faculty position
- Amato, Nancy, Professor - Term Appointment
- Bettati, Riccardo, Professor
- Botacin, Marcus, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Carlisle, Martin, Professor of the Practice
- Caverlee, James, Professor - Term Appoint
- Chen, Jianer, Professor - Term Appointment
- Choe, Yoonsuck, Professor - Term Appointment
- Chu, Wenhui, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Da Silva, Dilma, Professor and Head
- Daugherity, Walter, Senior Lecturer
- Davis, Timothy, Professor - Term Appointment
- Dewitte, Paula, Associate Professor of the Practice
- Furuta, Richard, Professor and Undergraduate Advisor
- Garay, Juan, Professor - Term Appointment
- Gu, Guofei, Professor - Term Appoint
- Gutierrez-Osuna, Ricardo, Professor - Term Appointment
- Hamilton, John, Professor
- Hammond, Tracy, Professor
- Houngninou, David, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Huang, Jeff, Associate Professor
- Huang, Kuan-Hao, Assistant Professor
- Huang, Ruihong, Assistant Professor - Term Appoint
- Ioerger, Thomas, Professor - Term Appoint
- Ji, Shuiwang, Professor
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), Professor
- Jimenez, Daniel, Professor - Term Appointment
- Kerne, Andruid, Professor - Term Appointment
- Keyser, John, Professor - Term Appointment
- Khademi Kalantari, Nima, Assistant Professor
- Khan, Irfan, Affiliate Assistant Professor
- Kim, Eun, Associate Professor - Term Appoint
- Kim, Jeeeun, Assistant Professor
- Klappenecker, Andreas, Professor - Term Appointment
- Kum, Hye Chung, Associate Professor
- Kumar, Shreyas, Professor of the Practice
- Kumar, Suryansh, Affiliated Faculty
- Lee, Hyunyoung, Senior Lecturer
- Leyk, Teresa, Senior Lecturer
- Lightfoot, Robert, Associate Professor of Practice
- Lightfoot, Robert, Lecturer
- Lin, Yiruo, Research Assistant Professor
- Liu, Jyh, Professor - Term Appointment
- Loguinov, Dmitri, Professor - Term Appointment
- Lupoli, Shawn, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Mahapatra, Rabinarayan, Professor - Term Appointment
- Mcguire, Timothy, Instructional Professor
- Moore, John, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Mortazavi, Bobak, Associate Professor
- Mortazavi, Bobak, Assistant Professor
- Murphy, Robin, Professor
- Muzahid, Abdullah, Assistant Professor
- Nguyen, Khanh, Assistant Professor
- Quinn, Michael, Associate Professor of the Practice
- Rauchwerger, Lawrence, Professor - Term Appointment
- Ritchey, Philip, Instructional Associate Professor
- Rojas, Joseph, Affiliated Professor
- Sarin, Vivek, Associate Professor
- Saxena, Nitesh, Professor
- Schaefer, Scott, Professor and Head
- Sharon, Guni, Assistant Professor
- Shell, Dylan, Associate Professor - Term Appoint
- Shipman, Frank, Professor - Term Appointment
- Song, Dezhen, Professor - Term Appointment
- Stoleru, Radu, Professor - Term Appoint
- Sueda, Shinjiro, Assistant Professor
- Sze, Sing-Hoi, Associate Professor - Term Appoint
- Taele, Paul, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Thomas, Shawna, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Tran, Han, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Tsai, Chia-Che, Assistant Professor
- Tu, Zhengzhong, Assistant Professor
- Tyagi, Aakash, Professor of the Practice
- Veldt, Nate, Assistant Professor
- Wade, Pauline, Associate Professor of the Practice
- Walker, Duncan, Professor and Graduate Advisor
- Welch, Jennifer, Professor - Term Appointment
- Xia, Meng, Assistant Professor
- Yang, Tianbao, Associate Professor
- Ye, Xinyue, Professor
- Yum, Ki, Senior Lecturer
- Zhang, Cheng, Assistant Professor
- Zhou, Yi, Associate Professor
non-faculty academic position
- Stepanova, Anna, Associate Research Scientist - Faculty