selected publications academicarticle Yang, P., Pate, M. B., & Strzelec, A. (2020). Gasoline Particulate Filter Substrate Heterogeneity Effects on Its Performance. SAE International Journal of Engines. 13(1), 49-62. Claridge, D. E., Culp, C., Liu, W., Pate, M., Haberl, J., Bynum, J., Tanskyi, O., & Schaff, F. (2019). A new approach for drying moist air: The ideal Claridge-Culp-Liu dehumidification process with membrane separation, vacuum compression and sub-atmospheric condensation. International Journal of Refrigeration. 101, 211-217. Yin, P., & Pate, M. B. (2019). An energy and life-cycle cost comparison of residential PSC and ECM blower systems operating at excess pressures due to restrictive ducts. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING. 22, 305-313. Yin, P., Pate, M., & Battaglia, F. (2019). In-field performance evaluation and economic analysis of residential ground source heat pumps in heating operation. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING. 26, 100932-100932. Yang, P., Pate, M. B., & Strzelec, A. (2019). Throat Unit Collector Modeling of Gasoline Particulate Filter Performance. SAE International Journal of Engines. 12(4), 417-426. Choi, W., Pate, M. B., Warren, R. D., & Nelson, R. M. (2018). An economic analysis comparison of stationary and dual-axis tracking grid-connected photovoltaic systems in the US Upper Midwest. 37(5), 455-478. Choi, W., Pate, M. B., & Sweeney, J. F. (2018). Uncertainty and signal-to-noise ratio for unsteady background noise. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 66(2), 131-141. Sweeney, J. F., & Pate, M. B. (2017). Lifecycle Analysis of a Single-Family Residential Rainwater Harvesting System in a Subtropical, Metropolitan Environment. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. 3(4), 04017012. Choi, W., Pate, M. B., & Sweeney, J. F. (2017). An acoustic performance analysis of AC-motor bathroom ventilation fans for a decade-long period, 2005-2015. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 23(7), 1167-1177. Choi, W., Pate, M. B., Warren, R. D., & Nelson, R. M. (2017). An Experimental Performance Evaluation of a Cold-Region Photovoltaic System With Tracking. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 139(3), 034501. Choi, W., & Pate, M. B. (2017). An evaluation and comparison of two psychoacoustic loudness models used in low-noise ventilation fan testing. BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT. 120, 41-52. Pate, M. B., Mykelbust, A., & Cole, J. H. (2017). A computer simulation of the turbine flow meter rotor as a drag body. 2 , W.A. Gruver (ed.), New York, U.S.A., Am., 184-191. Choi, W., Pate, M. B., Warren, R. D., & Nelson, R. M. (2016). Effects of Operating Temperature on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Photovoltaic Systems in the Upper Midwest. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. 8(3), 031012. Yin, P., Pate, M. B., & Sweeney, J. F. (2016). The impact of operating pressure on residential bathroom exhaust fan performance. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING. 6, 163-172. Wheeler, G., & Pate, M. (2016). An alternative method for measuring air-handling unit static pressure following ASHRAE Standard 37: Scenario 1horizontal ducts with elbows (RP-1581). Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 22(4), 385-397. Choi, W., Warren, R. D., & Pate, M. B. (2016). An experimental performance analysis of a cold region stationary photovoltaic system. 4(1), 1-28. Yin, P., Pate, M. B., & Sweeney, J. F. (2016). Experimental performance evaluations and empirical model developments of residential furnace blowers with PSC and ECM motors. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING. 5, 239-248. Yin, P., & Pate, M. B. (2016). Impact of duct flow resistance on residential heating and cooling energy use in systems with PSC and ECM blowers. Energy and Buildings. 130, 625-636. Sweeney, J. F., Pate, M. B., & Choi, W. (2016). Life cycle production and costs of a residential solar hot water and grid-connected photovoltaic system in humid subtropical Texas. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 8(5), 053702-053702. Choi, W., Pate, M. B., & Sweeney, J. F. (2016). Study of bathroom ventilation fan performance trends for years 2005 to 2013-Data analysis of loudness and efficacy. Energy and Buildings. 116, 468-477. Yin, P., Pate, M. B., & Sweeney, J. F. (2016). The impact of operating pressure on residential bathroom exhaust fan performance. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING. 6, 163-172. Bern, C. J., Pate, M. B., & Shivvers, S. (2011). OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF A HIGH-EFFICIENCY PILOT SCALE CORN DISTILLERS GRAINS DRYER. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 27(6), 993-996. Bartels, J. R., Pate, M. B., & Olson, N. K. (2010). An economic survey of hydrogen production from conventional and alternative energy sources. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35(16), 8371-8384. Popovic, P., Shimon, R. L., Pate, M., & Schnur, N. E. (2000). Effects of lubricant miscibility and viscosity on the performance of an R-134a refrigerating system. ASHRAE Transactions. 106. Bittle, R. R., Wolf, D. A., & Pate, M. B. (1998). A Generalized Performance Prediction Method for Adiabatic Capillary Tubes. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 4(1), 27-44. Bittle, R. R., & Pate, M. B. (1996). An experimental evaluation of capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger performance with refrigerant HFC-134A. 36, 87-100. Rewerts, L. E., Huber, J. B., & Pate, M. B. (1996). Effect of R-123 condensate inundation and vapor shear on enhanced tube geometries. ASHRAE Transactions. 102(2), 273-284. Rewerts, L. E., Huber, J. B., & Pate, M. B. (1996). Effect of R-134a inundation on enhanced tube geometries. ASHRAE Transactions. 102(2), 285-296. Moeykens, S. A., Kelly, J. E., & Pate, M. B. (1996). Spray evaporation heat transfer performance of R-123 in tube bundles. ASHRAE Transactions. 102(2), 259-271. Bittle, R. R., & Pate, M. B. (1996). Theoretical model for predicting adiabatic capillary tube performance with alternative refrigerants. ASHRAE Transactions. 102(2), 52-64. Moeykens, S. A., & Pate, M. B. (1996). Effect of lubricant on spray evaporation heat transfer performance of R-134a and R-22 in tube bundles. ASHRAE Transactions. 102(1), 410-426. Reid, R. S., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1991). A Comparison of Augmentation Techniques During In-Tube Evaporation of R-113. Journal of Heat Transfer. 113(2), 451-458. Eckels, S. J., & Pate, M. B. (1991). An experimental comparison of evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients for HFC-134a and CFC-12. International Journal of Refrigeration. 14(2), 70-77. PATE, M. B., AYUB, Z. H., & KOHLER, J. (1991). Heat Exchangers for the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry: State-of-the-Art Design and Technology. Heat Transfer Engineering. 12(3), 56-70. Schlager, L. M., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1990). Evaporation and Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Horizontal, 12.7-mm Microfin Tubes With Refrigerant 22. Journal of Heat Transfer. 112(4), 1041-1047. Schlager, L. M., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1989). Performance of micro-fin tubes with refrigerant-22 and oil mixtures. ASHRAE Journal. 