selected publications academicarticle Cortes, I., & Kim, W. (2022). Automated Alignment With Respect to a Moving Inductive Wireless Charger. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 8(1), 605-614. Cortes, I., & Kim, W. (2018). Lateral Position Error Reduction Using Misalignment-Sensing Coils in Inductive Power Transfer Systems. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. 23(2), 875-882. Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, W. (2017). Two-Phase Lorentz Coils and Linear Halbach Array for Multiaxis Precision-Positioning Stages With Magnetic Levitation. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. 22(6), 2662-2672. Kwon, Y., & Kim, W. (2017). Electromagnetic Analysis and Steady-State Performance of Double-Sided Flat Linear Motor Using Soft Magnetic Composite. 64(3), 2178-2187. Chang, Y., & Kim, W. (2017). An electrical model with equivalent elements in a time-variant environment for an ionic-polymer-metal-composite system. 15(1), 45-53. Kwon, Y., & Kim, W. (2016). Steady-State Modeling and Analysis of a Double-Sided Interior Permanent-Magnet Flat Linear Brushless Motor With Slot-Phase Shift and Alternate Teeth Windings. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 52(11), 1-11. Yu, H. o., & Kim, W. (2016). Design of precision positioner with Hall-effect sensors and multivariable control methodology. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 14(3), 787-795. Kwon, Y., & Kim, W. (2016). Detent-Force Minimization of Double-Sided Interior Permanent-Magnet Flat Linear Brushless Motor. 52(4), 1-9. Kwon, Y., & Kim, W. (2014). Development of a New High-Resolution Angle-Sensing Mechanism Using an RGB Sensor. 19(5), 1707-1715. Dong, J., & Kim, W. (2014). Bandwidth allocation and scheduling of networked control systems with exponential and quadratic approximations. Control Engineering Practice. 26(1), 72-81. Dong, J., & Kim, W. (2014). Experimental analysis and implementation of a multiscale wireless/wired networked control system. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 12(1), 102-110. Silva-Rivas, J. C., & Kim, W. (2013). Multivariable Control and Optimization of a Compact 6-DOF Precision Positioner With Hybrid ${cal H}_{2}/{cal H}_{infty}$ and Digital Filtering. 21(5), 1641-1651. Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, W. (2013). Design and Control of a Compact Lightweight Planar Positioner Moving over a Concentrated-Field Magnet Matrix. 18(3), 1090-1099. Chang, Y., & Kim, W. (2013). Aquatic ionic-polymer-metal-composite insectile robot with multi-DOF legs. 18(2), 547-555. Bibinagar, N., & Kim, W. (2013). Switched Ethernet-Based Real-Time Networked Control System with Multiple-ClientServer Architecture. 18(1), 104-112. Dong, J., & Kim, W. (2012). Markov-chain-based output feedback control for stabilization of networked control systems with random time delays and packet losses. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 10(5), 1013-1022. Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, W. (2012). Novel Electromagnetic Design for a Precision Planar Positioner Moving Over a Superimposed Concentrated-Field Magnet Matrix. 27(1), 52-62. Chen, I., Benbouzid, M., Ding, H., Kim, W., & Menq, C. (2011). Guest Editorial Introduction to the Focused Section on Electromagnetic Devices for Precision Engineering. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. 16(3), 401-410. Sadighi, A., & Kim, W. (2011). Adaptive-Neuro-Fuzzy-Based Sensorless Control of a Smart-Material Actuator. 16(2), 371-379. Shakir, H., & Kim, W. (2011). Time-domain fixed-structure closed-loop model identification of an unstable multivariable maglev nanopositioning system. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 9(1), 32-41. Sadighi, A., & Kim, W. (2011). Sensorless Control of a Novel Linear Magnetostrictive Motor. 47(2), 736-743. Yu, H. o., & Kim, W. (2010). A Compact Hall-Effect-Sensing 6-DOF Precision Positioner. 15(6), 982-985. Lee, S., & Kim, W. (2010). Active Suspension Control With Direct-Drive Tubular Linear Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motor. 