selected publications academicarticle Griffith, T. D., Gehlot, V. P., Balas, M. J., & Hubbard, J. E. (2023). An adaptive unknown input approach to brain wave EEG estimation. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 79, 104083-104083. Cloutr, M., Balas, M., Gehlot, V., & Valasek, J. (2022). Linear Quantum State Observers. 3, 1-10. Gehlot, V. P., & Balas, M. J. (2019). Stability of Evolving Systems from a Graph Theoretic Perspective. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 52(20), 121-126. Franquiz, F. J., Muoz, J. D., Udrea, B., & Balas, M. J. (2018). Optimal range observability maneuvers of a spacecraft formation using angles-only navigation. Acta Astronautica. 153, 337-348. Prabhakar, N., Painter, A., Prazenica, R., & Balas, M. (2018). Trajectory-Driven Adaptive Control of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Disturbance Accommodation. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 41(9), 1-14. Magar, K. T., Balas, M., Frost, S., & Li, N. (2017). Adaptive State FeedbackTheory and Application for Wind Turbine Control. Energies. 10(12), 2145-2145. Wang, N. a., Wright, A. D., & Balas, M. J. (2017). Disturbance Accommodating Control Design for Wind Turbines Using Solvability Conditions. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 139(4), 041007. Li, N., Balas, M. J., Yang, H., & Jiang, W. (2016). Numerical Investigation on the Selection of the System Outputs for Feedback Vibration Control of a Smart Blade Section. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics: Transactions of the ASME. 138(3), 031013. Magar, K. T., Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2016). Direct adaptive torque control for maximizing the power captured by wind turbine in partial loading condition. Wind Energy. 19(5), 911-922. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2016). Adaptive Control of Mildly Nonlinear Infinite-Dimensional Systems on Hilbert Space Using a Robust Version of the Lyapunov-Barbalat Theorem. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 49(18), 980-987. Noriega, A., Balas, M. J., & Anderson, R. P. (2016). Robust Adaptive Control of a Weakly Minimum Phase General Aviation Aircraft. Procedia Computer Science. 95, 497-506. Li, N., Balas, M. J., Nikoueeyan, P., Yang, H., & Naughton, J. W. (2016). Stall Flutter Control of a Smart Blade Section Undergoing Asymmetric Limit Oscillations. 2016, 1-14. Magar, K. T., Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. (2015). Direct adaptive control for individual blade pitch control of wind turbines for load reduction. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 26(12), 1564-1572. Li, N., Balas, M. J., Yang, H., Jiang, W., & Magar, K. T. (2015). Numerical Investigation of Flapwise-Torsional Vibration Model of a Smart Section Blade with Microtab. 2015, 1-11. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2014). Aeroelastic Control of Wind Turbine Blade Using Trailing-Edge Flap. Wind Engineering. 38(5), 549-560. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2014). Robust adaptive model tracking for distributed parameter control of linear infinite-dimensional systems in Hilbert space. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. 1(3), 294-301. Magar, K. T., Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2014). Smooth Transitioning of Wind Turbine Operation between Region II and Region III with Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control. Wind Engineering. 38(3), 337-348. Magar, K., Balas, M. J., & Gayme, D. F. (2014). Adaptive Suppression of Inter-Area Oscillation using Multiple Wind Power Systems in a Distributed Parameter Control Methodology. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 47(3), 1886-1891. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2014). Direct Adaptive Control for Infinite-dimensional Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems. Procedia Computer Science. 36, 549-555. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Evolving Systems: Nonlinear Adaptive Key Component Control with Persistent Disturbance Rejection. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences. 60(3-4), 366-377. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2013). Aeroelastic Control of a Wind Turbine Blade Using Microtabs Based on UA97W300-10 Airfoil. Wind Engineering. 37(5), 501-516. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2013). Adaptive Control Design for Aeroelastic Suppression of Wind Turbine Blade. Wind Engineering. 37(2), 183-197. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Evolving Systems: Disturbance Accommodating Adaptive Key Component Control. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 46(19), 535-540. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). The Simplicity of Robust Direct Adaptive Control with Disturbance Rejection for Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems: An Introduction. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 46(11), 464-471. Shriver, P. M., Palo, S. E., Zenick, R. G., & Balas, M. J. (2012). Reward-Lifetime Scheduling Approach to the Autonomous Spacecraft Power Management Problem. Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication. 9(2), 58-67. Frost, S. A., Balas, M. J., & Wright, A. D. (2011). Generator speed regulation in the presence of structural modes through adaptive control using residual mode filters. Mechatronics. 21(4), 660-667. Johnson, K., van Wingerden, J., Balas, M. J., & Molenaar, D. (2011). Special issue on Past, present and future modeling and control of wind turbines. Mechatronics. 