31(11), Razzaque, M. M., Pate, M. B., & Shapiro, H. N. (1989). A novel concept of passive shutdown heat removal in advanced nuclear reactorsApplications to PRISM and MHTGR. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 16(9), 483-486. Schlager, L. M., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1989). Heat transfer and pressure drop during evaporation and condensation of R22 in horizontal micro-fin tubes. International Journal of Refrigeration. 12(1), 6-14. Zhang, Z., Pate, M., & Nelson, R. (1988). An Investigation of a Residential Solar System Coupled to a Radiant Panel Ceiling. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 110(3), 172-179. conference paper Yin, P., Pate, M. B., & Sweeney, J. F. (2016). A Method of Efficacy Estimation for ECM Blowers in Residential Gas Furnaces by Using Blower Rotational Speed. 2016 ASHRAE ANNUAL CONFERENCE PAPERS. Sweeney, J. F., & Pate, M. (2015). Life cycle costs and field performance studies of a domestic rainwater harvesting application in a humid, sub-tropical, metropolitan environment. 334-343. Yin, P., Sweeney, J. F., & Pate, M. B. (2014). The Impact of an ECM Blower on the System Performance of a 5-ton Air Conditioner. ASHRAE Transactions. Yin, P., Sweeney, J. F., & Pate, M. B. (2014). Impact of external static pressure on residential heating and cooling energy use in hot climates. 410-416. Yin, P., Sweeney, J. F., & Pate, M. B. (2014). Residential bathroom exhaust fan energy performance evaluations conducted in a well-instrumented laboratory environment. 508-515. Yin, P., Pate, M. B., Sweeney, J. F., & Kading, J. (2014). The effect of high ambient temperature on the performance of an R410a air conditioner. 350-357. Lineberry, K. R., Pate, M., & Brehm-Stecher, B. (2012). A proposed method of test for spoilage of fruits and vegetables. ASHRAE Transactions. 1008-1012. Pate, M. B. (2009). AN ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH FOR TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE HEAT TRANSFER. 677-683. Bern, C. J., Pate, M. B., & Shivvers, S. (2008). Operating characteristics of a high-efficiency pilot scale corn distillers grain dryer. 6638-6645. Joshi, S. N., Pate, M. B., Nelson, R. M., House, J. M., & Klaassen, C. J. (2007). An experimental investigation of response times for duct-mounted relative humidity transmitters. ASHRAE Transactions. 477-483. Joshi, S. N., Pate, M. B., Nelson, R. M., House, J. M., & Klaassen, C. J. (2005). An experimental evaluation of duct-mounted relative humidity sensors: Part 2 - Accuracy results. ASHRAE Transactions. 167-176. Joshi, S. N., Pate, M. B., Nelson, R. M., House, J. M., & Klaassen, C. J. (2005). An experimental evaluation of duct-mounted relative humidity sensors: Part 3 - Repeatability, hysteresis, and linearity results. ASHRAE Transactions. 177-184. Joshi, S. N., Pate, M. B., Nelson, R. M., House, J. M., & Klaassen, C. J. (2005). An experimental evaluation of duct-mounted relative humidity sensors: Part 1, test and evaluation procedures. ASHRAE Transactions. 169-175. Huebsch, W. W., & Pate, M. B. (2004). A comparative study of shell-side condensation on integral-fin tubes with R-114 and R-236ea. 37-49. Huebsch, W. W., & Pate, M. B. (2004). A comparative study of shell-side condensation on integral-fin tubes with R-114 and R-236ea. ASHRAE Transactions. 40-52. Kang, H. M., & Pate, M. B. (1999). Miscibility comparison for three refrigerant mixtures and four component refrigerants. ASHRAE Transactions. Bittle, R. R., Wolf, D. A., & Pate, M. B. (1998). Generalized performance prediction method for adiabatic capillary tubes. ASHRAE Transactions. 