selected publications academicarticle Young, J., & Young, J. (2023). A systematic review of culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy using confidence intervals. 18(2), 251-280. Harmon, W., James, M., Young, J., & Scott, L. (2023). Black Fathers Rising: A QuantCrit Analysis of Black Fathers' Paternal Influence on Sons' Engagement and Sense of School Belonging in High School. Equity & Excellence in Education. 56(3), 464-478. Young, J., Young, J., Williams, J., Neshyba, M., Ogletree, Q., & James, M. (2023). Talking Back: An Analysis of the Scope and Impact of Critical Race Theory and Its Usage in Educational Research. SAGE Open. 13(3), Young, J., & Young, J. (2023). Before We Let Go!: Operationalizing Culturally Informed Education. Multicultural Perspectives. 25(2), 96-111. Edosomwan, K., Young, J. L., Butler, B. R., Young, J. R., & Williams, J. A. (2023). Tracking the Effects: Examining the Opportunity Stratification Hypothesis in Action. Journal of Education. 002205742311686-002205742311686. Young, J., & Young, J. (2022). Decoding the data dichotomy: applying QuantCrit to understand racially conscience intersectional meta-analytic research. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 45(4), 381-396. Young, J. L., & Young, J. (2022). Underrepresentation in Gifted Education Revisited: The Promise of Single-Group Summaries and Meta-Analytic QuantCrit. Gifted Child Quarterly. 66(2), 136-138. Williams, A. M., & Young, J. (2021). Reliability Generalization Meta-analyses in Mathematics Education Research: A Research Synthesis. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology. 9(4), 741-759. Young, J., Cunningham, J., Ortiz, N., Frank, T., Hamilton, C., & Mitchell, T. (2021). Mathematics Dispositions and the Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Black Students: How are They Related?. Investigations in Mathematics Learning. 13(2), 77-90. Young, J., & Young, J. (2020). The Black male teacher: a 10-year content analysis of empirical research. Race, Ethnicity and Education. 23(3), 327-344. Young, J. R., Young, J., Hamilton, C., & Pratt, S. S. (2019). Evaluating the Effects of Professional Development on Urban Mathematics Teachers TPACK Using Confidence Intervals. REDIMAT. 8(3), 312-312. Young, J., Young, J., & Witherspoon, T. (2019). Informing Informal STEM Learning: Implications for Mathematics Identity in African American Students. Journal of Mathematics Education. 12(1), 39-56. Young, J., Young, J., Fox, B., Levingston Jr., E., & Tholen, A. (2019). We Would If We Could: Examining Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy in a Middle School Mathematics Methods Course. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education. 14(1), Cason, M., Young, J., & Kuehnert, E. (2019). A meta-analysis of the effects of numerical competency development on achievement: Recommendations for mathematics educators. Investigations in Mathematics Learning. 11(2), 134-147. Young, J. L., Young, J. R., & Ford, D. Y. (2019). Culturally Relevant STEM Out-of-School Time: A Rationale to Support Gifted Girls of Color. Roeper Review. 41(1), 8-19. Kuehnert, E., Cason, M., Young, J., & Pratt, S. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of Reform-based Professional Development in STEM: Implications for Effective Praxis. International Journal of Technology in Education. 2(1), 60-68. Young, J. R., Young, J., Hamilton, C., & Pratt, S. S. (2019). Evaluating the Effects of Professional Development on Urban Mathematics Teachers TPACK Using Confidence Intervals. REDIMAT. 8(3), 312-338. Young, J. L., Young, j., & Butler, B. R. (2018). A Student Saved is NOT a Dollar Earned: A Meta-Analysis of School Disparities in Discipline Practice Toward Black Children. Taboo The Journal of Culture and Education. 17(4), Young, J., Capraro, M. M., Capraro, R., & Cason, M. (2018). Every Student Can't Succeed If Every Voice is Not Heard: Equity Perspectives From STEM Educators. TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD. 120(13), 1-23. Young, J., Young, J., Cason, M., Ortiz, N., Foster, M., & Hamilton, C. (2018). Concept Raps versus Concept Maps: A Culturally Responsive Approach to STEM Vocabulary Development. Education Sciences. 