Liquid and Solid Helium, Spin Polarized Hydrogen Gas, Superconductivity, Magnetic Resonance, Impurity-Helium Solids, Solid Hydrogen.
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Boltnev, R. E., Bykhalo, I. B., Khmelenko, V. V., Krushinskaya, I. N., Lee, D. M., McColgan, P. T., Sheludiakov, S., & Pelmenev, A. A.
(2019).Luminescence of molecular nitrogen in cryogenic plasmas. Low Temperature Physics.
45(7), 732-736.
Sheludiakov, S., Ahokas, J., Jarvinen, J., Lehtonen, L., Vasiliev, S., Dmitriev, Y. A., Lee, D. M., & Khmelenko, V. V.
(2019).Electrons Trapped in Solid Neon-Hydrogen Mixtures Below 1 K. Journal of Low Temperature Physics.
195(3-4), 365-377.
Galbany, L., Hamuy, M., Phillips, M. M., Suntzeff, N. B., Maza, J., de Jaeger, T., ... Williger, G. M.
(2016).UBVRIz LIGHT CURVES OF 51 TYPE II SUPERNOVAE. Astronomical Journal.
151(2), 33-33.
Baron, E., Hoeflich, P., Friesen, B., Sullivan, M., Hsiao, E., Ellis, R. S., ... Thomas, R. C.
(2015).Spectral models for early time SN 2011fe observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
454(3), 2549-2556.
Krisciunas, K., Bastola, D., Espinoza, J., Gonzalez, D., Gonzalez, L., Gonzalez, S., ... Suntzeff, N. B.
145(1), 11-11.
Hamuy, M., Deng, J., Mazzali, P. A., Morrell, N. I., Phillips, M. M., Roth, M., ... Krisciunas, K.
(2009).SUPERNOVA 2003bg: THE FIRST TYPE IIb HYPERNOVA. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ).
703(2), 1612-1623.
Leloudas, G., Stritzinger, M. D., Sollerman, J., Burns, C. R., Kozma, C., Krisciunas, K., ... Thomas-Osip, J.
(2009).The normal Type Ia SN 2003hv out to very late phases. Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A).
505(1), 265-U300.
Elias-Rosa, N., Benetti, S., Turatto, M., Cappellaro, E., Valenti, S., Arkharov, A. A., ... Hillebrandt, W.
(2008).SN 2002cv: a heavily obscured Type Ia supernova. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
384(1), 107-122.
Foley, R. J., Filippenko, A. V., Aguilera, C., Becker, A. C., Blondin, S., Challis, P., ... Zenteno, A.
(2008).Constraining cosmic evolution of type Ia supernovae. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ).
684(1), 68-87.
Kiselev, S. I., Khmelenko, V. V., Lee, D. M., Kiryukhin, V., Boltnev, R. E., Gordon, E. B., & Keimer, B.
(2002).Structural studies of impurity-helium solids. Physical review B (PRB).
65(2), 024517-2451712.
Arrow, K. J., Axelrod, J., Benacerraf, B., Berg, P., Bishop, J. M., Bloembergen, N., ... Wilson, R. W.
(2001).Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush. Washington post (Washington, D.C. : 1974).
Rodrguez, E., Claret, A., Garca, J. M., Zerbi, F. M., Garrido, R., Martn, S., ... Jiang, S. Y.
(1998).HD 163151: A new W UMa type system. Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A).
336(3), 920-924.
Balona, L. A., Bhm, T., Foing, B. H., Ghosh, K. K., Janot-Pacheco, E., Krisciunas, K., ... Hearnshaw, J. B.
(1996).Line profile variations in Doradus. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
281(4), 1315-1325.
Thompson, D., Lovelace, R., & Lee, D. M.
(1989).Storage rings for spin-polarized hydrogen. Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics.
6(11), 2227-2227.
Fried, R. E., Eaton, J. A., Hall, D. S., Henry, G. W., Vaucher, C. A., Hopkins, J. L., ... Renner, T. R.
(1983).Five years of photometry of geminorum. Astrophysics and Space Science: an international journal of astronomy, astrophysics and space science.
93(2), 305-311.
Eaton, J. A., Hall, D. S., Henry, G. W., Hopkins, J. L., Krisciunas, K., Landis, H. J., ... Stelzer, H. J.
(1983).The photometric period of 39 AY Ceti. Astrophysics and Space Science: an international journal of astronomy, astrophysics and space science.
93(2), 271-276.
Boyd, R. W., Eaton, J. A., Hall, D. S., Henry, G. W., Genet, R. M., Lovell, L. P., ... Montle, R. E.
(1983).Five years of photometry of andromedae. Astrophysics and Space Science: an international journal of astronomy, astrophysics and space science.
90(1), 197-206.
Lee, D. M.
(1983).Otfried Heybey. Physics Today.
36(1), 93-93.
Fried, R. E., Eaton, J. A., Hall, D. S., Henry, G. W., Lovell, L. P., Krisciunas, K., ... Skillman, D. R.
(1982).HR 7275: A new variable star. Astrophysics and Space Science: an international journal of astronomy, astrophysics and space science.
83(1-2), 181-188.
Giannetta, R. W., Smith, E. N., & Lee, D. M.
(1981).Pulsed NMR studies of superfluid3He. Journal of Low Temperature Physics.
45(3-4), 295-333.
Yurke, B., Denker, J. S., Johnson, B. R., Freed, J. H., & Lee, D. M.
(1981).A cryostat for investigating spin polarized hydrogen. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter & C: Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics, Optics.
107(1-3), 521-522.
deVegvar, P., Yan, S. S., Sagan, D., Polturak, E., & Lee, D. M.
(1981).Ultrasonic studies of saturation and relaxation in 3HeB. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter & C: Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics, Optics.
107(1-3), 683-684.
Hsue, S. T., Stewart, J. E., Kaieda, K., Halbig, J. K., Phillips, J. R., Lee, D. M., Hatcher, C. R., & Dermendjiev, E.
8(3), 62-70.
Gully, W. J., Gould, C. M., Richardson, R. C., & Lee, D. M.
(1975).Electric field experiments on superfluid 3He-A. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics.
55(1), 27-28.
Bozler, H. M., Bernier, M., Gully, W. J., Richardson, R. C., & Lee, D. M.
(1974).NMR Studies of the A Phase of Liquid He3. Physical Review Letters.
32(16), 875-878.
Lawson, D. T., Gully, W. J., Goldstein, S., Reppy, J. D., Lee, D. M., & Richardson, R. C.
(1973).The low temperature viscosity of normal liquid3He. Journal of Low Temperature Physics.
13(5-6), 503-523.
Corruccini, L. R., Osheroff, D. D., Lee, D. M., & Richardson, R. C.
(1972).Spin-wave phenomena in liquid3He systems. Journal of Low Temperature Physics.
8(3-4), 229-254.