publication venue for
- Spar-type Wind Turbine Behavior: Modeling and Comparison with Experimental Data 2018
- Structural integrity management of offshore structures via RB-FEA and fast full load mapping based digital twins 2018
- CFD simulation of site-specific passing ship effects on multiple moored ships 2018
- Dynamic responses of a moored submerged floating tunnel under moving loads and wave excitations 2018
- Engineering concerns of passing ship effect at typical waterfronts 2018
- An experimental study on sand dune cover over a coastal structure 2017
- Coupled mooring analysis of a CALM Buoy by a CFD approach 2017
- Dynamic responses of a submerged floating tunnel in survival wave and seismic excitations 2017
- Global performance analysis of 5MW WindFloat and OC4 semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) by numerical simulations 2017
- Global performance analysis of concrete FPSO with tangerine transverse cross section 2017
- Hydroelastic analysis of multi-unit floating offshore wind turbine platform (MUFOWT) 2017
- Multiline anchors for the OC4 semisubmersible floating system 2017
- Numerical simulation of offshore wind turbine dynamics in drifting level ice 2017
- Reliability of mooring lines and shared anchors of floating offshore wind turbines 2017
- Ridge-runnel and swash dynamics field experiment on a steep meso-tidal engineered beach: Numerical model simulation of ridge accretion 2017
- 3D VIV fatigue analysis using CFD simulation for long marine risers 2016
- Comparative study of dual-cylinder system with permanent magnet linear generator for wave energy conversion 2016
- Estimation of roll motion parameters using R-MISO system identification technique 2016
- Global performance of a square-type semi-submersible KRISO multi-unit floating wind turbine; numerical simulation vs model test 2016
- Rational selection of floater designs for offshore wind farms using power transfer functions 2016
- Storm impact on barrier island subaerial morphology and subsequent recovery 2016
- A simulation model for single and multi-rotor wind turbine performance 2015
- Application of dam-break flow solution to predict the green water velocity on a 2D tension-leg platform 2015
- CFD simulation of vortex-induced motions of a deep draft semi-submersible platform 2015
- CFD simulation of vortex-induced vibrations of free span pipelines including pipe-soil interactions 2015
- Comparative study on particle method for numerical simulations 2015
- Coupled dynamic analysis of a MUFOWT with transient broken-blade incident 2015
- Development and application of a DP float-over analysis program 2015
- Effect of internal pressure on tensile strain capacity and constraint of defective pipes using damage model 2015
- Slender structure sensor optimization: A genetic algorithm approach 2015
- Soil strength from geophysical measurements for soft clays 2015
- Void fraction and impact pressure caused by breaking wave impingement on a 2D tension-leg structure 2015
- CFD simulation of extreme slamming on a containership in random waves 2014
- Coupled analysis of a SPM buoy-feeder-cage system for offshore aquaculture 2014
- Experimental modeling of breaking wave impingement on a tension-leg platform 2014
- Modeling wave-structure interaction and its implications in offshore structure stability 2014
- Relation between slope of plate and reaction of soil in a spudcan for jack-up platform 2014
- Structural performance of deepwater lazy-wave steel catenary risers for FPSOs 2014
- CFD simulation of violent free surface flows by a coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method 2013
- CFD simulation of vortex-induced and wake-induced vibrations of dual vertical risers 2013
- Coupled dynamic analysis of FOWT (floating offshore wind turbine) with partially broken blade 2013
- Dynamic coupling between ship motion and three-layer-liquid separator by using MPS (Moving Particle Simulation) 2013
- Numerical simulation of motion response control of multibody floating systems 2013
- Semi-active magneto-rheological damper to reduce the dynamic response of top-tension risers 2013
- Time-domain hydroelastic simulations and structural analyses 2013
- CFD simulation of directional short-crested waves on a jack-up structure 2012
- Effects of tower elasticity and aero-loading in aero-elastic-control- floater-mooring coupled dynamic analysis for a TLP-type FOWT 2012
- Effects of weld strength mismatch on crack driving forces for circumferential surface crack in pipes under bending 2012
- Greenwater velocity measurements in a large scale wave basin using bubble image velocimetry 2012
- Hydro-elastic dynamic analysis of large-scale flexible offshore platforms 2012
- Motion response control of a single spar using linear quadratic regulator (LQR) method 2012
- Numerical analysis of a fixed-type oscillating water column with irregular waves 2012
- Progress in the application of lattice Boltzmann method for turbulent flows 2012
- Study on spm mooring system for side-by-side two vessels 2012
- Aero-elastic-control-floater-mooring coupled dynamic analysis of floating offshore wind turbines 2011
- Empirical moment-based estimation of Rayleigh-Stokes distribution parameters 2011
- Flexible jumper VIV simulation in uniform current 2011
- High strain-rate scratch testing of nanoscale materials 2011
- Influence of control strategy to FOWT hull motions by aero-elastic-control- floater-mooring coupled dynamic analysis 2011
- Numerical simulation on dynamics of suction piles during lowering operations 2011
- Plastic limit solution for the response of plate anchors under combined translational and torsional undrained loading 2011
- Safety of caisson transport on a floating dock 2011
- Sloshing effects on multi-vessel motions by using Moving Particle Simulation 2011
- CFD simulation for propeller performance under seaway wave condition 2010
- Flexible catenary riser VIV simulation in uniform current 2010