114. Eckels, S. J., Doerr, T. M., & Pate, M. B. (1998). Comparison of the heat transfer and pressure drop performance of R-134a-lubricant mixtures in different diameter smooth tubes and micro-fin tubes. ASHRAE Transactions. 376-386. Eckels, S. J., Doerr, T. M., & Pate, M. B. (1998). Heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops for R-134a and an ester lubricant mixture in a smooth tube and a micro-fin tube. ASHRAE Transactions. 366-375. Rewerts, L. E., Huber, J. B., & Pate, M. B. (1997). Effect of noncondensable gas on the condensation of R-123 on enhanced tube geometries. ASHRAE Transactions. 149-163. Moeykens, S. A., & Pate, M. B. (1995). Effects of nozzle height and orifice size on spray evaporation heat transfer performance for a low-finned, triangular-pitch tube bundle with R-134A. ASHRAE Transactions. 420-433. Moeykens, S. A., Newton, B. J., & Pate, M. B. (1995). Effects of surface enhancement, film-feed supply rate, and bundle geometry on spray evaporation heat transfer performance. ASHRAE Transactions. 408-419. Bittle, R. R., Stephenson, W. R., & Pate, M. B. (1995). Evaluation of the ASHRAE method for predicting capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger performance. ASHRAE Transactions. 434-442. Bittle, R. R., Stephenson, W. R., & Pate, M. B. (1995). Experimental evaluation of capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger performance with R-152a. ASHRAE Transactions. 124-135. Moeykens, S. A., Huebsch, W. W., & Pate, M. B. (1995). Heat transfer of R-134a in single-tube spray evaporation including lubricant effects and enhanced surface results. ASHRAE Transactions. 111-123. Doerr, T. M., Eckels, S. J., & Pate, M. B. (1994). In-tube condensation heat transfer of refrigerant mixtures. ASHRAE Transactions. 547-553. Eckels, S. J., Doerr, T. M., & Pate, M. B. (1994). In-tube heat transfer and pressure drop of R-134a and ester lubricant mixtures in a smooth tube and a micro-fin tube: part I - evaporation. ASHRAE Transactions. 265-282. Eckels, S. J., Doerr, T. M., & Pate, M. B. (1994). In-tube heat transfer and pressure drop of R-134a and ester lubricant mixtures in a smooth tube and a micro-fin tube: part II - condensation. ASHRAE Transactions. 283-294. Zoz, S. C., Berkenbosch, L. J., & Pate, M. B. (1994). Miscibility of seven different lubricants with ten different non-CFC refrigerants. ASHRAE Transactions. 197-206. Huber, J. B., Rewerts, L. E., & Pate, M. B. (1994). Shell-side condensation heat transfer of R-134a - part I: finned-tube performance. ASHRAE Transactions. 239-247. Huber, J. B., Rewerts, L. E., & Pate, M. B. (1994). Shell-side condensation heat transfer of R-134a - part II: enhanced tube performance. ASHRAE Transactions. 248-256. Huber, J. B., Rewerts, L. E., & Pate, M. B. (1994). Shell-side condensation heat transfer of R-134a - part III: comparison with R-12. ASHRAE Transactions. 257-264. Moeykens, S. A., & Pate, M. B. (1994). Spray evaporation heat transfer of R-134A on plain tubes. ASHRAE Transactions. 173-184. Kelly, J. E., Shapiro, H. N., & Pate, M. B. (1993). Analytical investigation of a novel gas refrigeration cycle with a constant volume flow-through regenerator. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). 1-7. Eckels, S. J., Zoz, S. C., & Pate, M. B. (1993). Using solubility data for HFC-134a and ester lubricant mixtures to model an in-tube evaporator or condenser. ASHRAE Transactions. 383-391. Crown, S. W., Pate, M. B., & Shapiro, H. N. (1993). Method to account for energy conservation measure interactions. ASHRAE Transactions. 