Does Lamb Promotion Work? uri icon


  • Three key questions regarding lamb promotion are addressed: (a) Have industry efforts to promote lamb shifted out the total demand for lamb? (b) Have any returns to producers achieved been greater than the cost of the promotion? (c) What has been the effect of lamb promotion on the lamb import share? The first question is addressed through an econometric analysis of the U.S. retail demand for lamb, which takes into account the effects of lamb advertising and promotion expenditures. The results then are used to calculate a benefit-cost ratio for lamb promotion in answer to the second question. An econometric analysis of the import share of U.S. lamb consumption provides the basis for addressing the third question. Lamb promotion is found to have increased the demand for lamb, and particularly American lamb, generating in the process a highly positive return to producers relative to the small cost of the program. [EconLit Classification: D11, D12, Q13, Q17, Q18]. 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Williams, G. W., Capps, O. J., & Dang, T.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Williams, Gary W||Capps, Oral Jr||Dang, Trang

publication date

  • September 2010