- Hydrodynamic interactions between container ship and mobile harbor with spm-buoy station 2010
- Offloading from both sides of a super-container ship to land and floating harbor predicted vs. experimental results 2010
- Time-domain simulation of nonlinear wave impact loads on fixed offshore platform and decks 2010
- Loads on tie-down systems for floating drilling rigs during hurricane conditions 2009
- Pro-environmental wave barrier by N porous bottom-mounted vertical circular cylinders 2009
- Analysis of reservoir performance of Messoyakha Gas hydrate Field 2008
- Hydrodynamic interaction in a coupled ship/barge system and its effects on the mooring line and fender forces 2008
- Large Scale Soil-riser Model Testing on High Plasticity Clay 2008
- Mooring Stiffness Impact on the Survivability of MODUs 2008
- Riser VIV Induced Fatigue Assessment by a CFD Approach 2008
- Rotor-floater-tether coupled dynamic analysis of offshore floating wind turbines 2008
- Seafloor Interaction with Steel Catenary Risers 2008
- The Effects of Tank Sloshing on the Coupled Responses of LNG Vessel and Floating Terminal 2008
- The effects of tank sloshing on the coupled responses of LNG vessel and floating terminal 2008
- Void Fraction in Green Water 2008
- Chimera RANS simulations of slamming and wave overtopping around offshore structures 2007
- Influences of site specifics on passing ship effects 2007
- Riser VIV analysis by a CFD approach 2007
- Influences of site specifics on passing ship effects 2007
- Validation of applicability of dam-break flow to green water prediction 2007
- A computational study of wave effects related to side-by-side LNG offloading 2006
- A computational study of wave effects related to side-by-side LNG offloading. 2006
- A laboratory study on green water velocity measurement and prediction 2006
- Chimera Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations of coupled ship and propeller flows 2006
- Coupled mini-TLP barge response in random seas 2006
- Numerical analysis of current effect on nonlinear wave-body interactions 2006
- Numerical simulation of wave runup and greenwater on offshore structures by a level-set RANS method 2006
- Numerical simulations of circular cylinders outfitted with vortex-induced vibrations suppressors 2006
- Performance evaluation of loading/offloading from floating quay to super container ship 2006
- The effects of LNG-tank Sloshing on the roll responses of LNG-carriers 2006
- The effects of LNG-tank sloshing on the roll responses of LNG-carriers 2006
- A parametric and numerical study on LNG-tank sloshing loads 2005
- Nonlinear time-domain simulation of pneumatic floating breakwater 2005
- Simulation of high Reynolds number flow past Arrays of circular cylinders undergoing vortex-induced vibrations 2005
- The influence of propeller/hull interaction on propeller induced cavitating pressure 2005
- A parametric and numerical study on LNG-tank sloshing loads 2005
- Analysis of flow and turbulence structure for rectangular floating breakwater 2005
- Breaking wave impinging and greenwater on a two-dimensional offshore structure 2005
- Nonlinear dynamic analysis of ship capsizing in random waves 2004
- Nonlinear wave-floating body interactions by A 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave tank 2004
- Time-domain simulation of floating pier/ship interactions and harbor resonance 2004
- Time domain and frequency domain analysis of spar platforms 2003
- Wave diffraction effects and runup around multicolumn structure 2003
- Chimera RANS simulation of propeller-ship interactions including crash-astern conditions 2003
- Flow analysis of rolling rectangular barge in beam sea condition 2003
- Application of chimera RANS method for multiple-ship interactions in a navigation channel 2002
- Experimental study on wave interactions with a fixed rectangular barge in a beam sea 2002
- Time-domain simulation of barge capsizing by a chimera domain decomposition approach 2002
- Time-domain simulation of nonlinear free surface flow around floating sea caches including wave and current effects 2002
- An experimental research study of a mini-TLP 2001
- Comparison of numerical models for the capability of hull/mooring/riser coupled dynamic analysis for spars and TLPs in deep and ultra-deep waters 2001
- Directional sea response of a mini-TLP 2001
- Numerical simulation of shallow water waves around coastal structures by a chimera potential-flow method 2001
- Time-domain simulation of large amplitude ship roll motions by a chimera RANS method 2001
- Toward the design of new technologies for deep-water anchorages 2001
- Wave interaction effects for non-compliant TLP 2001
- Calculations of nonlinear free surface flows around submerged and floating sea caches 2000
- Chimera RANS simulation of ship and fender coupling for berthing operations 1999
- Experiments and analysis with fully coupled mini-TLP/barge system 1999
- A numerical study of U-tube passive anti-rolling tanks 1998
- Chimera RANS/Laplace simulation of free surface flows induced by 2D ship sway, heave, and roll motions 1998
- Experimental and numerical assessment of mini TLP for benign environments 1998
- Extreme response and fatigue estimates in directional seas 1998
- Long-range ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of composite tubulars 1998
- Natural gas hydrates and global change 1998
- Sensitivity of TLP tendon reliability estimates to excitation by multi-peaked random seas 1997
- Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling 1997
- Time-domain simulation of a berthing DDG-51 ship by a domain decomposition approach 1997
- Hybrid composite design: Optimization and scaling aspects 1996
- Dynamic response and runup on spar platforms 1996
- Numerical simulation of transient flows induced by a berthing ship 1996
- Numerical modeling of nonlinear wave transformation using elliptic mild slope equation