8(3), 108-108. Young, J., Gorumek, F., & Hamilton, C. (2018). Technology effectiveness in the mathematics classroom: a systematic review of meta-analytic research. Journal of Computers in Education. 5(2), 133-148. Young, J., & Young, J. L. (2018). We can Achieve if We Receive: Examining the Effects of Out-of-School Time Activities on Black Student Achievement in Mathematics. Equity & Excellence in Education. 51(2), 182-198. Young, J. L., Young, J. R., & Capraro, R. M. (2018). Gazing Past the Gaps: A Growth-Based Assessment of the Mathematics Achievement of Black Girls. Urban Review. 50(1), 156-176. Young, J., & Young, J. (2018). The Structural Relationship Between Out-of-School Time Enrichment and Black Student Participation in Advanced Science. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 41(1), 43-59. Capraro, R. M., Barroso, L. R., Nite, S., Rice, D., Lincoln, Y., Young, J., & Young, J. (2018). Developing a Useful and Integrative STEM Disciplinary Language. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology. 6(1), 1-11. Young, J. L., Young, J. R., & Ford, D. Y. (2017). Standing in the Gaps: Examining the Effects of Early Gifted Education on Black Girl Achievement in STEM. Journal of Advanced Academics. 28(4), 290-312. Young, J. (2017). Technology-enhanced mathematics instruction: A second order meta-analysis of 30 years of research. Educational Research Review. 22, 19-33. Young, J., Hamilton, C., & Cason, M. (2017). Interactive Whiteboards in Mathematics Spaces: An Examination of Technology Integration in an Urban Middle School. Contemporary Educational Technology. 8(4), Young, J. L., Young, J. R., & Capraro, M. M. (2017). Black Girls' Achievement in Middle Grades Mathematics: How Can Socializing Agents Help?. Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas. 90(3), 70-76. Young, J. L., Feille, K. K., & Young, J. (2017). Black Girls as Learners and Doers of Science: A Single-Group Summary of Elementary Science Achievement. 21(2), Young, J., Ortiz, N., & Young, J. (2017). STEMulating Interest: A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Out-of-School Time on Student STEM Interest. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology. 5(1), 62-74. Young, J. R. (2017). Technology Integration in Mathematics Education: Examining the Quality of Meta-Analytic Research. International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education. 1(1), 71-86. Young, J. L., Ero-Tolliver, I., Young, J., & Ford, D. Y. (2017). Maximizing opportunities to enroll in advanced high school science courses: Examining the scientific dispositions of Black girls. 13, 174-182. Young, J. L., & Young, J. R. (2017). Opportunity knocks, will she answer: Dispositions and participation of girls of color in STEM enrichment. 1(4), 12-25. Young, J. L., Young, J. R., & Paufler, N. A. (2017). Out of school and into STEM: Supporting girls of color through culturally relevant enrichment. Journal of Interdisciplinary Teacher Leadership. 2(1), 28-34. Foster, M. D., Young, J. R., & Young, J. L. (2017). Teacher perceptions of parental involvement and the achievement of diverse learners: A meta-analysis. Journal of Ethical Educational Leadership. 4(5), 1-17. Alsuwat, S., & Young, J. R. (2016). Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Traditional versus Technology-based Instruction on Reading Comprehension of EFL Students. EFL Journal. 1(3), Young, J. R. (2016). Unpacking TPACK in Mathematics Education Research: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses. International Journal of Educational Methodology. 2(1), 19-29. Young, J. L., & Young, J. R. (2016). Closing the gap or reaching the ceiling: An exploratory trend analysis of the Black White achievement gap in Texas. Journal of Multicultural Affairs. 1(1), Young, J. R., & Young, J. L. (2016). Young, Black, and Anxious: Describing the Black Student Mathematics Anxiety Research Using Confidence Intervals. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education. 9(1), 79-93. Young, J. R., & Young, J. L. (2015). Anxious for answers: A meta-analysis of the effects of anxiety on African American k-12 students mathematics achievement. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College. 