publication venue for
- Gauging Facial Abnormality Using Haar-Cascade Object Detector.. 2022:1448-1451. 2022
- Modeling Individual Differences in Food Metabolism through Alternating Least Squares.. 2022:2988-2992. 2022
- Endogenous Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) Endoscopy For Early Detection Of Oral Cancer And Dysplasia.. 2018:3009-3012. 2018
- Implementation of High-Performance Correlation and Mapping Engine for Rapid Generation of Brain Connectivity Networks from Big fMRI Data.. 2018:1032-1036. 2018
- Knowledge-driven dictionaries for sparse representation of continuous glucose monitoring signals.. 2018:191-194. 2018
- Monitoring Lung Mechanics during Mechanical Ventilation using Machine Learning Algorithms.. 2018:1160-1163. 2018
- Novel 3D coaxial flow-focusing nozzle device for the production of monodispersed collagen microspheres.. 2016:4220-4223. 2016
- Effect of resistive inspiratory and expiratory loading on cardio-respiratory interaction in healthy subjects.. 2014:710-713. 2014
- Imaging and localizing interventional devices by susceptibility mapping using MRI.. 2014:1541-1544. 2014
- Detection of sleep apnea events via tracking nonlinear dynamic cardio-respiratory coupling from electrocardiogram signals.. 2013:7088-7091. 2013
- Localization of brachytherapy seeds in MRI by deconvolution.. 2013:2960-2963. 2013
- Using an ambulatory stress monitoring device to identify relaxation due to untrained deep breathing.. 2013:1744-1747. 2013
- A fast pulse design for parallel excitation with gridding conjugate gradient.. 2013:1089-1092. 2013
- Consistency and validity of self-reporting scores in stress measurement surveys. 4895-4898. 2012
- Consistency and validity of self-reporting scores in stress measurement surveys.. 2012:4895-4898. 2012
- High performance biomedical time series indexes using salient segmentation.. 2012:5086-5089. 2012
- High-throughput spectral system for interrogation of dermally-implanted luminescent sensors.. 2012:2351-2354. 2012
- Positive contrast MRI of prostate brachytherapy seeds by susceptibility mapping.. 2012:392-395. 2012
- A novel fast algorithm for parallel excitation: pulse design in MRI.. 2012:1102-1105. 2012
- 3D selective pulse design with variable spoke trajectories for parallel excitation.. 2011:2845-2848. 2011
- Epileptic seizure prediction using variational mixture of Gaussians.. 2011:7549-7552. 2011
- An automatic sleep spindle detector based on wavelets and the teager energy operator.. 2596-2599. 2009
- An analysis of RF pulse apodization in parallel spatially selective excitation.. 2006:276-279. 2006
- Auto-calibrated dynamic parallel MRI with phase-sensitive data.. 2006:751-754. 2006
- Evaluation of Low-Loss Polymer Switches for Multinuclear MRI/S. 2023
- Improving Tongue Command Accuracy: Unlocking the Power of Electrotactile Feedback Training. 2023
- Development of Machine-Learning Algorithms for Recognition of Subjects' Upper Limb Movement Intention Using Electroencephalogram Signals. 2021
- End-to-End Neural Network for Feature Extraction and Cancer Diagnosis of In Vivo Fluorescence Lifetime Images of Oral Lesions. 2021
- Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting for Implantable Medical Devices. 2021
- A Low-cost and Enzyme-free Glucose Paper Sensor. 2020
- Investigation of Low-Cost Op-Amps as Decoupling Preamplifiers for MRI Array Coils. 2020
- Reinforcement Learning using EEG signals for Therapeutic Use of Music in Emotion Management. 2020
- A Queryable Graph Representation of Vascular Connectivity in the Whole Mouse Brain. 2019
- Development of size-selective microfluidic platform. 2019
- Feasibility of Using a 1T Extremity Scanner with a Four-Element Array to Detect 31P in the Human Calf. 2019
- Assessment of disease severity in a Canine Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Classification of Quantitative MRI. 2018
- Data-Driven Synthetic Cerebrovascular Models For Validation Of Segmentation Algorithms. 2018
- MARBLES - Metal Artifact Based Landmark Enhanced Susceptibility Weighted Imaging For Interventional Device Localization In MRI. 2018
- Prediction of ICU Readmissions Using Data at Patient Discharge. 2018
- Towards An Open-Source Framework For The Analysis Of Cerebrovasculature Structure. 2018
- Tracing and analysis of the whole mouse brain vasculature with systematic cleaning to remove and consolidate erroneous images. 2018
- Flexible RF Filtering Front-End For Simultaneous Multinuclear MR Spectroscopy. 2018
- Mapping the full vascular network in the mouse brain at submicrometer resolution. 2017
- Parallel compressive sensing in a hybrid space: Application in interventional MRI. 2017
- Tissue classification in a canine model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy using quantitative MRI parameters. 2017
- A three-element 1H-31P dual-tuned array for magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 4.7 T. 2016
- Automated neurovascular tracing and analysis of the knife-edge scanning microscope Rat Nissl data set using a computing cluster. 2016
- Effects of coplanar shielding for high field MRI. 2016
- Fast submicrometer-scale imaging of whole zebrafish using the knife-edge scanning microscope. 2016
- Knife-edge scanning microscopy for in silico study of cerebral blood flow: From biological imaging data to flow simulations. 2016
- Learning to distinguish cerebral vasculature data from mechanical chatter in India-ink images acquired using knife-edge scanning microscopy. 2016
- Localized MRI and histological image correlation in a canine model of duchenne muscular dystrophy. 2016
- High-resolution MRI of spinal cords by compressive sensing parallel imaging. 2015
