United States Department of State - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States)
awards grant
Continuation of Nuclear Security Engagements with the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and Universities in India
Nuclear Security Culture Development in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Other Selected Countries Through Academic Engagements
Nuclear Security Culture Development in India and Brazil through Academic Engagements along with Nuclear Security Educational Module Development
Nuclear Security Culture Development in India through Academia Engagement in Collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories
Nuclear Security Culture Development through Workforce Training and Academic Engagements for Professionals of Brazil, Egypt, India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE and other PNS Selected Countries
Nuclear Security Culture Development through Workforce Training and Certification for Professionals of Brazil, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Nigeria, UAE and other PNS Selected Countries.
Rdt&E of Vehicle Anti-Ram Barriers
Research for development and transfer of technology in the field of sustainable soil management