selected publications conference paper Houngninou, D. K., & Thornton, M. A. (2017). Simulation of Switching Circuits using Transfer Functions. The ... Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems conference proceedings : MWSCAS. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 511-514. Houngninou, D. K., & Thornton, M. A. (2016). Implementation of Switching Circuit Models as Transfer Functions. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2162-2165.
teaching activities CSCE110 Programming I Instructor CSCE120 Hnr-program Design & Concepts Instructor CSCE121 Intro Pgm Design Concept Instructor CSCE206 Structured Prog In C Instructor CSCE221 Data Struc & Algorithm Instructor CSCE222 Discrete Struc Computing Instructor CSCE312 Computer Organization Instructor CSCE313 Intro To Computer System Instructor CSCE410 Operating Systems Instructor CSCE465 Comp & Net Security Instructor CSCE611 Operating Systems Instructor CSCE616 Intro Hardware Design Instructor CSCE684 Professional Internship Instructor CSCE685 Directed Studies Instructor CSCE689 Sptp: Hardware Based Verifi Instructor CSCE691 Research Instructor CSCE714 Adv Hardware Des Func Verif Instructor FYEX101 Hullabaloo U-posse New Orleans Instructor FYEX101 Hullabaloo U-posse-new Orleans Instructor