- MRI of biopsy needles by susceptibility mapping based on Wiener filter F and L1-regularization. 2015
- A frequency translation approach for multichannel (13)C spectroscopy. 2015
- Correlating 2D histological slice with 3D MRI image volume using smart phone as an interactive tool for muscle study. 2014
- Geometric decoupling of a mouse array coil using a dual plane pair design with crisscrossed return paths and custom mounting fixture. 2014
- Protein-protein binding detection with nanoparticle photonic crystal enhanced microscopy (NP-PCEM). 2014
- Statistical pattern analysis of blood vessel features on retina images and its application to blood vessel mapping algorithms. 2014
- An Analysis of RF Pulse Apodization in Parallel Spatially Selective Excitation 2014
- Auto-Calibrated Dynamic Parallel MRI with Phase-Sensitive Data 2014
- Progress in Visualizing Turbulent Flow using Single-Echo Acquisition Imaging 2014
- A fast pulse design for parallel excitation with gridding conjugate gradient 2013
- A CMOS UWB transmitter for possible use for medical and biological imaging based on radio-wave induced ultrasound. 2013
- A novel fast algorithm for parallel excitation pulse design in MRI 2012
- Experimental observations on the human arm motion planning under an elbow joint constraint 2012
- High performance biomedical time series indexes using salient segmentation 2012
- High-throughput spectral system for interrogation of dermally-implanted luminescent sensors 2012
- Positive contrast MRI of prostate brachytherapy seeds by susceptibility mapping 2012
- Development and preliminary evaluation of an intraoral Tongue Drive System. 2012
- Experimental observations on the human arm motion planning under an elbow joint constraint. 2012
- Tongue-operated assistive technology with access to common smartphone applications via Bluetooth link. 2012
- 3D selective pulse design with variable spoke trajectories for parallel excitation 2011
- Compressive sensing imaging with randomized lattice sampling: Applications to fast 3D MRI 2011
- Compressive sensing imaging with randomized lattice sampling: applications to fast 3D MRI. 2011
- New ergonomic headset for Tongue-Drive System with wireless smartphone interface. 2011
- Development of a Multispectral Tissue Characterization System for Optimization of an Implantable Perfusion Status Monitor for Transplanted Liver 2009
- Dissolved Core Alginate Microspheres as "Smart-Tattoo" Glucose Sensors 2009
- High-Efficiency and Side-Viewing Micro Fiber Optic Probe for In-Vivo Diffuse Reflectance Measurements of Human Epithelial Tissues 2009
- Parameter Estimation in Arterial Spin Labeling MRI: Comparing the Four Phase Model and the Buxton Model with Fourier Transform 2009
- A Regularized Flow Quantification Method Using MRI Tagging and Single Echo Acquisition Imaging 2008
- A Simple Approach to Overcoming Mutual Coupling Effects in Some Transmit Array Coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2008
- An Insertable P-31 RF coil for Dual-frequency Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Spectroscopy 2008
- Compressed Sensing Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2008
- Minimal-SAR RF Pulse Optimization for Parallel Transmission in MRI 2008
- A new serial image registration method for contrast-enhanced MRI study. 2005
- Integrating parallel imaging with generalized series for accelerated dynamic imaging. 2005
- On the small vessel detection in high resolution retinal images. 2005
- Parallel MR Imaging with Accelerations Beyond the Number of Receiver Channels Using Real Image Reconstruction. 2005
- Quenching Properties of a Self-Referenced Fluorescence Oxygen Nanosensor under a Wide-Field Intrinsic Optical Signal Imaging System. 2005
- Using Large Arrays for SNR Improvement on Receiver Limited MRI Systems. 2005
- Adaptive SENSE reconstruction for parallel imaging with massive array coils. 2004
- Applications of RF current sources for transmit phased array. 2004
- Cell adhesion testing using novel testbeds containing micropatterns of complex nanoengineered multilayer films. 2004
- Optimal design of nanoengineered implantable optical sensors using a genetic algorithm. 2004
- Optimal lymphatic vessel structure. 2004
- Overcoming phase effects of voxel-sized coils in planar and cylindrical arrays. 2004
- RET nanobiosensors using affinity of an apo-enzyme toward its substrate. 2004
- Robust phase sensitive inversion recovery imaging using a Markov random field model. 2004
- Using electrostatic self-assembled gradient nanosensor phantoms for calibration of an optical intrinsic signal imaging system. 2004
- Development of an implantable oximetry-based organ perfusion sensor. 2004
- A solid-block FT-NIR spectrometer for measurement of analytes in cell culture media 1999
- Characterization of birefringence in a rabbit cornea 1999
- Gait generation characterized by the phase sensitive properties of synaptically coupled neurons 1999
- A fluorescent glucose assay using poly-L-lysine and calcium alginate microencapsulated TRITC-succinyl-concanavalin A and FITC-dextran 1998
- Closed loop polarimetric glucose sensing using the pockels effect 1992
- Evaluation of auditory evoked potentials in white New Zealand rabbits with simulated subdural hematoma and increased intracranial pressure 1992
- Evaluating Microelectrode Arrays in Peripheral Nerve Using Micro Computed Tomography.
- Simultaneous Evalulation of Contrast Pulse Sequences for Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging - Preliminary In Vitro and In Vivo Results.
- Use of Sonomyographic Sensing to Estimate Knee Angular Velocity During Varying Modes of Ambulation.