publication venue for
- A cross-sectional analysis of the demand for coffee in the United States. 39:494-514. 2023
- Policy reform and farmers' heterogeneous response: Measuring the income effects of corn price shocks. 39:564-585. 2023
- Assessing consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for novel sliced packed fresh pears: A latent class approach.. 34:321-337. 2018
- Factors Affecting Changes in Managerial Decisions. 33:443-465. 2017
- Palgrave Handbook of International Trade. 30:513-514. 2014
- Do Marketing Margins Change with Food Scares? Examining the Effects of Food Recalls and Disease Outbreaks in the U.S. Red Meat Industry. 29:426-454. 2013
- The Impact of Retail Promotion on the Decision to Purchase Private Label Products: The Case of U.S. Processed Cheese. 28:15-28. 2012
- Does Lamb Promotion Work?. 26:536-556. 2010
- Household Demand Analysis of Organic and Conventional Fluid Milk in the United States Based on the 2004 Nielsen Homescan Panel. 26:369-388. 2010
- Market integration and convergence to the law of one price in the North American onion markets. 24:177-191. 2008
- Alternative approaches in detecting asymmetry in farm-retail price transmission of fluid milk. 23:313-331. 2007
- Recall event timing: Measures of managerial performance in U.S. meat and poultry plants. 21:351-373. 2005
- Forecast evaluations in meat demand analysis. 19:505-523. 2003
- The wealth effect of swap usage in the food processing industry. 16:367-379. 2000
- Commodity checkoff programs as alternative producer investment opportunities: The case of soybeans. 15:539-552. 1999
- Meat packing plant production planning: Application of mixed integer goal programming. 14:171-181. 1998
- Market efficiency of US grain markets: Application of cointegration tests. 14:107-112. 1998
- Regional variability of price and expenditure elasitcities: The case of spaghetti sauces. 13:659-672. 1997
- Policy implications of trade liberalization: The case of meat products in Taiwan and South Korea. 11:297-307. 1995
- External equity financing in agriculture via profit and loss sharing contracts: A proposed financial innovation. 11:223-233. 1995
- Factors affecting the use of cottonseed meal in animal feed rations: Implications for marketing and promotion. 10:115-130. 1994
- USMexico Free trade agreement and rules of origin: Application to agricultural and agribusiness products. 9:535-555. 1993
- Profit and loss sharing in agriculture: An application of Islamic banking. 9:403-412. 1993
- Determinants of food away from home consumption: An update. 8:549-559. 1992
- International dry onion trade: Factors affecting import demands for US dry onions. 8:445-455. 1992
- The emerging exotic ungulate livestock industry: A survey of current producers. 8:473-484. 1992
- Soybean production and trade policy changes in Argentina and Brazil: Implications for the competitive position of the United States. 7:489-502. 1991
- Corn/broiler price transmissions and structural change since the 1950s. 7:269-284. 1991
- Demand for fresh beef products in supermarkets: A trial with scanner data. 7:241-251. 1991
- The 1988 Japanese Beef Market Access Agreement: A forecast simulation analysis. 5:347-360. 1989
- Consumer characteristics associated with the selection of lean meat products. 4:549-557. 1988
- Transition in agriculture: A strategic assessment of agriculture and banking. 4:157-165. 1988
- The socioeconomic issues of Japanese beef imports. 4:63-77. 1988
- Assessing the comparative economics of a biotechnology: Artificial insemination dairy sires. 3:207-220. 1987
- Meat export marketing: Lessons from successful exporters. 3:83-97. 1987
- Farm survival and performance under alternative financial conditions and credit policies. 2:321-337. 1986
- Foreign market promotion programs: An analysis of promotion response for apples, poultry, and tobacco. 2:33-42. 1986
- Economic feasibility of narrow row spindle picker cotton. 1:25-31. 1985
- Returns to US soybean export market development. 1:243-263. 1985
- Chinese consumers' preferences for imported beef products
- Effect of liberalized U.S.Mexico rice trade: A spatial, multiproduct equilibrium analysis. 19:1-17.
- From sweet tooth to healthy choices: How Chilean food policies are changing household diets
- Geographic diversification strategy and the implications of global market integration in table grapes. 18:81-99.
- Mexican consumers' perceptions and preferences for US and Texas beef. 40:727-748.