18(4), 859-870. Kim, W., & Sadighi, A. (2010). A Novel Low-Power Linear Magnetostrictive Actuator with Local Three-Phase Excitation. 15(2), 299-307. Yu, H., & Kim, W. (2008). Controller design and implementation of six-degree-of-freedom magnetically levitated positioning system with high precision. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 222(I8), 745-756. Ji, K., & Kim, W. J. (2008). Optimal bandwidth allocation and QoS-adaptive control co-design for networked control systems. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 6(4), 596-606. Kim, W., & Verma, S. (2007). Multiaxis Maglev Positioner With Nanometer Resolution Over Extended Travel Range. 129(6), 777-785. Kim, W., Verma, S., & Shakir, H. (2007). Design and precision construction of novel magnetic-levitation-based multi-axis nanoscale positioning systems. Precision Engineering. 31(4), 337-350. Ji, K., & Kim, W. J. (2007). Stochastic optimal control and network co-design for networked control systems. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 5(5), 515-525. Shakir, H., & Kim, W. (2007). Multiscale Control for Nanoprecision Positioning Systems With Large Throughput. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 15(5), 945-951. Ji, K., & Kim, W. J. (2007). Robust control for networked control systems with admissible parameter uncertainties. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 5(4), 372-378. Ji, K., Kim, W., & Srivastava, A. (2007). INTERNET-BASED REAL-TIME CONTROL ARCHITECTURES WITH TIME-DELAY/PACKET-LOSS COMPENSATION. 9(1), 45-49. Ji, K., & Kim, W. (2007). Stabilization of Networked Control System with Time Delays and Data-packet Losses. European Journal of Control. 13(4), 343-350. Hu, T., & Kim, W. (2006). Extended Range Six-DOF High-Precision Positioner for Wafer Processing. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. 11(6), 682-689. Kawato, Y., & Kim, W. (2006). Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Precision Position Sensing and Motion Control Using Two-Axis Hall-Effect Sensors. 128(4), 980-988. Yun, K., & Kim, W. (2006). System identification and microposition control of ionic polymer metal composite for three-finger gripper manipulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 220(7), 539-551. Shakir, H., & Kim, W. (2006). Nanoscale Path Planning and Motion Control with Maglev Positioners. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. 11(5), 625-633. Kim, W., Ji, K., & Ambike, A. (2006). Networked real-time control strategy dealing with Stochastic time delays and packet losses. 128(3), 681-685. Yun, K., & Kim, W. (2006). Microscale position control of an electroactive polymer using an anti-windup scheme. Smart Materials and Structures. 15(4), 924-930. Verma, S., Shakir, H., & Kim, W. (2006). Novel Electromagnetic Actuation Scheme for Multiaxis Nanopositioning. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 42(8), 2052-2062. Kim, W., Ji, K., & Ambike, A. (2006). Real-Time Operating Environment for Networked Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 3(3), 287-296. Hu, T., & Kim, W. J. (2006). Modeling and multivariable control of a novel multi-dimensional levitated stage with high precision. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 4(1), 1-9. Kim, W. J., Ji, K., & Srivastava, A. (2006). Network-based control with real-time prediction of delayed/lost sensor data. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 14(1), 182-185. Joshi, A., & Kim, W. (2005). Modeling and Multivariable Control Design Methodologies for Hexapod-Based Satellite Vibration Isolation. 127(4), 700-704. Ji, K., & Kim, W. J. (2005). Real-time control of networked control systems via Ethernet. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 3(4), 591-600. Verma, S., Kim, W., & Shakir, H. (2005). Multi-Axis Maglev Nanopositioner for Precision Manufacturing and Manipulation Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. 41(5), 1159-1167. Gu, J., Kim, W., & Verma, S. (2005). Nanoscale motion control with a compact minimum-actuator magnetic levitator. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 127(3), 433-442. Kim, W. J., & Murphy, B. C. (2004). Development of a novel direct-drive tubular linear brushless permanent-magnet motor. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2(3), 279-288. Verma, S., Kim, W., & Gu, J. (2004). Six-Axis Nanopositioning Device With Precision Magnetic Levitation Technology. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. 9(2), 384-391. Joshi, A., & Kim, W. (2004). System identification and multivariable control design for a Satellite UltraQuiet Isolation Technology Experiment (SUITE). European Journal of Control. 10(2), 174-186. Kim, W. J. (2003). Nanoscale dynamics, stochastic modeling, and multivariable control of a planar magnetic levitator. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 1(1), 1-10. Kim, W., Goldie, J. H., Gerver, M. J., Kiley, J. E., & Swenbeck, J. R. (2002). Extended-Range Linear Magnetostrictive Motor With Double-Sided Three-Phase Stators. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. 38(3), 651-659. Gerver, M. J., Goldie, J. H., Kim, W. J., Kiley, J., & Swenbeck, J. R. (2000). Force capability of a planar peristaltic Terfenol-D motor. MRS Online Proceedings Library. 604, 261-266. Kim, W., Trumper, D. L., & Lang, J. H. (1998). Modeling and vector control of planar magnetic levitator. 34(6), 1254-1262. Kim, W., & Trumper, D. L. (1998). High-precision magnetic levitation stage for photolithography. Precision Engineering. 22(2), 66-77. Kim, W. J., & Trumper, D. L. (1997). Linear motor-leviated stage for photolithography. CIRP annals. 46(1), Trumper, D. L., Kim, W., & Williams, M. E. (1996). Design and analysis framework for linear permanent-magnet machines. 32(2), 371-379. conference paper Cortes, I., & Kim, W. (2018). Autonomous Positioning of a Mobile Robot for Wireless Charging Using Computer Vision and Misalignment-Sensing Coils. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 4324-4329. Cortes, I., & Kim, W. (2017). Using Sensing Coils to Detect and Correct Lateral Misalignments in an Inductive Power-Transfer Wireless Charging System. v002t18a001-v002t18a001. Chen, J., & Kim, W. (2016). Development of a Mobile Robot Providing a Natural Way to Interact With Electronic Devices. v001t03a003-v001t03a003. Algethami, A. A., & Kim, W. (2016). Energy Harvesting and Damping Capability of Quarter-Car Test Bed. v001t13a002-v001t13a002. Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, W. (2016). Parameter Identification for Nanopositioning of a 6-Axis Maglev Stage with Moving Lorentz Coils. 657-662. Chang, Y., & Kim, W. (2015). A Linear Time-Variant (LTV) Ionic-Polymer-Metal-Composite (IPMC) Electrical Model With Effects of Capacitors and Resistors. v002t34a004-v002t34a004. Kim, K., & Kim, W. J. (2015). Performance-index functions in networked control systems with disturbance and noise Kwon, Y., & Kim, W. (2014). A Low-Cost Rotary Optical Potentiometer Mechanism Based on Optoelectronics Technique. v003t44a003-v003t44a003. Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, W. (2014). A Two-Phase Framework for Linear Permanent-Magnet Machines and Multi-Axis Stages With Magnetic Levitation. v003t45a001-v003t45a001. Kwon, Y., & Kim, W. (2013). A New Rotary Position-Control System With Color Sensing. v003t40a002-v003t40a002. Chang, Y., & Kim, W. (2013). An Ionic-Polymer-Metal-Composite Electrical Model With a Linear Time-Variant Method. v003t42a002-v003t42a002. Dong, J., & Kim, W. (2013). Bandwidth Allocation of Networked Control Systems With Exponential Approximation. v002t20a002-v002t20a002. Nguyen, V. H., & Kim, W. (2011). Design and Control of a Compact Light-Weight Planar Positioner Moving Over a Concentrated-Field Magnet Matrix. 9-16. Chang, Y., & Kim, W. (2011). Design and Implementation of an Ionic-Polymer-Metal-Composite Aquatic Biomimetic Robot. 411-418. Hsieh, P., & Kim, W. (2010). Autonomous Robotic Wheelchair with Collision-Avoidance Navigation and Real-Time Path Planning. 1396-1401. Sadighi, A., & Kim, W. (2010). Intelligent Sensorless Control of a Smart-Material Actuator. 248-253. Sadighi, A., & Kim, W. (2009). Sensorless Control of a Novel Linear Magnetostrictive Motor. 1726-1731. Kim, W., & Sadighi, A. (2009). Design and relay-based control of a novel linear magnetostrictive motor. