selected publications academicarticle Ferrell, O. C., & Pride, W. M. (2004). The EditorsCorner. Journal of Marketing Education. 26(2), 107-108. Zemanek, J. E., & Pride, W. M. (1996). Distinguishing between manufacturer power and manufacturer salesperson power. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 11(2), 20-36. Fahy, J., Smart, D., Pride, W., & Ferrell, O. C. (1995). Advertising Sensitive Products. International Journal of Advertising. 14(3), 231-243. CLARK, T., VARADARAJAN, P. R., & PRIDE, W. M. (1994). ENVIRONMENTAL-MANAGEMENT - THE CONSTRUCT AND RESEARCH PROPOSITIONS. Journal of Business Research. 29(1), 23-38. VARADARAJAN, P. R., CLARK, T., & PRIDE, W. M. (1992). CONTROLLING THE UNCONTROLLABLE - MANAGING YOUR MARKET ENVIRONMENT. MIT Sloan Management Review: MIT's journal of management research and ideas. 33(2), 39-47. Ensley, E. E., & Pride, W. M. (1991). Advertisement pacing and the learning of marketing information by the elderly. Psychology and Marketing. 8(1), 1-20. McKee, D. O., Varadarajan, P. R., & Pride, W. M. (1989). Strategic Adaptability and Firm Performance: A Market-Contingent Perspective. Journal of Marketing. 53(3), 21-35. Fraedrich, J., Ferrell, O. C., & Pride, W. (1989). An empirical examination of three machiavellian concepts: Advertisers vs. the general public. Journal of Business Ethics. 8(9), 687-694. MCKEE, D. O., VARADARAJAN, P. R., & PRIDE, W. M. (1989). STRATEGIC ADAPTABILITY AND FIRM PERFORMANCE - A MARKET-CONTINGENT PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Marketing. 53(3), 21-35. Caballero, M. J., & Pride, W. M. (1986). Erratum. Journal of Marketing. 50(2), 121-121. Caballero, M. J., & Pride, W. M. (1986). Erratum: Selected Effects of Salesperson Sex and Attractiveness in Direct Mail Advertisements. Journal of Marketing. 50(2), 121-121. JACKSON, R. W., & PRIDE, W. M. (1986). THE USE OF APPROVED VENDOR LISTS. Industrial Marketing Management. 15(3), 165-169. SCHUL, P. L., LITTLE, T. E., & PRIDE, W. M. (1985). CHANNEL CLIMATE - ITS IMPACT ON CHANNEL MEMBERS SATISFACTION. Journal of Retailing. 61(2), 9-38. Earl, R. L., & Pride, W. M. (1984). Do disclosure attempts influence claim believability and perceived advertiser credibility?. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 12(1-2), 23-37. Skinner, S. J., Ferrell, O. C., & Pride, W. M. (1984). Personal and nonpersonal incentives in mail surveys: Immediate versus delayed inducements. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 12(1-2), 106-114. CABALLERO, M. J., & PRIDE, W. M. (1984). SELECTED EFFECTS OF SALESPERSON SEX AND ATTRACTIVENESS IN DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISEMENTS. Journal of Marketing. 48(1), 94-100. Caballero, M. J., & Pride, W. M. (1984). Selected Effects of Salesperson Sex and Attractiveness in Direct Mail Advertisements. Journal of Marketing. 48(1), 94-100. SCHUL, P. L., PRIDE, W. M., & LITTLE, T. L. (1983). THE IMPACT OF CHANNEL LEADERSHIP-BEHAVIOR ON INTRACHANNEL CONFLICT. Journal of Marketing. 47(3), 21-34. Schul, P. L., Pride, W. M., & Little, T. L. (1983). The Impact of Channel Leadership Behavior on Intrachannel Conflict. Journal of Marketing. 47(3), 21-34. Moore, C. W., & Pride, W. M. (1980). Selected Effects of Qualifying Statements regarding Technical Performance Claims: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Advertising. 9(2), 20-44. CHILDERS, T. L., PRIDE, W. M., & FERRELL, O. C. (1980). A REASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTS OF APPEALS ON RESPONSE TO MAIL SURVEYS. Journal of Marketing Research. 17(3), 365-370. Childers, T. L., Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (1980). A Reassessment of the Effects of Appeals on Response to Mail Surveys. Journal of Marketing Research. 17(3), 365-370. Earl, R. L., & Pride, W. M. (1980). The Effects of Advertisement Structure, Message Sidedness, and Performance Test Results on Print Advertisement Informativeness. Journal of Advertising. 9(3), 36-46. Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (1979). Are Marketing Academicians' Preferences for Frameworks and Topics in Introductory Marketing Texts Changing?. Journal of Marketing Education. 1(1), 39-44. LAMB, C. W., PLETCHER, B. A., & PRIDE, W. M. (1979). PRINT READERS PERCEPTIONS OF VARIOUS ADVERTISING FORMATS. The journalism quarterly. 56(2), 328-335. Pride, W. M., Lamb, C. W., & Pletcher, B. A. (1979). The Informativeness of Comparative Advertisements: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Advertising. 8(2), 29-35. Lamb, C. W., Pride, W. M., & Pletcher, B. A. (1978). A Taxonomy for Comparative Advertising Research. Journal of Advertising. 7(1), 43-47. Lamb, C. W., Pride, W. M., & Pletcher, B. A. (1978). Should the competing brand be illustrated in a comparative advertisement?. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 6(3), 176-186. Pride, W. M. (1977). Marketing decision-making through computer cartography. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 5(4), 369-378. PRIDE, W. M. (1977). POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF MAJOR CRIMINAL EVENTS ON AUDIENCE SIZE AND CHANNEL SWITCHING. The journalism quarterly. 54(4), 773-776. Greer, T., & Pride, W. (1973). The personalityculture relationship and its effects on interpersonal transactions. European Journal of Marketing. Volume 7(Issue 1), 28-39. book Pride, W. M., Hughes, R. J., & Kapoor, J. R. (2016). Foundations of Business. Cengage Learning. Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2016). Foundations of Marketing. Cengage Learning. Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (1996). Marketing Study Guide, Tenth Edition. Houghton Mifflin College Division. Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (1995). Marketing concepts and strategies. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). Robicheaux, R. A., Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (1983). Marketing contemporary dimensions. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). Ferrell, O. C., & Pride, W. M. (1982). Fundamentals of marketing. Houghton Mifflin Co.. Hicks, H. G., Powell, J. D., & Pride, W. (1975). Business An Involvement Approach. McGraw-Hill. Hicks, H. G., Gullett, C. R., & Pride, W. M. (1974). Modern business management: contemporary readings, study guide, and workbook. McGraw-Hill.
teaching activities MKTG409 Principles Of Marketing Instructor MKTG621 Survey Of Marketing Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Marketing, Louisiana State University - (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States) 1972 M.B.A. in Business, Oklahoma State University - (Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States) 1967 B.S. in General Business and Economics, Northwestern State University - (Natchitoches, Louisiana, United States) 1965
awards and honors SMA Distinguished Fellow, conferred by Society for Marketing Advances - (Columbus, Ohio, United States), 1991