201-206. Eckels, S. J., Pate, M. B., & Bemisderfer, C. H. (1992). Evaporation heat transfer coefficients for R-22 in micro-fin tubes of different configurations. ASME -Publications- Htd. 117-125. Van Gaalen, N. A., Zoz, S. C., & Pate, M. B. (1991). Solubility and viscosity of solutions of HCFC-22 in naphthenic oil and in alkylbenzene at high pressures and temperatures. ASHRAE Transactions. 100-108. Rusk, R. P., Van Gerpen, J. H., Nelson, R. M., & Pate, M. B. (1990). Development and use of a mathematical model of an engine-driven heat pump. ASHRAE Transactions. 282-290. Gersey, C. O., Shapiro, H. N., & Pate, M. B. (1990). Gravity-assisted heat pipes using micro-fin tubes for applications in air-to-air heat exchangers. ASHRAE Transactions. 148-157. Van Gaalen, N. A., Zoz, S. C., & Pate, M. B. (1990). Measurement of solubility and viscosity of oil/refrigerant mixtures at high pressures and temperatures. Test facility and initial results for R-22/naphthenic oil mixtures. ASHRAE Transactions. 183-190. Schlager, L. M., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1990). Oil quantity measurements in smooth and micro-fin tubes during evaporation and condensation of refrigerant-oil mixtures. ASHRAE Transactions. 465-469. Schlager, L. M., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1989). Evaporation and condensation heat transfer and pressure drop in horizontal, 12.7-mm micro-fin tubes with Refrigerant 22. ASME -Publications- Htd. 205-213. Rajendran, N., & Pate, M. B. (1988). Effect of laser beam velocity on cut quality and surface temperature. ASME -Publications- Htd. 121-127. Reichert, B. A., Nelson, R. M., & Pate, M. B. (1988). Transient response of an air-to-water cross-flow heat exchanger. ASME -Publications- Htd. 291-300. Pate, M. B., & Tree, D. R. (1987). ANALYSIS OF CHOKED FLOW CONDITIONS IN A CAPILLARY TUBE-SUCTION LINE HEAT EXCHANGER. ASHRAE Transactions. 368-380. Reid, R. S., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1987). COMPARISON OF AUGMENTATION TECHNIQUES DURING IN-TUBE EVAPORATION OF R-113. ASME -Publications- Htd. 21-30. Trewin, R. R., Langdon, F. M., Nelson, R. M., & Pate, M. B. (1987). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF A MULTIPURPOSE COMMERCIAL BUILDING WITH THREE DIFFERENT HEATING SYSTEMS. ASHRAE Transactions. 467-481. Smith, T. E., Nelson, R. M., & Pate, M. B. (1987). INTERACTIVE COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR ANALYZING REFRIGERATION CYCLES IN HVAC COURSES. ASHRAE Transactions. 870-882. Khanpara, J. C., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1987). LOCAL EVAPORATION HEAT TRANSFER IN A SMOOTH TUBE AND A MICRO-FIN TUBE USING REFRIGERANTS 22 AND 113. ASME -Publications- Htd. 31-39. Schlager, L. M., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1987). SURVEY OF REFRIGERANT HEAT TRANSFER AND PRESSURE DROP EMPHASIZING OIL EFFECTS AND IN-TUBE AUGMENTATION. ASHRAE Transactions. 392-416. Khanpara, J. C., Bergles, A. E., & Pate, M. B. (1987). COMPARISON OF IN-TUBE EVAPORATION OF REFRIGERANT 113 IN ELECTRICALLY HEATED AND FLUID HEATED SMOOTH AND INNER-FIN TUBES. ASME -Publications- Htd. 35-45. Reid, R. S., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1987). EVAPORATION OF REFRIGERANT 113 FLOWING INSIDE SMOOTH TUBES. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). Zhang, Z., & Pate, M. B. (1987). SEMI-ANALYTICAL FORMULATION FOR HEAT TRANSFER FROM STRUCTURES WITH EMBEDDED TUBES. ASME -Publications- Htd. 17-23. Khanpara, J. C., Bergles, A. E., & Pate, M. B. (1986). AUGMENTATION OF R-113 IN-TUBE CONDENSATION WITH MICRO-FIN TUBES. ASME -Publications- Htd. 21-32. Khanpara, J. C., Bergles, A. E., & Pate, M. B. (1986). AUGMENTATION OF R-113 IN-TUBE EVAPORATION WITH MICRO-FIN TUBES. ASHRAE Transactions. 