Collaborative Research: Transforming Teaching of Structural Analysis through Mobile Augmented Reality
Collaborative Research: Tropical Cyclones In A Warming Climate: Lessons From Model Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum and
Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES PMT: Dissolved trace metal distributions and size partitioning (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, & Sc)
Collaborative Research: Uncertainty Quantification, Optimal Designs and Calibration in Computer Experiments
Collaborative Research: Understanding and Improving Predictions about Future Feelings
Collaborative Research: Understanding Cholesteric Pitch in Nanocylinder Films
Collaborative Research: Understanding Long-term Changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Using IPCC AR5 Model Ensembles
Collaborative Research: Understanding Machining Induced Microstructure Changes to Ti for Implant Applications
Collaborative Research: Understanding Relationships between Dual-Polarimetric In-cloud Microphysics and Satellite-Observed Cumulus Cloud Properties to Predict Lightning Character
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Southern Ocean's Contribution to Cenozoic Deep-Water Circulation
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Southern Ocean's Contribution to Cenozoic Deep-Water Circulation
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Southern Ocean's Contribution to Cenozoic Deep-Water Circulation
Collaborative Research: Unraveling Evolutionary Processes In Avian Species Distributed Across the Southern African
Collaborative Research: Unveiling the Enigmatic Biosynthetic Machinery of the Azinomycins
Collaborative Research: Using Field Experiments to Understand Household Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Alaska
Collaborative Research: Why Does Oxidation Improve Freezing? Using Laboratory Measurements and Molecular Simulations to Investigate Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation on Carbon Surfaces
Collaborative Research:A Long Term Perspective on Agricultural Development
Collaborative Science Program (CSP) Proposal Travel Grant for the “Unsolved Problems of Noise” Conference, Gdansk, Poland, July 2018
Collagen Binding as a Virulence Mechanism in Lyme Borreliosis
Collection Support for USDA APHIS PPQ Entomologist Associated with the Texas A&M University Insect Collection
Collection Support for USDA APHIS PPQ Entomologist Associated with the Texas A&M University Insect Collection
Collection Support for USDA APHIS PPQ Entomologist Associated with the Texas A&M University Insect Collection
Collective Attention Threats: Models and Deterrence
College of Arts & Sciences Internal Conference Travel Grant
College of Arts and Sciences Research Grant
College of Arts and Sciences Research Grant
Combatting Rose Rosette Disease: Short and Long Term Approaches
CombinaTexas 2018
CombinaTexas 2020
Combination Drug Testing for New TB Regimens