Time-domain simulation of nonlinear free surface flow around floating sea caches including wave and current effects
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A Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) numerical method has been employed in conjunction with a chimera domain decomposition approach for the prediction of hydrodynamic drag and lift forces of submerged and floating sea caches under combined wave and current effects. The method was employed recently to evaluate the performance of three different sea configurations of rectangular, sharp-edged, and round-edged shapes under strong ocean currents and the round-edged sea cache was found to provide the most desirable overall hydrodynamic performance. In the present study, the method was further extended for time-domain simulation of round-edged sea cache configuration under combined actions of ambient wave and ocean, current. The sea cache may be floating on the free surface or tethered at mid-height, and the ocean current may approach the sea cache in the same or opposite direction of the incoming wave field. Detailed velocity, pressure, and wave patterns were obtained to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of the sea caches. The drag and lift forces were also computed to evaluate the combined wave and current effects on the sea caches.