506-524. Nelson, R. M., & Pate, M. (1986). COMPARISON OF THREE MOIST AIR PROPERTY FORMULATIONS FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. ASHRAE Transactions. 435-447. Reichert, B. A., Nelson, R. M., & Pate, M. B. (1986). COMPUTER SIMULATION OF A CROSS-FLOW HEAT EXCHANGER OPERATING IN A MOIST AIR ENVIRONMENT. 89-96. Trewin, R. R., Pate, M. B., & Nelson, R. M. (1986). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF A GAS-FIRED RADIANT HEATER AND ENCLOSURE. ASHRAE Transactions. 579-588. Zhang, Z., & Pate, M. B. (1986). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF A RADIANT PANEL CEILING AND ENCLOSURE. ASHRAE Transactions. 85-94. Shamdin, R., Pate, M. B., & Nelson, R. M. (1986). INTEGRATING MICROCOMPUTER-BASED SPREADSHEETS INTO A HEATING AND COOLING LOAD DESIGN COURSE. ASHRAE Transactions. 138-150. Zhang, Z., & Pate, M. B. (1986). NUMERICAL STUDY OF HEAT TRANSFER IN A HYDRONIC RADIANT CEILING PANEL. ASME -Publications- Htd. 31-37. Baustian, J. J., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1986). PROPERTIES OF OIL-REFRIGERANT LIQUID MIXTURES WITH APPLICATIONS TO OIL CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT: PART I - THERMOPHYSICAL AND TRANSPORT PROPERTIES. ASHRAE Transactions. 55-73. Baustian, J. J., Pate, M. B., & Bergles, A. E. (1986). PROPERTIES OF OIL-REFRIGERANT LIQUID MIXTURES WITH APPLICATIONS TO OIL CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT: PART II-ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES. ASHRAE Transactions. 74-92. Trewin, R., Pate, M. B., & Nelson, R. M. (1986). THERMAL ANALYSIS OF AN INSTALLED GAS FIRED RADIANT HEATER. ASME -Publications- Htd. 39-50. Zhang, Z., Liu, T., Pate, M., & Nelson, R. (1985). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF A RESIDENTIAL SOLAR SYSTEM COUPLED TO A RADIANT PANEL CEILING. 45-52. Pate, M. B., & Zoz, D. A. (1985). NONDIMENSIONAL STUDY OF HEAT TRANSFER FROM A TWO-REGION SURFACE PROBE. 1470-1481. Pate, M. B., & Zoz, D. A. (1985). TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF A TWO-REGION DECAYING TEMPERATURE SURFACE PROBE. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). Pate, M. B., & Zoz, D. A. (1985). TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF A TWO-REGION DECAYING TEMPERATURE SURFACE PROBE. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). Pate, M. B., Myklebust, A., & Cole, J. H. (1984). COMPUTER SIMULATION OF THE TURBINE FLOW METER ROTOR AS A DRAG BODY. 184-191. Pate, M. B., & Tree, D. R. (1983). TWO-PHASE FLOW MODEL FOR A CAPILLARY TUBE WITH FLASHING AND HEAT EXCHANGE. ASME -Publications- Htd. 75-80.
co-principal investigator on Molecular-Membrane Air Conditioner/Dehumidifier awarded by United States Department of Energy - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2016 - 2020
teaching activities ENGR684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor ITDE485 Directed Studies Instructor ITDE691 Research Instructor MEEN435 Compressed Air Systems Instructor MEEN436 Prin Heat Vent & A/c Instructor MEEN437 Prin Bldg Energy Analy Instructor MEEN469 Alternative Energy Conversion Instructor MEEN485 Directed Studies Instructor MEEN489 Sptp:compressed Air Sys Instructor MEEN669 Alternative Energy Conversion Instructor MEEN684 Professional Internship Instructor MEEN684 Professional Internship Instructor MEEN684 Professional Internship Instructor MEEN685 Directed Studies Instructor MEEN691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Almeida, Agnes (2014-12). Low Delta-T Syndrome Diagnosis and Correction for Chilled Water Plants. Assuncao, Felipe Leite (2016-08). A Numerical Performance Analysis of Heat