Grant RDF
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- CIF: Small: Numerically-Stable Large-Scale Coded Distributed Computing
- CIF: Small: Optimal Estimation and Network Inference for Boolean Dynamical Systems
- CIF: Small: Structured-Network Coding: Fundamental Limits via Submodular Function Optimization
- CIF: Student Conference Travel Support for the 2018 North American School of Information Theory
- CIF:Small: Aspects of the Interplay Between Information Theory and Signal Processing: Extremal Problems and Applications
- CIF:Small: The Design and Analysis of Spatially-Coupled Coding Systems
- CIF:Small:Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation and Control of Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems with Applications in Metagenomics
- Circadian clock activation and tissue specificity in Drosophila
- Circadian Clock Control of Seasonal Migration
- Circadian Clock Disruption and Ischemic Stroke Outcomes: Age and Sex Differences
- Circadian Regulation of PAH Metabolism
- CLAP-seq: An Aptamer-Based Platform for Transcriptome-Wide Mapping of RNA Modifications
- Classical Complement Pathway Evasion Mechanisms of Lyme Disease Spirochetes
- Classroom Coach
- ClassWide Peer Tutoring in an alternative education setting
- Clean Energy, Wind, Solar, and Fuel Cell Technology Curriculum
- Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (CAMP) Continuation
- Climate Change
- Climate, Evolution, and Biodiversity: Interdisciplinary Research for Conservation
- Clinical Research - Mechanisms of Human Basophil-Mediated Allergic Inflammation
- Clique Relaxations in Biological and Social Network Analysis: Foundations and Algorithms
- CLLA International Travel & Research Grant-TAMU to attend & give plenary at International Society of Media, Religion & Culture Conference at University of Kent-UK
- CLLA International Travel & Research Grant-TAMU to attend & keynote at French Association of Social Sciences of Religion Conference at University of Paris
- Cloud Computing Based Robust Space Situational Awareness
- Clumped Isotope Reordering Kinetics in Carbonate Minerals: The key to accurate ocean paleotemperatures and basin thermal histories
- CMMI-AM-Advanced Manufacturing, “Collaborative Research: Localized Frontal Curing-Assisted 3D Printing of Thermosetting Polymers”
- CMV Pentameric Complex Based Vaccine Strategies for Prevention of Congenital CMV
- CNH: Slowing the Expansion of Woodlands and Increasing the Resilience of Grasslands in the Southern Great Plains
- Coastal Ecology and Management
- Coastal Flood Spotter: A Human Sensors Based Approach to Enhancing Preparedness for Flooding in the Houston-Galveston Metro Region