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 3482-3487. Lee, S., & Kim, W. (2009). Active Suspension Control with Direct-Drive Tubular Linear Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motor. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 5498-5503. Ji, K., & Kim, W. (2007). Optimal Bandwidth Allocation and QoS-Adaptive Control Co-Design for Networked Control Systems. 831-839. Shakir, H., & Kim, W. (2007). Discrete-Time Closed-Loop Model Identification of Fixed-Structure Unstable Multivariable Systems. 1119-1127. Kawato, Y., & Kim, W. J. (2005). A novel multi-DOF precision positioning methodology using two-axis Hall-effect sensors. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 3042-3047. Shakir, H., & Kim, W. J. (2005). Nanoscale path planning and motion control. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 3604-3609. Kim, W. J., Ji, K., & Ambike, A. (2005). Networked real-time control strategies dealing with stochastic time delays and packet losses. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 621-626. Ambike, A., Kim, W. J., & Ji, K. (2005). Real-time operating environment for networked control systems. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2353-2358. Shakir, H., & Kim, W. (2005). Multiscale Control to Meet the Conflicting Nanoscale Performance Requirements. 1287-1293. Ji, K., & Kim, W. (2005). Robust Control for Networked Control Systems With Admissible Parameter Uncertainties. 59-66. Yu, H., & Kim, W. J. (2005). Contoller design and implementation of 6-DOF magnetically levitated positioner with high-precision. 559-569. Kim, W., & Verma, S. (2005). Multi-Axis Maglev Positioner With High Resolution Over Large Travel Range. 1295-1305. Verma, S., Kim, W. J., & Shakir, H. (2004). Multi-axis maglev nanopositioner for precision manufacturing and manipulation applications. Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 2084-2091. Kim, W. J., Hu, T., & Bhat, N. D. (2004). Design and control of a 6-DOF high-precision integrated positioner. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2493-2498. Kim, W. J., & Verma, S. (2004). Fabrication and control of a 6-DOF magnetic levitation stage with nanopositioning capability. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 2487-2492. Murphy, B. C., & Kim, W. J. (2004). Intuitive representation of gain schedulers to facilitate their design and tuning. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 1115-1120. Bhat, N. D., & Kim, W. J. (2004). Precision position control of ionic polymer metal composite. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 740-745. Bhat, N., & Kim, W. (2004). Precision force and position control of an ionic polymer metal composite. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 421-432. Kim, W., Bhat, N., & Hu, T. (2004). Integrated multidimensional positioner for precision manufacturing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 431-442. Shakir, H., Kim, W., & Verma, S. (2004). System Identification and Optimal Control of a 6-DOF Magnetic Levitation Stage With Nanopositioning Capabilities. 957-964. Ji, K., Ambike, A., & Kim, W. (2004). Control Strategies for Distributed Real-Time Control With Time Delays and Packets Losses. 547-553. Hu, T., & Kim, W. (2004). Modeling and Multivariable Control of a High Precision Multidimensional Positioner. 949-956. Srivastava, A., & Kim, W. J. (2003). Supervisory control via the Internet and time delay estimation. 574-579. Kim, W. J., & Murphy, B. C. (2003). Development of a Novel Direct-Drive Tubular Linear Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motor. Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 1664-1671. Srivastava, A., & Kim, W. J. (2003). Internet-based supervisory control and stability analysis for time delay. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 627-632. Joshi, A., & Kim, W. J. (2003). Modeling and 6-DOF Vibration Reduction for a Spacecraft with Precision Sensors. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 1122-1127. Bhat, N., & Kim, W. (2003). Estimation and reduction of the adhesion forces between ionic polymer metal composite and micro-objects. Proceedings of SPIE. 125-132. Bhat, N., & Kim, W. (2003). System identification and control of ionic polymer metal composite. Proceedings of SPIE. 526-535. Kim, W., & Murphy, B. C. (2003). Design and Construction of a Novel Tubular Linear Motor With Controller for Robotics Applications. 475-484. Kim, W., Hu, T., & Bhat, N. (2003). Design and Control of a 6-DOF Positioner With High Precision. 1387-1394. Kim, W., Verma, S., & Gu, J. (2003). Maglev 6-DOF Stage for Nanopositioning. 1363-1370. Bhat, N., & Kim, W. (2003). Precision Control of Force Produced by Ionic Polymer Metal Composite. ASME -Publications- Bed. 285-291. Kim, W., Maheshwari, H., & Gu, J. (2002). Maglev Linear Actuator for Nanopositioning. 377-381. Kim, W. J., & Maheshwari, H. (2002). High-precision control of a maglev linear actuator with nanopositioning capability. Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference. 4279-4284. Kim, W. (2002). Precision Dynamics, Stochastic Modeling, and Multivariable Control of Planar Magnetic Levitator. 1-6. Joshi, A. A., & Kim, W. (2002). System Identification and Multivariate Controller Design for a Satellite Ultraquiet Isolation Technology Experiment (SUITE). 595-603. Kim, W. (2001). Six-axis nano-positioning with planar magnetic levitation. 174-179. Kim, W. J., Goldie, J. H., Gerver, M. J., Kiley, J., & Swenbeck, J. R. (1999). Extended-range linear magnetostrictive motor with double-sided three-phase stators. Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 1215-1222. Kim, W. J., & Trumper, D. L. (1999). Velocity regulation limits in a precision two-dimensional magnetic levitator. Digests of the Intermag Conference. Kim, W. J., & Trumper, D. L. (1997). Active multivariable optimal control of a planar magnetic levitator. 97-102. Kim, W. J., Trumper, D. L., & Lang, J. H. (1997). Modeling and vector control of a planar magnetic levitator. Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 349-356. Kim, W. J., Berhan, M. T., Trumper, D. L., & Lang, J. H. (1996). Analysis and implementation of a tubular motor with Halbach magnet array. Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 471-478. Trumper, D. L., Kim, W. J., & Williams, M. E. (1994). Design and analysis framework for linear permanent magnet machines. Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 216-223. patent Kim, W. (2005). Method and apparatus for magnetically generating motion with high precision
teaching activities MEEN363 Dynamics And Vibrations Instructor MEEN364 Dynamic Syst And Control Instructor MEEN365 Dynamic Syst & Control Lab Instructor MEEN431 Adv Syst Dynamic & Cntrl Instructor MEEN433 Mechatronics Instructor MEEN434 Dyn & Mod Mechtro Sys Instructor MEEN485 Directed Studies Instructor MEEN491 Hnr-research Instructor MEEN634 Mechatron Sys Dyn&mod Instructor MEEN667 Mechatronics Instructor MEEN684 Professional Internship Instructor MEEN684 Professional Internship Instructor MEEN685 Directed Studies Instructor MEEN691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Algethami, Abdullah Ayedh B (2017-12). Regenerative Suspension System Modeling and Control. Allen, Justin Aaron (2008-08). Design of active suspension control based upon use of tubular linear motor and quarter-car model. Berg, Forrest Bradly (2016-08). Lane Keeping and Pedestrian Avoidance for a Vision-Based Autonomous Test Vehicle. Bibinagar, Naveen Kumar (2010-10). Robustness of Ethernet-Based Real-Time Networked Control System with Multi-Level Client/Server Architecture. Chang, Yi-Chu (2013-05). Design and Implementation of an Ionic-Polymer-Metal-Composite Biomimetic Robot. Chao, Ying-Chin (2010-07). Unmanned Cooperative Fire-Seeking and -Fighting Robot with Bluetooth Communication and Stair-Climbing Capability. Chen, Chien-Fan (2010-10). Closed-loop Real-time Control of a Novel Linear Magnetostrictive Actuator. Chen, Jinfa (2015-12). An Intelligent Human-Tracking Robot Based-on Kinect Sensor. Chintala, Rohit (2012-10). Experimental Validation of a Numerical Controller Using Convex Optimization with Linear Matrix Inequalities on a Quarter-Car Suspension System. Cortes, Ivan (2017-07). Automatic