CAREER: Intein-Mediated Protein Polymer Hydrogels as General Scaffolds for Immobilization of Bioactive Proteins
CAREER: Knowledge-driven Analytics, Model Uncertainty, and Experiment Design
CAREER: Leveraging benthic foraminiferal biogeography to recognize ecosystem responses to climate change and engage first-generation students in scientific inquiry
CAREER: Leveraging Existing Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence to Understand the Performance of Civil Infrastructure Under Extreme Hazard Loads
CAREER: Merging Geoscience Research and Education to Investigate Convergent-Margin Deformation and Improve Spatio-Temporal Problem Solving in STEM Education
CAREER: Microfossils as Drivers for Submarine Landslides?
CAREER: Modeling human veins and venous pathology with organ-on-chip engineering for basic, translational and educational research
Career: New Theoretical Developments In High Energy Nuclear Collisions
CAREER: Nuclear Microphysics of Neutron Stars, Core-Collapse Supernovae, and Compact Object Mergers
CAREER: Numerical Investigation of Controls on Megathrust Earthquakes Along the Japan Trench Subduction Zone
CAREER: Optical Sensing and Imaging of Bacterial Infection to Improve Global Health
CAREER: Partitive Solid Geometry for Computer-Aided Design: Principles, Algorithms, Workflows, & Applications
CAREER: Physics-Constrained Modeling of Molecular Texts, Graphs, and Images for Deciphering Protein-Protein Interactions
CAREER: Process, Voltage, and Temperature (PVT)-Tolerant CMOS Photonic Interconnect Transceiver Architectures
CAREER: Scalable and Maximal Concurrency Debugging
CAREER: Scalable Musculoskeletal Simulation for Biomechanical Animation
CAREER: Science for Sustainable and Resilient Groundwater Management
Career: Site-Specific Dual-Labeling of A Protein Through Two Genetically Incorporated Noncanonical Amino Acids
CAREER: Structure-property-processing Relations for Aggregation-resistant Graphene
CAREER: Synergistic Design, Analysis and Learning of Intensified Process Systems
CAREER: The Science of Producing Metallic Parts with Location-Specific Properties Using Additive Manufacturing
CAREER: Theory and Application of Small-Sample Error Estimation in Genomic Signal Processing
CAREER: Towards Provably-Secure Design of Integrated Circuits
CAREER: Towards the Next Generation of Data-Driven
CAREER: Ultrafast Localized Plasmas in Dense Fluids: From Fundamental Phase-Change Phenomena and Diagnostics to Efficient Heat and Mass Transport
CAREER: Upper mantle anisotropy: the effect of pressure, temperature and hydration (
Career: Using An Urban-TO-Rural Gradient As A Proxy for Global Change Effects On Selected Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas
Career: Using Functionalized Protein-Based Materials To Control and Pattern Cell Behavior
CAREER: Wave Evolution on Singular Spacetimes
CAREER: Wireless Network Coding: Analysis, Complexity, and Algorithms