21(4), 633-633. VanZwieten, T. S., VanZwieten, J. H., Balas, M. J., & Driscoll, F. R. (2010). Development of an adaptive disturbance rejection system for the rapidly deployable stable platformPart 2 Controller design and closed loop response. Ocean Engineering. 37(14-15), 1367-1379. Frost, S. A., & Balas, M. J. (2010). Evolving systems: Adaptive key component control and inheritance of passivity and dissipativity. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 217(3), 1034-1044. VanZwieten, J. H., VanZwieten, T. S., Balas, M. J., & Driscoll, F. R. (2010). Mitigation of vortex-induced disturbances for the rapidly deployable stable platform. Ships and Offshore Structures. 5(1), 13-24. Frost, S. A., Balas, M. J., & Wright, A. D. (2009). Direct adaptive control of a utilityscale wind turbine for speed regulation. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 19(1), 59-71. Mehiel, E. A., & Balas, M. J. (2007). Determining Strictly Positive Realness from System Modal Characteristics. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 30(5), 1539-1542. Hand, M. M., & Balas, M. J. (2007). Blade load mitigation control design for a wind turbine operating in the path of vortices. Wind Energy. 10(4), 339-355. Frost, S. A., & Balas, M. J. (2007). STABILITY INHERITANCE AND CONTACT DYNAMICS OF FLEXIBLE STRUCTURE EVOLVING SYSTEMS. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 40(7), 479-484. Matras, A. L., Flowers, G. T., Fuentes, R., Balas, M., & Fausz, J. (2006). Suppression of Persistent Rotor Vibrations Using Adaptive Techniques. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics: Transactions of the ASME. 128(6), 682-689. Wright, A. D., Fingersh, L. J., & Balas, M. J. (2006). Testing State-Space Controls for the Controls Advanced Research Turbine. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 128(4), 506-515. Johnson, K. E., Pao, L. Y., Balas, M. J., & Fingersh, L. J. (2006). Control of variable-speed wind turbines: standard and adaptive techniques for maximizing energy capture. IEEE Control Systems. 26(3), 70-81. Hand, M. M., Robinson, M. C., & Balas, M. J. (2006). Wind turbine response to parameter variation of analytic inflow vortices. Wind Energy. 9(3), 267-280. Robertson, L., Balas, M., Tipton, C., & Hammett, K. (2005). Precision Tracking Control Against Dynamic Targets for High-Energy Laser Systems. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 28(1), 30-35. Wright, A. D., & Balas, M. J. (2004). Design of Controls to Attenuate Loads in the Controls Advanced Research Turbine. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 126(4), 1083-1091. Johnson, K. E., Fingersh, L. J., Balas, M. J., & Pao, L. Y. (2004). Methods for Increasing Region 2 Power Capture on a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 126(4), 1092-1100. Wright, A. D., & Balas, M. J. (2003). Design of State-Space-Based Control Algorithms for Wind Turbine Speed Regulation. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 125(4), 386-395. Stol, K. A., & Balas, M. J. (2003). Periodic Disturbance Accommodating Control for Blade Load Mitigation in Wind Turbines. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 125(4), 379-385. Stol, K., Balas, M., & Bir, G. (2002). Floquet Modal Analysis of a Teetered-Rotor Wind Turbine. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 124(4), 364-371. Stol, K., & Balas, M. (2001). Full-State Feedback Control of a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine: A Comparison of Periodic and Constant Gains. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 123(4), 319-326. Bukley, A. P., Johnson, C. D., & Balas, M. J. (2001). Complexity Mitigation By Active Control Applied to Linear Dynamic Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 34(15), 161-166. Fuentes, R. J., & Balas, M. J. (2000). Direct Adaptive Rejection of Persistent Disturbances. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 251(1), 28-39. Hand, M. M., & Balas, M. J. (2000). Systematic Controller Design Methodology for Variable-Speed Wind Turbines. Wind Engineering. 24(3), 169-187. Balas, M. J. (1999). Do All Linear Flexible Structures Have Convergent Second-Order Observers?. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 22(6), 905-908. Lee, Y. J., & Balas, M. J. (1999). Controller Design of Periodic Time-Varying Systems via Time-Invariant Methods. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 22(3), 486-488. Balas, M. J. (1998). Stable Feedback Control of Linear Distributed Parameter Systems: Time and Frequency Domain Conditions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 225(1), 144-167. Balas, M. J., Lee, Y. J., & Robertson, R. (1998). Preliminary modeling and control study of an asymmetric teledesic communication satellite. Control Engineering Practice. 6(6), 715-724. Balas, M. J. (1997). Exponentially Stable Feedback Control of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems on Banach Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 215(2), 358-375. Balas, M. J. (1995). Finite-Dimensional Direct Adaptive Control for Discrete-Time Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 196(1), 153-171. Bansenauer, B. T., & Balas, M. J. (1995). Reduced-Order Model Based Control of the Flexible, Articulated-Truss Space Crane. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 18(1), 135-142. Balas, M. J. (1991). Nonlinear finite-dimensional control of a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems using residual mode filters: A proof of local exponential stability. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 162(1), 63-70. Wen, J., & Balas, M. J. (1989). Robust adaptive control in Hilbert Space. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 143(1), 1-26. Wang, F. Y., & Balas, M. J. (1989). Doubly coprime fractional representations of generalized dynamical systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 34(7), 733-734. Sievers, L., Balas, M. J., & von Flotow, A. (1988). Modeling of web conveyance systems for multivariable control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 33(6), 524-531. Sievers, L. A., & Balas, M. J. (1987). Suboptimal shape control for quasi-static distributed-parameter systems. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 55(3), 403-416. Kaufman, H., Balas, M., Minnick, D., & Musalem, A. (1987). Model Reference Control of Distributed Parameter Systems with Applications to the Scole Problem*. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 20(1), 233-239. Balas, M. J. (1986). Exponentially stabilizing finite-dimensional controllers for linear distributed parameter systems: Galerkin approximation of infinite dimensional controllers. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 117(2), 358-384. Balas, M. J. (1986). Finite-dimensional control of distributed parameter systems by Galerkin approximation of infinite dimensional controllers. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 114(1), 17-36. Balas, M. J. (1985). Distributed parameter control of nonlinear flexible structures with linear finite-dimensional controllers. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 108(2), 528-545. Balas, M. J. (1985). Optimal quasi-static shape control for large aerospace antennae. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 46(2), 153-170. Balas, M. J. (1985). Suboptimality and stability of linear distributed-parameter systems with finite-dimensional controllers. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 45(1), 1-19. Nett, C., Jacobson, C., & Balas, M. (1984). A connection between state-space and doubly coprime fractional representations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 29(9), 831-832. Balas, M. J. (1984). The structure of discrete-time finite-dimensional control of distributed parameter systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 102(2), 519-538. Balas, M. J. (1984). Linear distributed parameter systems: Closed-loop exponential stability with a finite-dimensional controller. Automatica. 20(3), 371-377. Balas, M. J. (1984). Stability of distributed parameter systems with finite-dimensional controller-compensators using singular perturbations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 99(1), 80-108. Balas, M. J. (1984). Feedback control of dissipative hyperbolic distributed parameter systems with finite dimensional controllers. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 98(1), 1-24. Bar-Kana, I., Kaufman, H., & Balas, M. (1983). Model Reference Adaptive Control of Large Structural Systems. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 6(2), 112-118. Balas, M. J. (1983). The galerkin method and feedback control of linear distributed parameter systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 91(2), 527-546. Balas, M. J. (1982). Discrete-Time Stability of Continuous-Time Controller Designs for Large Space Structures. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 5(5), 541-543. Balas, M. (1982). Trends in large space structure control theory: Fondest hopes, wildest dreams. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 27(3), 522-535. Balas, M. J. (1982). Reduced-order feedback control of distributed parameter systems via singular perturbation methods. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 87(1), 281-294. Balas, M. J. (1982). Singular Perurbations in Stable Feedback Control of Distributed Parameter Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 15(5), 241-267. Balas, M. J. (1981). Nonlinear State Estimation and Feedback Control of Nonlinear and Bilinear Distributed Parameter Systems. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 103(2), 78-83. BALAS, M. J. (1980). Enhanced modal control of flexible structures via innovations feedthrough. International Journal of Control. 32(6), 983-1003. Balas, M. (1978). Feedback control of flexible systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 23(4), 673-679. chapter Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2016). Adaptive Control for Weakly Minimum Phase Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space Using a Zero Filter. Springer Optimization and Its Applications. Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering. (pp. 41-63). Springer Nature. Nelson, J. P., Balas, M. J., & Erwin, R. S. (2013). Model Reference Adaptive Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying Input Delays Part I. Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. (pp. 49-59). Springer Nature. Nelson, J. P., Balas, M. J., & Erwin, R. S. (2013). Model Reference Adaptive Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying Input Delays Part II. Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. (pp. 61-71). Springer Nature. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2011). Adaptive Control of Non-minimum Phase Modal Systems Using Residual Mode Filters: Part I. Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. (pp. 213-222). Springer Nature. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2011). Adaptive Control of Non-minimum Phase Modal Systems Using Residual Mode Filters: Part II. Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. (pp. 223-233). Springer Nature. Wen, J., & Balas, M. J. (1986). Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control in Infinite-Dimensional Hilbert Space. Adaptive and Learning Systems. (pp. 309-326). Springer Nature. Balas, M. J. (1983). Singular Perturbations in Stable Feedback Control of Distributed Parameter Systems. Courses and Lectures- International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. Singular Perturbations in Systems and Control. (pp. 241-267). Springer Nature. Balas, M. J. (1983). The mathematical structure of the feedback control problem for linear distributed parameter systems with finite-dimensional controllers. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Control Theory for Distributed Parameter Systems and Applications. (pp. 1-34). Springer Nature. BALAS, M. J. (1982). Toward A More Practical Control Theory for Distributed Parameter Systems. Control and Dynamic Systems. Advances in Theory and Applications. (pp. 361-421). Elsevier. Balas, M. J. (1981). STABILITY OF DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER SYSTEMS WITH FINITE DIMENSIONAL COMPENSATORS VIA SINGULAR PERTURBATION METHODS. Systems Approaches in Computer Science and Mathematics. (pp. 2627-2633). Elsevier. Balas, M. J., & Johnson, C. R. (1980). TOWARD ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF LARGE STRUCTURES IN SPACE. Applications of Adaptive Control. (pp. 313-344). Elsevier. conference paper Griffith, T. D., Gehlot, V. P., & Balas, M. J. (2022). On the Observability of Quantum Dynamical Systems Grifith, T. D., Gehlot, V. P., & Balas, M. J. (2022). Adaptive Estimation of Unknown Inputs with Weakly Nonlinear Dynamics. 5043-5049. de Pablos, J., Bandyopadhyay, S., Quadrelli, M. B., Bayard, D., Bradford, S. C., Gehlot, V. P., & Balas, M. J. (2022). Detection and Mitigation of Transient Instabilities in Deployable Booms Balas, M. J., & Gehlot, V. P. (2022). Exponential Convergent Nonlinear Estimation of the Quantum Density Operator for a Quantum Mechanical Statistical System Using Metric Projection Operators Gehlot, V. P., Balas, M. J., Bandyopadhyay, S., Quadrelli, M. B., Bayard, D., Bradford, S. C., & de Pablos, J. (2022). Multi-Agent Control Approach to the Stability of Linear Deployable Systems Griffith, T., Gehlot, V. P., & Balas, M. J. (2022). Robust Adaptive Unknown Input Estimation with Uncertain System Realization Griffith, T. D., & Balas, M. J. (2021). An Adaptive Control Framework for Unknown Input Estimation Gehlot, V. P., Balas, M. J., Bandyopadhyay, S., Quadrelli, M. B., & Bayard, D. S. (2021). Collision Free Dynamic Stability of Formations Using Projection Based Estimators. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2673-2680. Bandyopadhyay, S., Gehlot, V., Balas, M., Bayard, D. S., & Quadrelli, M. B. (2021). Detection of Transient Instabilities in Multi-Agent Systems and Swarms. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 1216-1223. Gehlot, V. P., & Balas, M. J. (2021). Projection Based Robust Output Feedback Direct Adaptive Systems Balas, M. J. (2020). Augmentation of Fixed Gain Controlled Infinite Dimensional Systems With Direct Adaptive Control Myhre, N., Prazenica, R. J., Balas, M., & Gnanamanickam, E. P. (2020). A Model Reduction Method Using Resolvent Modes to Preserve Forcing Sensitivity Gehlot, V., Balas, M. J., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2020). Dynamic Stability And Adaptive Control of Networked Evolving Formations with Weak Nonlinearities Balas, M. J., Jaisle, J., & Holzapfel, F. (2020). Robustness of Adaptive Control Augmentation of Linear Infinite Dimensional Systems Using the Kato Gap Metric Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2019). Direct Adaptive Control of Non-Minimum Phase Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space Using a Zero Dynamics Estimator. 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 3072-3079. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2019). Direct adaptive control of non-minimum phase linear distributed parameter models of large flexible structures. Proceedings of SPIE. 1096707-1096707-11. Gehlot, V. P., & Balas, M. J. (2019). A Theoretical Framework for the Stable Operation of Autonomous Spacecraft Formations in the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire Frame. Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon / IEEE Southeastcon. IEEE Southeastcon. 1-7. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. (2019). A Direct Adaptive Control Framework For Infinite Dimensional Quantum Systems Prabhakar, N., Prazenica, R. J., & Balas, M. J. (2019). Analysis of Stability Margins w.r.t Aircraft Dynamics and Augmenting Handling Qualities of an Aircraft with Direct Adaptive Controller Balas, M. J., VanZwieten, T., & Hannan, M. (2019). Nonlinear (Lyapunov) Stability of the Space Launch System Flight Control System with Adaptive Augmenting Control Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. (2019). Stabilization of Fixed Gain Controlled Nonminimum Phase Infinite Dimensional Systems with Actuator Dynamics by Augmentation with Direct Adaptive Control Gehlot, V., & Balas, M. J. (2018). An Evolving Systems Approach to the Stable Operation of Dynamic Formations and Swarms of Autonomous Vehicles in a Disruptive Environment Balas, M. J. (2018). Direct Adaptive Control Augmentation of Infinite Dimensional Systems with Actuator Dynamics. Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon / IEEE Southeastcon. IEEE Southeastcon. 1-8. Balas, M. J. (2018). Stabilization of Fixed Gain Controlled Infinite Dimensional Systems With Actuator Dynamics by Augmentation with Direct Adaptive Control Balas, M. J. (2017). Keynote address IV: The role of infinite dimensional direct adaptive control in autonomous systems and quantum information system. 