awards grant
- A Sensor Fusion and Localization System for Improving Vehicle Safety In Challenging Weather Conditions
- Analysis of an Incentive-Based Smartphone App for Young Drivers
- Border Crossing Emissions Impact Study
- Building Equitable Safe Streets for All: Data-Driven Approach and Computational Tools
- Bumps in High Speed Rails: What is Tolerable?
- CYBER-CARE: Transportation Cybersecurity Center for Advanced Research and Education
- Characterizing COTS MCP Worst Case Execution Time
- Characterizing In-Cab Air Quality in Heavy-Duty Diesel Construction Equipment
- Comparison of SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Data to Geometric Design Speed Characteristics on Freeway Ramps
- Creating a Smart Connected Corridor to Support Research into Connected and Automated Vehicles
- Critical Areas in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Safety: Point of Sale and Crash Reporting
- Data Fusion for Non-Motorized Safety Analysis
- Develop a System to Design, Construction and Maintenance of Porous Graded Asphalt (PGA) Surface Courses
- Developing AI-Driven Safe Navigation Tool
- Developing a Transportation, Emissions, and Health Data Hub
- Development of Analytic Method to Determine Weaving Patterns for Safety Analysis near Freeway Interchanges with Access Management Treatments
- Development of Environmentally Friendly Stabilization Methods for Transport Infrastructure Based on Geopolymers
- Development of Geopolymers Based Cement and soil stabilizers for Transportation Infrastructure
- Development of a Diagnostic System for Air Brakes in Autonomous and Connected Trucks
- Development of a Prediction Model for Pipeline Failure Probability based on Learnings from Past Incidents and Pipeline Specific Data using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
- Disaster-Resilient and Self-Assessing Multifunctional Transportation Structures
- Durability and Volumetric Stability of Non-Proprietary Ultra High Performance Concrete Mixes Batched With Locally Sourced Materials
- Dwight David Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship - Charles Gurganus
- Dwight David Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship - Charles Gurganus
- Dwight David Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship - Charles Gurganus
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Graduate Fellowship
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Graduate Fellowship
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship - Charles Gurganus
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship - Tyler Stephen Marr
- Dynamic Live Load Effects of Railroads on Retaining Walls and Temporary Shoring
- Environmentally Sustainable Accelerated Partial Bridge Deck Removal Methods
- Estimating Effects of Driver Age and Distraction on Freeway Operations and Safety Using NDS Data
- Exploring the Safety Impacts of the Older Population’s Access to Automated Vehicles and Telemedicine: A Real-World Experiment in Small and Rural Communities (ENDEAVRide)
- Fatigue and Service Analysis of Railroad Eyebar Members
- Formalizing Human-Machine Communication in the Context of Autonomous Vehicles
- Impacts of Vehicle Fires on Polymer Concrete Bridge Deck Overlays
- Improved Coatings for Pipelines
- Influences on Bicyclists and Motor Vehicles Operating Speed within a Corridor
- Integrated Health Monitoring and Reinforcement of Transportation Structures with Optimized Low-Cost Multifunctional Braided Cables
- Investigating the Roles of Touchscreen and Physical Control Interface Characteristics on Driver Distraction and Multitasking Performance
- K-12 STEM Program: Exploring the Science of Retroreflectivity
- Lacey Brown Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Transfer from Oregon State University
- Legal Tools for and Barriers to Accessing Data Sets in the Age of AV/CV Technologies
- Mapping Indication Severity Using Bayesian Machine Learning from Indirect Inspection Data into Corrosion Severity for Decision-Making in Pipeline Maintenance
- Motorcycle Crash Data Analysis to Support Implementation of a Concrete Barrier Containment Options for Errant Motorcycle Riders
- Numerical Modeling and Parametric Analysis of Grouted Coupler Connections under Varying Impact Loading Conditions
- Older Drivers and Transportation Network Companies: Investigating Opportunities for Increased Safety and Improved Mobility
- Pavement Perspective on AV Safety through Optimizing Lateral Positioning Pattern
- Porous-Graded Asphalt
- Project Investigation of the Correlation between Roadside Safety Hardware and Vehicle Safety Standards Evaluation Criteria
- Reduction of Structural Damage from the Thermal Expansion of Concrete Using Multifunctional Materials
- Reference Machine Vision for ADAS Functions
- Reliability of ABC Grouted Coupler Connected Bridge Piers Subject to Vehicular Impact
- Response of Autonomous Vehicles to Emergency Response Vehicles
- Southwest Region University Transportation Center
- Strength and Fracture Toughness of Railroad Eyebar Members
- Student Incentive Payment (SIP) Program Marketing Strategy
- Topic 2, Behavioral Science and Experimental Economics Approaches for Transportation
- Truck Parking Study: Unveiling the Parking Space Density and Truck Volume Relationship: Phase II