6(2), Beavers, A., Fox, B. L., Young, J., Bellows, E. M., & Kahn, L. (2015). Integrating writing in the middle-level mathematics classroom: An action research study. 2(1), Young, J. R., Young, J. L., & Hamilton, C. (2013). The Use of Confidence Intervals as a Meta-Analytic Lens to Summarize the Effects of Teacher Education Technology Courses on Preservice Teacher TPACK. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 46(2), 149-172. Young, J. R., Young, J. L., & Shaker, Z. (2012). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Literature Using Confidence Intervals. TechTrends. 56(5), 25-33. Young, J. R., & Young, J. L. (2012). But thats not fair: Teacher technology readiness and African American students. 4(1), 19-32. Capraro, R. M., Young, J. R., Lewis, C. W., Yetkiner, Z. E., & Woods, M. N. (2009). An Examination of Mathematics Achievement and Growth in a Midwestern Urban School District: Implications for Teachers and Administrators. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education. 2(2), 4665-4665-65. Young, J. R., & Young, J. L. Equity Trends in Mathematics Education: A Content Analysis of Meta-analytic Research. 4(1), 24-42. Bicer, A., Aldemir, T., Davis, T. J., & Young, J. Exploring the Transferability of STEM PBL Instructional Principles from Higher Education to K-12 Classrooms. Education Sciences. 15(1), 39-39. Young, J. R., Bevan, D., & Sanders, M. How Productive is the Productive Struggle? Lessons Learned from a Scoping Review. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology. 12(2), 470-495. Bondurant, L., & Young, J. R. Sorting Out Equity: The Q-Sort Method in Mathematics Education Research. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education. 17(1), 84-103. Cason, M., Young, J., & Young, J. Your favourite authors favourite authors: a bibliometric social network analysis of hip-hop education literature chapter Young, J., & Young, J. (2023). The Black male teacher: a 10-year content analysis of empirical research. Men Educators of Color in U.S. Public Schools and Abroad. (pp. 47-64). Taylor & Francis. Young, J. L., & Young, J. R. (2018). Black Parents as Achievement Socialization Agents for Black Girls. Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts. (pp. 243-254). IGI Global. Young, J. (2017). VERVISTIC INSTRUCTION AS A VEHICLE TO MATHEMATICS COMPETENCY. CULTIVATING ACHIEVEMENT, RESPECT, AND ENPOWERMENT (CARE) FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN GIRLS IN PRE-K-12 SETTINGS: IMPLICATIONS FOR ACCESS, EQUITY AND ACHIEVEMENT. (pp. 69-89). Young, J. R. (2017). Vervistic instruction as a vehicle to mathematics competency for African American girls. Larke, P. J., Webb-Hasan, G., & Young, J. L. (Eds.), Cultivating Achievement, Respect, and Empowerment (CARE) for African American Girls in PreK?12 Settings Implications for Access, Equity and Achievement. (pp. 69-90). IAP. Young, J., Young, J., & Hamilton, C. (2013). CULTURALLY RELEVANT PROJECT-BASED LEARNING FOR STEM EDUCATION Implications and Examples for Urban Schools. Capraro, M., Capraro, R., & Lewis, C. (Eds.), IMPROVING URBAN SCHOOLS: EQUITY AND ACCESS IN K-12 STEM EDUCATION FOR ALL STUDENT. (pp. 39-65). IAP. Larke, P. J., Young, J. L., & Young, J. R. (2011). MAKING A CASE TO LEARN Linking Emphasis on the Achievement and Reporting Needs of African American Females on NAPE Test Results. Howell, L., Lewis, C., & Carter, N. (Eds.), YES WE CAN: IMPROVING URBAN SCHOOLS THROUGH INNOVATIVE EDUCATION REFORM. (pp. 145-165). Information Age Pub Incorporated. Jordan, G., & Young, J. R. (2010). DC electronics: Understanding series circuits and how they relate to daily use. Capraro, R. M., Capraro, M. M., & Morgan, J. (Eds.), A Companion to Interdisciplinary STEM Project-based Learning: For Teachers by Teachers. (pp. 87-94). Sense.
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education and training Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis: Mathematics Education, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2011 M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis: Mathematics Education, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2008 B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2004