Hydrodynamic interactions between container ship and mobile harbor with spm-buoy station
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As the size of container ships increases, not many existing harbors can host the super-container ship with its increased draft, and the continual effort of dredging requires huge budget. In addition, the minimization of waiting and offloading time is the most important factor in harbor competitiveness in this kind of global economy. In this regard, mobileharbor concept has been developed in Korea to effectively solve the problem. In developing the concept, one of the most important elements is the operability of crane between two large floating bodies in side-byside arrangement. The container ship is to be stationed through hawser lines to a SPM (Single-Point Mooring) buoy station at an offshore site with the depth allowing its large draft. The mobile harbors with cranes are berthed to the side of its hull for container loading/offloading and transportation. The relative motions between the two floating bodies with proper hawser connection have to be within allowable range for the crane operability. Therefore, the reliable prediction of the relative motions of the three floating bodies with hawser/mooring is essential for the safe and cost-effective design of such a system. Time-domain multi-hull-mooring coupled dynamic analysis program is used to assess the global performance of the moored system and hydrodynamic interactions among the three floating bodies. Copyright 2010 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).