The Impact of Channel Leadership Behavior on Intrachannel Conflict uri icon


  • This study examines the impact of different types of channel leadership behavior on channel members' perceptions of intrachannel conflict in a franchise distribution channel. Factor analysis and canonical correlation analysis are used to explore the relationships between participative, supportive and directive leadership behavior and dependent measures of intrachannel conflict. The results indicate that conflict arising from both administrative and product-service issues diminishes when the franchisor is perceived to exhibit a leadership style emphasizing participation, support and direction in carrying out channel activities.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Marketing

author list (cited authors)

  • Schul, P. L., Pride, W. M., & Little, T. L.

citation count

  • 36

complete list of authors

  • Schul, Patrick L||Pride, William M||Little, Taylor L

publication date

  • January 1983