Coastal Flood Visualization with Mobile Virtual and Augmented Realities for Risk Communication
Cocaine and HIV Influence Mitochondrial Epigenetics in Astrocytic Networks
Cochran Fellowship Program: Ethiopia – Meat and Poultry Safety
Cochran Fellowship Program: Vietnam US Food Safety on Meat, Poultry
Cochran Program for Dominican Republic - Trade Policy
Coffee Resilience in Central America (CORE)
Cognition-driven Display for Navigation Activities (Cog-DNA): Personalized Spatial Information System Based on Information Personality of Firefighters
Cognitive impairment and AD: targeting presynaptic therapeutic mechanisms
Cognitive Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Decision Making Around Critical Agricultural and Natural Resource Issues
Cohomology of Noncommutative Rings: Structure and Applications
Cold QCD Studies with STAR at RHIC
Collaboration : Enhancing Bone Regeneration by Mimicking the Osteogenic Niche
Collaboration Research on Oxidative Elimination of Cyanotoxins by Ferrates(VI, V, and IV)
Collaborative Development: Both the Corps and Texas A&M Wish To Develop A Masters-Level Curriculum In "Engineering With Nature"
Collaborative Intervention Design: Doctoral Training Program Partnership with Texas A&M University, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Nebraska
Collaborative Online Optimization for Efficient Model-Based Learning
Collaborative Project: Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction From Meso-TO Planetary-Scale: Mechanisms, Parameterization, and Variability
Collaborative Proposal: Bimetallic Oxyhydroxide Surfaces for Highly Active and Stable Acidic Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts
Collaborative Proposal: Multiscale Modeling of Damage Tolerance in Hexagonal Materials
Collaborative Proposal: Type 1: Developing and Implementing Ocean-Atomosphere Reanalyses for Climate Applications (oarca)
Collaborative Research - Marine Career Tech (MCTech): STEM Careers in Shipbuilding and Marine Industry
Collaborative Research : Microwave Heating of Carbon Nanotube Coatings to Enable Rapid Welding in 3D-Printed Polymer Structures
Collaborative Research : Nonlinear Long Wave Amplification in the Shadow Zone of Offshore Islands
Collaborative Research in Biophotonics: Towards High-Resolution, Label-Free Molecular Imaging in Deep Tissue via Stimulated Raman Excitation and Ultrasound Detection
Collaborative Research SG: Symbiont interactions and heterosis in a hybrid social insect
Collaborative Research. The Texas A&M System AGEP Alliance: A Model to Advance Historically Underrepresented Minorities in the STEM Professoriate
Collaborative Research/IDBR: High-Throughput Measurement of Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) of Single Cells Using Fast-Scanning Optical-Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy (OR-PAM)
Collaborative Research: Deformation and Damage Mechanisms in Ternary Carbides and Nitrides Under Dynamic Conditions
Collaborative Research: Elements of an Extinction: Exploring the Delayed Caribbean Extinction With Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements
Collaborative Research: ENH: Physical modeling of submarine volcanic eruption generated tsunamis-