Grant RDF
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- CAREER: Conformational Control of pi-Conjugated Polymeric Materials Through Dynamic Bonds
- CAREER: Constrained Slip, Cracking and Instability in Extremely Anisotropic Nanolayered Solids
- CAREER: CSR Ultra Low Power Architectures for Wearable Computing
- CAREER: Designing Microscale, Shape-Morphing Liquid Crystal Elastomers as Tissue Adhesives
- CAREER: Development of 2d Materials with High Optical Sensitivity and Efficient Charge Transport Through Local Chemical Modification
- CAREER: Discourse Level Event-Event Relation Identification
- CAREER: Effects of River Inflows on Coastal Ecosystem Sustainability Under Climate Change, Urbanization, and Flow Regulation
- CAREER: Electro-Chemo-Mechanics of Li and Na Metal: Toward Dendrite-and Damage-Free Metallic Anodes of Rechargeable Batteries
- CAREER: Enhancing Shock-Driven Turbulent Mixing using Multiphase Hydrodynamics
- CAREER: Essential functions of secondary metabolic networks for bacterial competition
- CAREER: Estimating and Addressing Disaster Survivors' Unmet Needs: A Social Vulnerability and Social Infrastructure Approach
- CAREER: Evolution of Locust Swarms and Phenotypic Plasticity in Grasshoppers
- CAREER: Evolutionary Mechanisms for Recruiting Promiscuous Enzyme Activities into New Metabolic Pathways
- CAREER: Experimental Investigation of Deformation and Slip Behaviors of Subduction Megathrust Rocks
- CAREER: Explicit Adaptive Methods for Coupled Problems
- CAREER: Exploiting Novel Architectures for Advanced Heterometallic Magnetic Molecules and Materials
- CAREER: Exploring Novel Organic Thermoelectric Composites with Hierarchical Architecture and High Figure of Merit
- CAREER: Fast Algorithms for Riemannian Optimization
- CAREER: First-Principles Predictive Theory and Microscopic Understanding of Nonlinear Light-Matter Interactions towards Designer Nonlinear Optical Materials
- CAREER: Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) for biological flows
- CAREER: Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) in Biological Flows
- CAREER: Foundations for Flow-based Cyber-Physical Systems
- Career: Geometry of Measures In High Dimensions
- CAREER: Guiding and Confining Nonlinear Elastic Waves in Moir´ e Metastructures
- CAREER: Heat semigroups and Strichartz estimates on fractals
- CAREER: Heterogeneous Nucleation in Reversible Martensitic Transformations
- CAREER: Household Network Modeling and Empathetic Learning for Integrating Social Equality into Infrastructure Resilience Assessment
- CAREER: Information-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks
- CAREER: Integrated CO2 Capture and Catalytic Conversion to Solar Fuels Using Hybrid Multifunctional Materials
- Career: Integrated Scanning and Optical Imaging Techniques To Enable Understanding of Live Cell Dynamics-From Molecular Biology