Grant RDF
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- Acquisition of Goods and Services
- Acquisition of Goods and Services
- Acquisition of High-Performance Computing Cluster for Research in Engineering, Science, and Technology
- Acquisition of High-Power Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser System for Ultrafast Spectroscopy for Stand-off Detection of Explosive Devices
- Acquisition of high-resolution bathymetric and topographic surveying technology (HydroLite-DFX) for teaching and research
- Acquistion of Goods and Services
- Actionable Links Between Soil Function, Ecosystem Services, and Stakeholder Perceptions to Overcome Barriers to Improved Soil Management
- Actions of Manganese On Neuroendocrine Development
- Active Learning in International Relations
- Actuation-Induced Failure of High Temperature Shape-Memory Alloys
- Adaptation of Western Gulf loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) to a changing environment: Understanding water use efficiency and growth
- Adaptive Multiscale Simulation Framework for Reduced-Order Modeling in Perforated Domains
- Adaptive structural vibrations for multifaceted motivity
- Added Value to Farm-to-Food Bank
- Additive Manufacturing of Concrete for Sustainable Construction using Locally Developed Materials
- Additive Manufacturing of High Strength Steels for Lightweighting and Location-Specific Fragmentation
- Addressing Internal Shuttle Effect: Electrolyte Design and Cathode Morphology Evolution in Li-S Batteries
- Addressing the challenges and changes in poultry production systems.
- Adipose tissue lymphatic vessel functions in obesity
- ADK Regulation of Fat Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity
- Administration of a Continuous Flow Bacterial Culture to Poultry to Mitigate Social Behaviors Associated with the Spread of Foodborne Pathogens
- Administrative Support for Gulf Coast CESU
- Adobe Gift ($12,000)
- Advanced air dehumidification membranes for energy efficient membrane-based air-cooling process
- Advanced Discretization Techniques and Applications (ADTA)
- Advanced emergency preparedness and response tools for airborne hazardous materials in urban environments
- Advanced Irrigation Assessment and Analysis for Water Conservation
- Advanced Mechanical Performances of Polymer Composites Promoted By Rigid Ladder-Molecules
- Advanced Methods for Mimicking the Osteogenic Niche to Heal Bone
- Advanced numerical methods for multiphysics Magnetohydrodynamics