2017 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS). xii-xii. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2017). A Stabilization of Fixed Gain Controlled Infinite Dimensional Systems by Augmentation With Direct Adaptive Control. v002t03a003-v002t03a003. Noriega, A., Balas, M. J., & Martos, B. (2017). Direct Adaptive Augmentation of a Linear Controller for a Plant with Unmatched Uncertainties with an Application to Aircraft Fly-by-Wire Control Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2017). Sensor Blending for Direct Adaptive Control of Non-Minimum Phase Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space. 474-480. Balas, M. J., Aditya, R., Doman, D. B., & Franquiz, F. (2017). Multivariable Direct Adaptive Stability And Command Augmentation of an Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2017). Normal Form for Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space and Its Role in Direct Adaptive Control of Distributed Parameter Systems Balas, M. J., Norriega, A., & Anderson, R. (2017). Sensor Blending with an Application to Robust Direct Adaptive Control of a Non-minimum Phase Aircraft Painter, D. A., Prabhakar, N., Prazenica, R. J., & Balas, M. J. (2017). Trajectory-Driven Adaptive Control of Autonomous UAVs with Disturbance Accommodation Franquiz, F. J., Udrea, B., Sanchez, L. A., & Balas, M. (2016). Adaptive Augmenting Control of Satellite Attitude for Object Tracking from Relative Orbit Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2016). Adaptive Tracking Control for Linear Infinite Dimensional Systems. v002t03a009-v002t03a009. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2016). Direct Adaptive Control for Persistent Disturbance Rejection in Linear Infinite Dimensional Systems. 2542-2547. Aditya, R., Balas, M. J., & Doman, D. B. (2016). Direct Adaptive Stability & Command Augmentation of an Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle. 1-12. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2016). A Zero Filter Augmentation for Robust Adaptive Control of Weakly Minimum Phase Finite-Dimensional Systems Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2016). Adaptive Model Tracking Control for Weakly Minimum Phase Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space Using a Zero Filter Balas, M. J., & Li, N. (2016). Adaptive flow control of rotating wind turbine blades based on the Beddoes-Leishman model using trailing-edge flaps Prabhakar, N., Prazenica, R. J., Gudmundsson, S., & Balas, M. J. (2016). Transient Dynamic Analysis and Control of a Morphing UAV Magar, K. T., & Balas, M. J. (2015). Adaptive State Feedback to Maximize the Power Capture and Reduce the Tower Motion of Wind Turbine in Partial Loading Operation. v001t03a010-v001t03a010. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2015). Adaptive Regulation in the Presence of Persistent Disturbances for Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space: Conditions for Almost Strict Dissipativity. 860-866. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2015). Adaptive Tracking of Infinite-Dimensional Reference Models for Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space. 1270-1277. Magar, K., & Balas, M. J. (2015). Adaptive Individual Blade Pitch Control for Large Wind Turbines with LiDAR Measurement of Wind Speed Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2015). Direct Adaptive Control for Infinite-Dimensional Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems with Application to Controlled Wave-like Behavior Balas, M. J., & Fros, S. A. (2014). Robust Adaptive Model Tracking Control for Linear Infinite Dimensional Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2870-2876. Magar, K. T., & Balas, M. J. (2014). Adaptive Individual Blade Pitch Control to Reduce Platform Pitch Motion of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine: Preliminary Study. v001t03a016-v001t03a016. Magar, K. T., Balas, M. J., & Gayme, D. F. (2014). Adaptive control of inter-area oscillations in wind-integrated power systems using distributed parameter control methods. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 903-907. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2014). Direct Periodic Adaptive Control of the aerodynamic loads of a rotating wind turbine blade using microtabs. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 4428-4433. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2014). Adaptive Aeroelastic Suppression of a Wind Turbine Blade Using Trailing-edge Flap Magar, K. T., & Balas, M. J. (2014). Modeling and Direct Adaptive Control of Utility-Scale Wind Turbines for both Onshore and Offshore Operation. 243-249. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2014). Aeroelastic Vibration Suppression of a Rotating Wind Turbine Blade using Adaptive Control Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Direct Adaptive Control of Discrete-Time Infinite-Dimensional Systems in a Hilbert Space. v04bt04a021-v04bt04a021. Magar, K., Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Direct Adaptive Individual Blade Pitch Control for Large Wind Turbines. v06bt07a084-v06bt07a084. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2013). Flutter Suppression of Wind Turbine Blade Using Adaptive Control. v04at04a007-v04at04a007. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2013). Aeroelastic Suppression of Wind Turbine Blade Using Trailing-Edge Flap. v001t03a002-v001t03a002. Ishihara, A. K., Nguyen, N., & Balas, M. (2013). A stability result for distributed control of the beam. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 3308-3313. Balas, M. J., Magar, K., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Adaptive Disturbance Tracking theory with state estimation and state feedback for region II control of large wind turbines. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2220-2226. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Adaptive Model Tracking for Distributed Parameter Control of Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Hilbert Space Ishihara, A. K., Nguyen, N. T., & Balas, M. J. (2013). Distributed Parameter Control for an Aeroelastic Wing-Engine Model Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Distributed Parameter Direct Adaptive Control Using a New Version of the Barbalat-Lyapunov Stability Result in Hilbert Space Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2013). Flutter Suppression of Rotating Wind Turbine Blade Based on Beddoes-Leishman model using Microtabs Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2013). Discrete-Time Infinite-Dimensional Adaptive Control and Rejection of Persistent Disturbances: To D or Not to D?. 1042-1049. Li, N., & Balas, M. J. (2013). Adaptive flow control of wind turbine blade using Microtabs with unsteady aerodynamic loads. IEEE Green Technologies Conference. 134-139. Magar, K. T., Balas, M., & Frost, S. (2013). Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control with Wind Speed and Partial State Estimation, and State Feedback in Transition Region Control of Large Wind Turbines Magar, K. T., Balas, M., Feng, Y. e., & Frost, S. (2013). Adaptive Pitch Control for Speed Regulation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine : Preliminary Study Frost, S., Goebel, K., Wright, A., & Balas, M. (2013). Integrating Systems Health Management with Adaptive Contingency Control for Wind Turbines Balas, M. J., & Li, N. (2012). Adaptive Control of Flow Over Rotating Wind Turbine Blades Using the Beddoes-Leishman Dynamic Stall Model. 25-32. Balas, M. J. (2012). Adaptive Control of Nonminimum Phase Systems Using Sensor Blending With Application to Launch Vehicle Control. 259-270. Magar, K., Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2012). Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control With Wind Speed Reduced Order State Estimation for Region II Control of Large Wind Turbines. 329-333. Nelson, J. P., Balas, M. J., & Erwin, R. S. (2012). Robust Adaptive Control of Mildly Nonlinear Systems With Time Varying Input/Output Delays. 271-279. Balas, M., & Li, N. (2012). Adaptive Control of Flow over a Wind Turbine Blades Frost, S., & Balas, M. (2012). Evolving Systems: An Outcome of Fondest Hopes and Wildest Dreams Nelson, J., Balas, M., & Erwin, R. (2012). Model Reference Adaptive Control of Linear Systems with Time Varying Input/Output Delays Balas, M., & Frost, S. (2012). Robust Adaptive Control with Disturbance Rejection for Linear Infinite Dimensional Systems Balas, M., Nelson, J., & Frost, S. (2012). A Robustness Theorem for Direct Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems Balas, M., Magar, K. T., & Frost, S. (2012). Large Wind Turbine in Variable Speed Transition Operation: Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control Nelson, J. P., & Balas, M. J. (2012). Model Reference Adaptive Control of Spacecraft Attitude for a PNP Satellite with Unknown Time Varying Input/Output Delays. 1-6. Frost, S., Balas, M., Goebel, K., & Wright, A. (2012). Adaptive Contingency Control: Wind Turbine Operation Integrated with Blade Condition Monitoring Balas, M. J., & Nelson, J. P. (2011). New Robustness Theorem with Application to Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Input/Output Delays. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications. 1437-1442. Balas, M., Nelson, J., Gajendar, S., & Robertson, L. (2011). Robust Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Input/Output Delays Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2011). Adaptive control of linear modal systems using Residual Mode Filters and a simple disturbance estimator. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2338-2343. Naughton, J., Balas, M., Gopalan, H., Gundling, C., Heinz, S., Kelly, R., ... Sitaraman, J. (2011). Turbulence and the Isolated Wind Turbine Frost, S., & Balas, M. (2011). Adaptive Control using Residual Mode Filters Applied to Wind Turbines Balas, M., Magar, K. T., & Frost, S. (2011). Adaptive Tracking Control of Partially Known Signals with Application to Large Wind Turbines In Region II Operation Frost, S., Goebel, K., Frost, A., Trinh, K., & Balas, M. (2011). Integrating Systems Health Management with Adaptive Controls for a Utility-scale Wind Turbine Balas, M. J., & Nelson, J. P. (2011). A New Robustness Theorem for the Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems. 51-54. Balas, M., Li, Q., Magar, K. T., & Frost, S. (2011). Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control for Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines in Variable Speed Transition Operation Balas, M., Magar, K. T., & Li, Q. (2011). Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control for Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines with Disturbance Estimator in Region II Operation Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2011). Evolving Systems: Adaptive Key Component Control With Persistent Disturbance Rejection. 813-820. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2010). Adaptive Control of Flexible Structures using Residual Mode Filters. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2620-2624. Balas, M. (2010). Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Delays and Persistent Disturbances Fagley, C., Balas, M., Seidel, J., Siegel, S., & Mclaughlin, T. (2010). Surface Mounted Flow State Estimation of Reduced Order POD Models: Shear Layer Frost, S. A., Balas, M. J., & Wright, A. D. (2010). Augmented adaptive control of a wind turbine in the presence of structural modes. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2760-2765. Balas, M., Li, Q., & Peterman, R. (2010). Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control for Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines in Variable Speed Region II Operation Balas, M., & Frost, S. A. (2010). Augmented Adaptive Control of Flexible Structures Using Residual Mode Filters. 401-405. Frost, S., Balas, M., & Wright, A. (2010). Modified Adaptive Control for Region 3 Operation in the Presence of Wind Turbine Structural Modes Balas, M. J., & Gajendar, S. (2010). Robust Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems With Input/Output Delays. 1033-1039. Balas, M., Gajendar, S., & Robertson, L. (2009). Adaptive Tracking Control of Linear Systems with Unknown Delays and Persistent Disturbances (or Who You callin' retarded?) Fagley, C., Balas, M., Siegel, S., Seidel, J., & McLaughlin, T. (2009). Reduced Order Model of Cylinder Wake with Direct Adaptive Feedback Control Frost, S., Balas, M., & Wright, A. (2009). Adaptive Control of a Utility-Scale Wind Turbine Operating in Region 3 VanZwieten, T. S., VanZwieten, J. H., Balas, M. J., & Driscoll, F. R. (2009). Direct Adaptive Rejection of Vortex-Induced Disturbances for a Powered Spar Platform. 487-497. Frost, S., & Balas, M. (2008). Adaptive Key Component Controllers for Evolving Systems VanZwieten, T., Balas, M., & VanZwieten, J. (2008). Adaptive Output Tracking and Disturbance Rejection with Saturation Constraints Balas, M., Harvey, S., & Mehiel, E. (2008). Nonlinear Adaptive Control with Persistent Disturbances Fagley, C., & Balas, M. (2008). Reduced Order Model Based Control of Large Scale Aero-Elastic Simulations VanZwieten, T. S., VanZwieten, J. H., Driscoll, F. R., & Balas, M. J. (2008). Adaptive Disturbance Rejection for the Rapidly Deployable Stable Platform when Transferring Cargo in Seas. 1-8. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2008). Adaptive Key Component Control for Nonlinear Evolving Systems. 343-350. Harvey, S., & Balas, M. (2007). Adaptive Attitude Control of Spacecraft Despite Limited Plant Knowledge VanZwieten, T., & Balas, M. (2007). Evolving Systems: Inheriting Stability with Decentralized Adaptive Control Frost, S., & Balas, M. (2007). Stabilizing Controllers for Evolving Systems with Application to Flexible Space Structures Harvey, S. A., Balas, M., Chavez, F., & Robertson, L. R. (2007). A Gradient Estimation Scheme of an External Unknown Torque on a Satellite. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2454-2458. Balas, M. J., & Frost, S. A. (2007). An Introduction to Evolving Systems of Flexible Aerospace Structures. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-6. Balas, M., & Harvey, S. (2007). Residual Mode Filter/Model Reduction Compensation and Application to F-16 Dynamic Models Barber, K., Flowers, G. T., Matras, A., Balas, M., & Fausz, J. (2007). Imbalance Detection and Health Monitoring From Gain Variations in an Adaptive Disturbance Rejection Controller. 1167-1177. Balas, M., Frost, S., & Hadaegh, F. (2006). Evolving Systems: A Theoretical Foundation Wright, A., Fingersh, L., & Balas, M. (2006). Testing State-Space Controls for the Controls Advanced Research Turbine Balas, M. J., Robertson, L., & Fuentes, R. (2006). Tracking and Disturbance Rejection of Inaccessible Signals in Linear Systems. 5655-5660. Matras, A., & Balas, M. (2005). Modification of Adaptive Disturbance Rejection Control for an Active Magnetic Bearing Mehiel, E., & Balas, M. (2005). Some Conditions for Strict Positive Realness of Second Order Systems Johnson, K., Fingersh, L. J., Pao, L., & Balas, M. (2005). Adaptive Torque Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbines for Increased Region 2 Energy Capture Moreira, A., Flowers, G., Matras, A., Balas, M., & Fausz, J. (2005). The Influence of Internal Damping on the Rotordynamic Stability of a Flywheel Rotor With Flexible Hub. 979-984. Balas, M., Hindman, C., & Waters, P. (2004). Control-Based Reduced Order Structures Models for Use in AeroServoElastic Simulations Mehiel, E., & Balas, M. (2004). Adapative Control for a Deployable Optical Telescope Balas, M., Robertson, L., & Fuentes, R. (2004). Tracking Inaccessible Signals in Linear Systems Balas, M., & Fuentes, R. (2004). A non-orthogonal projection approach to characterization of almost positive real systems with an application to adaptive control. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 1911-1916 vol.2-1916 vol.2. Wright, A., & Balas, M. (2004). Design of Controls to Attenuate Loads in the Controls Advanced Research Turbine Johnson, K., Fingersh, L. J., Balas, M., & Pao, L. (2004). Methods for Increasing Region 2 Power Capture on a Variable Speed HAWT Street, B., Balas, M., & Stol, K. (2004). Periodic and Non-Periodic Disturbance Accommodating Control of the Controls Advanced Research Turbine (CART) Johnson, K. E., Pao, L. Y., Balas, M. J., Kulkarni, V., & Fingersh, L. J. (2004). Stability Analysis of an Adaptive Torque Controller for Variable Speed Wind Turbines. