My group conducts research on damage, fatigue and failure of composites, effects of manufacturing defects, aging aircraft, and sustainability of aerospace vehicles.
Talreja, R.
(2016).Physical modelling of failure in composites. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.
374(2071), 20150280-20150280.
Altenbach, H., Cate, A., Petrova, V., & Talreja, R.
(2015).80th birthday of Prof. Vitauts Tamuzs. ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik.
95(10), 991-991.
Hou, A. n., Gramoll, K., & Talreja, R.
(1999).Fabrication and failure of composite conical adapter. Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference.
3, 1833-1839.
Talreja, R.
(2023).Damage and Failure of Composite Materials. Courses and Lectures- International Centre for Mechanical Sciences.
Advanced Theories for Deformation, Damage and Failure in Materials.
(pp. 235-280).
Springer Nature.
Talreja, R.
(2015).Analysis of Failure in Composite Structures. Courses and Lectures- International Centre for Mechanical Sciences.
(pp. 255-278).
Springer Nature.
Talreja, R.
(2014).Multiscale Modeling of Damage in Composite Materials. Courses and Lectures- International Centre for Mechanical Sciences.
Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials.
(pp. 179-209).
Springer Nature.
Vassilopoulos, A. P., Nijssen, R., Post, N. L., Lesko, J. J., Case, S. W., Van Paepegem, W., ... Rafiee, R.
(2010).Contributor contact details. Fatigue Life Prediction of Composites and Composite Structures.
(pp. xi-xiii).
Talreja, R., & Singh, C. V.
(2008).Multiscale Modeling for Damage Analysis. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Composite Materials and Structures.
(pp. 529-578).
Springer Nature.
Talreja, R.
(2005).Composites: PolymerPolymer. Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics.
(pp. 208-211).
Talreja, R.
(2003).Fatigue of composite materials. Courses and Lectures- International Centre for Mechanical Sciences.
Modern Trends in Composite Laminates Mechanics.
(pp. 281-294).
Springer Nature.
Kumar, R., & Talreja, R.
(2000).Fatigue damage evolution in woven fabric composites. Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference.