Legal Tools for and Barriers to Accessing Data Sets in the Age of AV/CV Technologies
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This research will explore the data ownership and privacy implications of big data collection and processing to determine whether and how existing data can be accessed, used and analyzed for purposes of safety research, and what terms should be included in consent forms and user agreements such that data can be made available without compromising traveler privacy. The research will be formalized in a report, summarized in written and digital forms, and conducted in five phases: (1) Identification of transportation safety data sets, owners and issues related to access and privacy; (2) Legal analysis to identify terms used in consent forms and user agreements, related to data security, privacy, terms and conditions, and end user licensing; (3) Identification of new technologies or practices to enable sharing of existing data sets; (4) Review of requirements for ethical data collection and use; and (5) Outreach with experts to validate and prioritize the information and standards identified in other phases.