Recovery Ventilators with Staggered-Baffle Channels. Burgess, Tiffany (2015-08). The Effects of External Temperature on the Energy Consumption of Household Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers. Chen, Meinan (2015-05). Performance Assessment of a Typical Range Hood Ventilation System. Collins, Ryan Steven (2016-12). Range Hood Capture Efficiency Design Modeling. Daugherty, Matthew (2014-05). Flat Oval Spiral Duct Deflection. Elliston, Sean David (2012-05). Acoustic Analysis of R.E.E.L. Semi-Reveberant Sound Chamber. Escatel, Daniel Santiago (2011-05). An Experimental Study and Analysis on Vent Cap Performance. Gangisetti, Kavita (2010-12). Prediction of Room Air Diffusion for Reduced Diffuser Flow Rates. Hardy, Mark James (2010-12). Reducing Air Compressor Work by Using Inlet Air Cooling and Dehumidification. Kamranzadeh, Vahideh (2011-12). An Energy Analysis Of A Large, Multipurpose Educational Building In A Hot Climate. Mero, Claire Renee (2012-05). Design and Construction of a Guarded Hot Box Facility for Evaluating the Thermal Performance of Building Wall Materials. Nagy, Paul (2014-12). Fluctuations in ASHRAE Refrigerant Physical Properties and the Effect on Single and Two Phase Flow. Ravi, Sankaranarayana (2010-12). Performance Evaluation of Reverberant Chamber Background Noise Levels. Rees, Jennifer Anne (2013-05). Energy Recovery Ventilator Membrane Efficiency Testing. Sakurai, Yasuko (2016-09). Energy Consumption and Financial Impact from Capital Projects at Utilities & Energy Services, Texas A&M University. Schaff, Francesco Nima (2014-08). Design and Development of a Vacuum Dehumidification Test Facility. Sweeney, James F (2015-12). The Evaluation of the Sustainability of a Modern Residential Dwelling in a Humid Subtropical Environment. Tanskyi, Oleksandr (2010-12). Analysis of Innovative HVAC System Technologies and Their Application for Office Buildings in Hot and Humid Climates. Tanskyi, Oleksandr (2015-08). Zeolite Membrane Water Vapor Separation for Building Air-Conditioning and Ventilation Systems. Wang, Wei (2011-08). Optimization of VAV AHU Terminal Box Minimum Airflow. Wheeler, Grant Benson (2013-08). An Investigation of Alternative Methods for Measuring Static Pressure of Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. Yin, Peng (2015-08). Duct Design Impacts on Energy Consumptions and Life Cycle Costs for Residential Central Heating and Cooling Systems. Young, James Tirtowijoyo (2016-08). A Compressed Air System Model for Analysis and Design. Zhang, Yupeng (2014-12). A Prediction Model for Adiabatic and Diabatic Capillary Tubes with Alternative Refrigerants.
education and training Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University - (West Lafayette, Indiana, United States) 1982 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Arkansas at Little Rock - (Little Rock, Arkansas, United States) 1978 B.S. in Naval Engineering, United States Naval Academy - (Annapolis, Maryland, United States) 1970
awards and honors ME Professor of the Year Award, conferred by Iowa State University - (Ames, Iowa, United States), 2007 Louis Thompson Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, conferred by Iowa State University - (Ames, Iowa, United States), 2006 Superior Engineering College Teacher Award, conferred by Iowa State University - (Ames, Iowa, United States), 2005 Outstanding Professor Award, conferred by The Engineers Council, 2004 Outstanding Professor Award, conferred by Iowa State University - (Ames, Iowa, United States), 2004
mailing address Texas A&M University Mechanical Engineering 3123 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3123 USA