Positioning System for Inductive Wireless Charging Devices and Application to Mobile Robot. Dong, Jiawei (2013-04). Output Feedback Control and Optimal Bandwidth Allocation of Networked Control Systems. Fu, Jianxi (2018-07). A Non-intrusive Method for Mechanical Measurements in Constant Frequency Electric Motors. Guerrero, Roberto (2015-04). Low-cost Rigid-frame Exoskeleton Glove with Finger-joint Flexion Tracking Mapped onto a Robotic Hand. Hsieh, Pin-Chun (2008-08). Autonomous robotic wheelchair with collision-avoidance navigation. Hu, Tiejun (2006-05). Design and control of a 6-Degree-of-Freedom levitated positioner with high precision. Ji, Kun (2003-05). Real-time control over networks. Kawato, Yusuke (2003-05). Multi-DOF precision positioning methodology using two-axis Hall-effect sensors. Kim, Young Ha (2012-02). Modeling and Vibration Control with a Nanopositioning Magnetic-Levitation System. Kwon, Young Shin (2016-08). Development of Double-Sided Interior Permanent Magnet Flat Linear Brushless Motor and Its Control Using Linear Optical Potentiometer. Lee, Minhyung (2010-01). Real-Time Networked Control with Multiple Clients. Lee, Seungho (2010-01). ACTIVE SUSPENSION CONTROL WITH DIRECT-DRIVE TUBULAR LINEAR BRUSHLESS PERMANENT-MAGNET MOTOR. Minocher Homji, Ruzbeh Adi (2005-08). Intelligent pothole repair vehicle. Nelson, Andrew Christian (2017-07). Precision Position Control Using an RGB Sensor and Linearized Output Variable-Intensity Color Array. Nguyen, Vu Huy (2012-07). A Multi-axis Compact Positioner with a 6-coil Platen Moving Over a Superimposed Halbach Magnet Matrix. Nguyen, Vu Huy (2015-11). Universal Framework for Linear Motors and Multi-Axis Stages with Magnetic Levitation. Rogers, Adam Gregory (2009-05). Precision mechatronics lab robot development. Sadighi, Ali (2010-10). Development of a Novel Linear Magnetostrictive Actuator. Shakir, Huzefa (2003-05). Control strategies and motion planning for nanopositioning applications with multi-axis magnetic-levitation instruments. Silva Rivas, Jose Christian (2012-02). Control and Optimization of a Compact 6-Degree-of-Freedom Precision Positioner Using Combined Digital Filtering Techniques. Stricklin, Bradford William (2017-12). DESIGN AND CONTROL OF A HIGH-PRECISION PERMANENT-MAGNET AC MOTOR USING A HALBACH MAGNET ARRAY. Verma, Shobhit (2005-08). Development of novel high-performance six-axis magnetically levitated instruments for nanoscale applications. Vickers, Jason Aaron (2003-05). The development and implementation of an ionic-polymer-metal-composite propelled vessel guided by a goal-seeking algorithm. Yu, Ho (2005-08). Controller design and implementation for a 6-degree-of-freedom magnetically levitated positioner with high precision. Yun, Kwan Soo (2003-05). A novel three-finger IPMC gripper for microscale applications. Zhu, Ruikang (2014-08). Repetitive Control of a Novel Linear Magnetostrictive Actuator.
education and training Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) 1997 M.S. in Control Engineering, Seoul National University - (Seoul, South Korea) 1991 B.S. in Control Engineering, Seoul National University - (Seoul, South Korea) 1989
awards and honors Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2013 Fellow, conferred by American Society of Mechanical Engineers - (New York, New York, United States), 2010 Best Presentation Award from American Control Conference, conferred by American Automatic Control Council - (Seattle, Washington, United States), 2009 Inaugural Holder of the Gulf Oil/Thomas A. Dietz Career Development Professorship II, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2007 BP Teaching Excellence Award by College of Engineering, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2006 TEES Select Young Faculty Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2005 TEES Select Young Faculty Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2003 Fellow, conferred by Association for Computing Machinery - (New York, New York, United States), 1995
mailing address Texas A&M University Mechanical Engineering 3123 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3123 USA