Briaud, Jean-Louis
Works By Students
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Works By Students
chaired theses and dissertations
Abdelmalak, Remon Melek (2007-12). Soil structure interaction for shrink-swell soils a new design procedure for foundation slabs on shrink-swell soils.
Aghahadi Forooshani, Mohammad (2014-08). Interaction between Drilled Shaft and Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall.
Akrouch, Ghassan (2014-04). Energy Piles in Cooling Dominated Climates.
Asadollahipajouh, Mojdeh (2015-12). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Impact Loads on a Group of Piles.
Ballouz, Marc Youssef (1994-08). LATWAK : an impact test to obtain the lateral static stiffness of piles.
Bernhardt, Michelle Lee (2011-02). 2008 Midwest Levee Failure: Erosion Studies.
Bi, Gang (2015-08). A Power Law Model for Time Dependent Behavior of Soils.
Chaouch, Adel (1994-08). Hydrate melting and related foundation problems.
Chedid, Mabel (2018-11). New In-situ Erosion Test and Maximum Allowable Scour Depth at Bridge Abutments.
Chen, Xingnian (2008-12). Numerical Study of Abutment Scour in Cohesive Soils.
Goudarzi, Anahita (2019-04). Steel and Geosynthetic Reinforcement-Soil Interaction.
Haniffa, Mifrokhah (2019-04). Improvement of The Observation Method to Predict Meander Migration by Using A Probabilistic Analysis.
Jeong, Sangseom (1992-08). Nonlinear three dimensional analysis of downdrag on pile groups.
Keshavarz, Mohammadreza (2018-11). Model Scale Experiment and Full-Scale Numerical Simulations of Geothermal Piles for Cooling Dominated Climate.
Khanna, Sumee (2005-12). Aging effects of environmental factors on rolled erosion control products.
Kim, Kang (2009-05). Design of Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Walls.
Kim, Kukjoo (2011-10). Numerical Simulation of Impact Rollers for Estimating the Influence Depth of Soil Compaction.
Kim, Nak-Kyung (1994-08). A beam-column method for tieback walls.
Kulkarni, Renu Uday (2008-08). A potential technique to determine the unsaturated soil shear strength parameter.
Li, Yanfeng (2004-08). Use of a BCD for compaction control.
Lim, Seok Gyu (2012-07). Development of Design Guidelines for Soil Embedded Post Systems Using Wide-flange I-beam to Contain Truck Impact.
Maddah, Layal . (2019-05). Guidelines for Systems of Barrier-Moment Slab Placed Over Steel and Geosynthetic MSE Walls and Subjected to Impact Levels Tl-3 Through Tl-5.
Makarim, Chaidir Anwar (1986-08). Pressuremeter method for single piles subjected to cyclic lateral loads in overconsolidated clay.
Mirdamadi, Alireza (2014-06). Deterministic and Probabilistic Simple Model for Single Pile Behavior under Lateral Truck Impact.
Montalvo Bartolomei, Axel M (2014-03). Observation Method to Predict Meander Migration and Vertical Degradation of Rivers.
Nicks, Jennifer Elizabeth (2011-02). The Bump at the End of the Railway Bridge.
Oh, Seung Jae (2011-02). Experimental Study of Bridge Scour in Cohesive Soil.
Park, Namgyu (2007-12). A prediction of meander migration based on large-scale flume tests in clay.
Patil, Prashant Madhukar (2019-04). Effect of Confining Pressure on The Cement Treated Soil.
Rezaei Tafti, Somayeh (2018-02). High Speed Train Geotechnics: Numerical and Experimental Simulation of Some Embankment Problems.
Rutherford, Cassandra Janel (2004-12). Design manual for excavation support using deep mixing technology.
Saez Barrios, Deeyvid 1980- (2012-12). Design Guidelines for Test Level 3 (TL-3) Through Test Level 5 (TL-5) Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall.
Saez Barrios, Deeyvid O. (2010-05). Determination of soil properties for sandy soils and road base at Riverside Campus using laboratory testing and numerical simulation.
Seo, Jeong Bok (2003-12). The bump at the end of the bridge: an investigation.
Shafii, Iman (2018-11). Relationship Between Erodibility and Properties of Soils.
Tucker, Stacey Elizabeth (2013-07). Non-Destructive Testing of Subsurface Infrastructure using Induced Polarization and Electrical Resistivity Imaging.
V Govindasamy, Anand (2009-05). Simplified Method for Estimating Future Scour Depth at Existing Bridges.
Wang, Jun (2006-05). The SRICOS-EFA method for complex pier and contraction scour.
Wang, Wei (2005-05). A hydrograph-based prediction of meander migration.
Wang, Yen-Chih (2020-07). Load-Deflection Characteristics of Laterally Loaded Large Diameter Piles.
Yao, Congpu (2013-04). LRFD Calibration of Bridge Foundations Subjected to Scour and Risk Analysis.
Yousefpour, Negin (2013-08). Comparative Deterministic and Probabilistic Modeling in Geotechnics: Applications to Stabilization of Organic Soils, Determination of Unknown Foundations for Bridge Scour, and One-Dimensional Diffusion Processes.
Yu, Ok Y. (2009-05). Systems Approach and Quantitative Decision Tools for Technology Selection in Environmentally Friendly Drilling.
Zhang, Xiong (2004-08). Consolidation theories for saturated-unsaturated soils and numerical simulation of residential buildings on expansive soils.
Zhang, Zihan (2018-11). Measurement of Hydrodynamic Forces on Gravel Particles in the Erosion Function Apparatus.