Meal patterns of rats infused ICV with porcine satietin (pSAT)
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Both human and rat SAT have been shown to be putative anorectic agents. In the present study p-SAT was extracted from pig plasma using column chromatography and further purified using a diethyhminoethyl cellulose column. Male S.D. rats were subjected to a 12:12h light-dark period, fitted with chronic third ventricle cannulae, placed in chambers equipped with photobeam computer-activated pellet (45mg) feeders, and meal patterns determined. At lights out the rats were infused ICV with either artificial cerebrospinal fluid (n=6) or 100 g/rat of pSAT (n=8). On the first day post-infusion the following parameters were significantly (p<0.01) attenuated in the pSAT treated rats: 24h food intake (FI, 23.0 Vs 12.5g,) and meal size (MS, 2.8 Vs 1.6g); dark phase FI (19.0 Vs 8.4g), MS, 3.1 Vs 1.7g), and meal duration (21 Vs 9.5 min). Most of the above changes occurred during the first six hours of the dark phase. The groups' 24h and dark phase meal number and inter-meal interval did not differ significantly. Additionally, none of these parameters differed in the light phase. The pSAT treated rats did not show the long term attenuation of body weight observed in rats treated with either human or rat SAT. These data show that SAT extracted from porcine plasma can act as a putative satiety agent when administered to rats.