ARL: Materials
ARL: Tactical Networks
ARRA: Centreast Regional Health Information Technology Extension Program
Artificial Ecology Sink As Prophylaxis Against Viral Infection
Artist Career Advancement Grant
Artist Career Advancement Grant
Arts & Humanities Fellow
Arts & Humanities Fellow
Arts and Humanities Fellowship
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Mediated Modulation of Colorectal Cancer by Microbiota Metabolites
ASPIR2E: Aggie Student Pharmacists Initiative for Recruitment / Retention and Education.
Assess Wildlife Impacts from Water Development Removal
Assessing and Mitigating Risk Associated with Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in Cattle Feedyard Dust
Assessing Erosion Resistance of Bank Materials on American and Sacramento Rivers
Assessing flow and sediment dynamics of Lower Brazos and San Bernard Basins
Assessing Radiation Therapy treatment of lung cancer using GATE Monte Carlo simulation software
Assessing the condition of upland vegetation in four intermountain regions parks, and planning for the restoration of grassland prairie habitats in nine national park units
Assessing the Impact of Public Transit on Physical Activity: A Natural Experimental Study in El Paso, Texas
Assessing the Impact of TTL Cirrus on the Climate System - CloudSat and CALIPSO Science Team Recompete/ROSES-2015
Assessing the Impacts of a District-Wide, School-Level Arts Access Initiative on Student Engagement
Assessing the influence of background state and climate variability on tropical cyclones using initialized ensembles and mesh refinement in E3SM
Assessing the Role of Immigration in the Linkage between School Safety, Education, and Juvenile Justice Contact
Assessing the safety and quality of foods of animal origin
Assessing the tempo and mode of avian speciation, and the distribution and associations of avian parasites at inter- and intra-continental scales
Assessing Warfare in the Digital Age:-Developing a Net Assessment Framework to Define, Compare and Measure the Role of Information-in the Strategic Concepts, Objectives, Operations and Capabilities
Assessing Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance Evaluation (AWARE) Surveillance Program.
Assessment and Monitoring of Biodiversity: Impacts of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation and Climate Change.
Assessment of Breast Cancer Mechanopathology Markers using Ultrasound
Assessment of Golden-cheeked warbler population genetic structure and genetic recovery
Assessment of Impact of C. difficile on Hospitalized Patients in Texas, 2000-2009