem Cell Derived Microvesicles in Cholestatic Liver Injury
The Roles of Fam20c (dmp4) In Odontogenesis and Osteogenesis
The Secreted Effector SseC is a Key Regulator of Retrograde Transport During Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium Infection
The Structural Basis of Viral RNA Sensing By the Rig-I Like Receptors
The Twort-like bacteriophages of Staphylococcus aureus: paradigm phages for novel therapeutics
The Use of Goat Model to Test Human Brucella Vaccines in Argentina
The immunomodulatory role of Ankyrin repeat containing effectors expressed by Coxiella burnetii
The importance of host cell invasion and type III secretion to Campylobacter rectus virulence
The importance of host cell invasion and type III secretion to Campylobacter rectus virulence.
The role of GHS-R in macrophage reprogramming during meta-inflammation
The role of GHS-R in macrophage reprogramming during meta-inflammation.
The splicing factor SF3b1 is a master regulator of the innate immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis
The use of the pregnant sheep model in vaccine safety studies against brucellosis
Therapeutic Effects of MSC-Derived Extracellular Vesicles on Sjögren's Syndrome
Therapeutic Effects of MSC-Derived Extracellular Vesicles on Sjögren's Syndrome
Therapeutic mechanisms of iPSC-MSC derived extracellular vesicles on dry mouth caused by Sjogren's syndrome or radiotherapy
Tick Feeding Regulation By Orthologous Tick Saliva Serine Protease Inhibitors
Tick saliva determinants of Borrelia burgdorferi transmission
Tooth Root Formation: An Emerging Signaling Pathway
Transcriptional Regulation of Differentiation Gene Expression
Transcriptional Regulation of Metabolic and Hepatic Homeostasis By Foxo Signaling
Transcriptional Regulation of Metabolic and Hepatic Homeostasis by Fox0Signaling
Transport Phenomena in the Lymphatic System
Two dimensional Nanomaterials for Cartilage Regeneration
U01TR002393 Harnessing the power of CTSA-CDRN data networks: Using social determinants of health, frailty and functional status to identify at-risk patients & improve risk adjustment
UL1 TR001120 Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science: A Partnership to Improve Health
UL1TR002645 Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science: A Partnership to Improve Health (CTSA)
Uncovering BIN1 functions in myelin-producing oligodendrocytes
Understanding E-Cigarette Adoption and Marketing: A Social Media Study
Understanding Placental Adaptation to Maternal Malnutrition
Understanding the skeleton in Down Syndrome
Unraveling Molecular and System-Level Mechanisms of Human Disease-Associated Protein Mutations
Use of the goat model to test human Brucella vaccines in Argentina
Vasomotor Dysfunction of Retinal Arterioles in Diabetes
Vectorial capacity of American triatomines for multiple strains of Trypanosoma cruzi
Veterinary Medical Student Research Training
Veterinary Medical Student Research Training
Virtual Transportation as a Strategy to Reduce Resistance to Cigarette and e-Cigarette Graphic Health Warnings in Adolescents and Young Adults
Wireless Sensor for Guiding Severe Trauma Resuscitation
‘Self-fitting’ Shape Memory Polymer (SMP) Scaffolds to Treat Cranial Bone Defects in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease