Assessing Warfare in the Digital Age:-Developing a Net Assessment Framework to Define, Compare and Measure the Role of Information-in the Strategic Concepts, Objectives, Operations and Capabilities Grant uri icon


  • Federal External 2020-2021 DOD-Office of Net Assessment Cost Reimbursable HQ003419C116 M2000152 yes PI Assessing Warfare in the Digital Age:-Developing a Net Assessment Framework to Define, Compare and Measure the Role of Information-in the Strategic Concepts, Objectives, Operations and Capabilities of-the Peoples Republic of China, the Russia Federation and the United States. Total $ Grant Amount: $242,638.93 $ Amount Attributable to Candidate: $15,724.53.
    *In 2020, as the PI I received the TEES 2020 Engineering Genesis Award.

date/time interval

  • 2020 - 2021