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 4087-4094. Hand, M. M., Robinson, M., & Balas, M. (2004). Wind Turbine Response to Analytic Inflow Vortex Parameter Variation Balas, M., Fuentes, R., & Mehiel, E. (2003). Adaptive Control and Rejection of Persistent Disturbances Robertson, L., Balas, M., Tipton, C., & Hammett, K. (2003). Control System Architecture Results for Linking Tracking Control and Open-loop Acquisition Systems Mehiel, E., & Balas, M. (2003). Optimization of Direct Adaptive Disturbance Rejection Systems Wright, A. D., & Balas, M. J. (2003). Design of Modern Controls for the Controlled Advanced Research Turbine (CART). 304-316. Wright, A., & Balas, M. (2003). Design of Modern Controls for the Controlled Advanced Research Turbine (CART) Balas, M. J., Wright, A., Hand, M., & Stol, K. (2003). Dynamics and Control of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 3781-3793. Hand, M. M., Kelley, N. D., & Balas, M. J. (2003). Identification of Wind Turbine Response to Turbulent Inflow Structures. 2557-2566. Matras, A. L., Flowers, G. T., Fuentes, R., Balas, M., & Fausz, J. (2003). Suppression of Persistent Rotor Vibrations Using Adaptive Techniques. 685-693. Schrader, K. N., Fetner, R. H., Balas, M. J., & Erwin, R. S. (2002). Sparse-array phasing algorithm based on recursive estimation of fringe contrast. Proceedings of SPIE. 146-157. Mehiel, E., Balas, M., & Fuentes, R. (2002). A Discrete Time Adaptive Disturbance Rejection and Control Algorithm Applied to a Model of a Deployable Space Telescope Mehiel, E., & Balas, M. (2002). A Rule Based Algorithm that Produces Exponentially Stable Formations of Autonomous Agents Wright, A., & Balas, M. (2002). Design of state-space-based control algorithms for wind turbine speed regulation R. J. Fuentes, .., & M. J. Balas. (2002). Robust model reference adaptive control with disturbance rejection. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 4003-4008 vol.5. Wright, A. D., & Balas, M. J. (2002). Design of State-Space-Based Control Algorithms for Wind Turbine Speed Regulation. 299-309. Stol, K., & Balas, M. (2002). Periodic Disturbance Accommodating Control for Speed Regulation of Wind Turbines. 310-320. Stol, K., & Balas, M. (2002). Periodic disturbance accommodating control for speed regulation of wind turbines Lesoinne, M., Balas, M., & Hindman, C. (2001). A reduced order eigenmodel for an aeroelastic airfoil Stol, K., & Balas, M. (2001). A study of periodic control for a variable speed wind turbine Fuentes, R. J., Schrader, K. N., Balas, M. J., & Erwin, R. S. (2001). Direct Adaptive Disturbance Rejection and Control for a Deployable Space Telescope, Theory and Application. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 3980-3985. Balas, M., Fuentes, R., & Erwin, R. (2000). Adaptive control of persistent disturbances for aerospace structures Fuentes, R., & Balas, M. (2000). Disturbance accommodation for a class of tracking control systems R. J. Fuentes, .., & M. J. Balas. (2000). Direct adaptive disturbance accommodation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 4921-4925 vol.5. Stol, K., Rigney, B., & Balas, M. (2000). Disturbance Accommodating Control of a variable-speed turbine using a symbolic dynamics structural model Hindman, C. W., Balas, M. J., & Lesoinne, M. (2000). Exponential stability of controllers using reduced order actuator and system models with residual mode filters. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 1245-1249 vol.2-1249 vol.2. Lee, Y., & Balas, M. (1999). Low cost space imaging system dynamics and active vibration study Fuentes, R., & Balas, M. (1999). Stable controller design for deployable precision structures using perturbation theory Allen, S., Balas, M., & Counts, L. (1999). A multi-controller approach to horizontal axis wind turbines Freeman, J., & Balas, M. (1999). An investigation of variable speed horizontal-axis wind turbines using direct model-reference adaptive control Balas, M. J. (1999). Exponentially stable feedback control of discrete-time nonlinear distributed parameter systems on Banach spaces. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 1101-1106 vol.2-1106 vol.2. Stol, K., Balas, M., & Bir, G. (1999). Linearized dynamics and operating modes of a simple wind turbine model Balas, M., Lee, Y., & Kendall, L. (1998). Disturbance tracking control theory with application to horizontal axis wind turbines Balas, M. J. (1998). Do all linear flexible structures have convergent second-order observers?. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2319-2323 vol.4-2323 vol.4. Hand, M., & Balas, M. (1998). 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teaching activities MEEN364 Dynamic Syst And Control Instructor MEEN652 Mult Control Sys Desgn Instructor MEEN655 Design Of Non Lin Con Sy Instructor MEEN685 Directed Studies Instructor MEEN689 Sptp: Adapt Contr For Mech Sys Instructor MEEN689 Sptp: Adaptive Contr Mech Sys Instructor MEEN689 Sptp:adaptive Contr Mech Sys Instructor MEEN689 Sptp:contr Of Mech Flex Sys Instructor MEEN691 Research Instructor
education and training M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Denver - (Denver, Colorado, United States) 1974 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Denver - (Denver, Colorado, United States) 1974 B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Akron - (Akron, Ohio, United States) 1965
awards and honors Fellow, conferred by American Society of Mechanical Engineers - (New York, New York, United States), 2015 Fellow, conferred by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - (Piscataway, New Jersey, United States), 2006 AIAA Fellow, conferred by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - (Reston, Virginia, United States), 2002