Closing the gap or reaching the ceiling: An exploratory trend analysis of the Black White achievement gap in Texas uri icon


  • The academic achievement gap is an intriguing issue in educational research across the nation, as well as one of the most serious problems facing the United States. Texas has shown tremendous success in narrowing the difference between the percentage of White students and students of color that pass the TAAS and TAKS over two consecutive decades. This study investigated identified evidence a ceiling effect may mediate the results of two decades of assessments in the state of Texas. The results suggest that the growth patterns for African American students pass rates were consistently larger than White student growth trajectories, but because the White students begin with substantially larger pass rates there growth was limited. This study yields significant implication for further research and subsequent testing administrations. Researchers suggest that efforts shift from gap gazing to pattern praising or the identification of positive achievement patterns that represent progress rather and emphasis on the deficit.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Multicultural Affairs

author list (cited authors)

  • Young, J. L., & Young, J. R.

complete list of authors

  • Young, JL||Young, Jamaal R

publication date

  • January 2016