Grant RDF
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- Center for International Business Studies, Texas A&M University Grant Application for the Centers for International Business (CIBE) Program
- Center for Research Excellence on Dynamically Deformed Solids (CREDDS): Discovering the Role of Heterogeneities in High Strain Rate Mechanical Response-
- Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty Development Support Fund
- Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty Development Support Fund
- Center for Teaching and Learning Project Grant
- Center for Translational Environmental Health Research
- Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training and University Based Research (CENTUAR)
- CERT (Center for Exascale Radiation Transport)
- CESU - CEAP Cropland and Grazing Land Modeling
- CESU-Researching Indigenous Communities along El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail in Central and Southwest Texas
- CFD and System Code Benchmark Data for Plenum-to-Plenum Flow for Natural, Mixed and Forced Circulation
- CFP Kazakhstan US Systems Audits
- CFP Ukraine/Moldova Animal Products
- CFP17 Serbia Crop Insurance @TAMU-
- CFP17 Thailand Plant Variety Prot @TAMU
- CFP18 South Africa - Meat Inspection
- CFP19 Colombia SPS/TBT @TAMU
- CFP19 Mexico Rendered Products @ TAMU
- CFP: FY16 FS -TAMU - Philippines
- Chagas Disease Epidemiology in Border Patrol Dogs
- Changing perceptions: Agriculture, education, and information technology in Mississippi.
- Changing the Way Geothermal Wells are Drilled: Physics-Based Drilling Parameter Selection, Workflow Implementation and Training in Order to Reduce Non-Productive Time and Increase ROP
- Channing Briggs Small Research Grant
- Chaotic Dynamics of Distributed Parameter Systems Containing Nonlinearities
- Chaotic Dynamics of Distributed Vibrating Systems Containing Nonlinearities in Multidimensional Spaces
- Chaotic Synchronization of Surface Chemistry and Vesicular Assembly in Hydrothermal Microenvironments
- Chaotically Mediated Biochemistry and Vesicular Protocell Assembly in Prebiotic Hydrothermal Microenvironments
- Characterization and Comparison of the Nasal and Oral Cavity Microbiome in Detection Canines
- Characterization and evaluation of bacteriophages for the control of Salmonella in the beef feedlot environment.