faculty position
- Altemose, Alicia, Lecturer
- Altman, Alison, Assistant Professor
- Baker, Lane, Professor
- Banerjee, Sarbajit, Professor
- Bankaitis, Vytas, E.L. Wehner-Welch Foundation Chair
- Barondeau, David, Associate Professor
- Batteas, James, D. Wayne Goodman Professor of Chemistry
- Batteas, James, Professor
- Begley, Tadhg, Distinguished Professor
- Bergbreiter, David, Professor
- Bluemel, Janet, Professor
- Brown, Lawrence, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Burgess, Kevin, Professor
- Clearfield, Abraham, Distinguished Professor
- Collins, Daniel, Lecturer
- Darensbourg, Donald, Distinguished Professor
- Darensbourg, Marcetta, Distinguished Professor
- Degruyter, Justine, Lecturer
- Dunbar, Kim, Distinguished Professor
- Fang, Lei, Associate Professor
- Folden, Charles, Associate Professor
- Gabbai, Francois, Professor
- Gaede, Holly, Instructional Professor
- Gladysz, John, Distinguished Professor
- Goodey, Joanna, Instructional Associate Professor
- Gopalakrishnan, Ganesa, Senior Lecturer
- Grunlan, Jaime, Professor
- Grunlan, Melissa, Professor
- Gutierrez Santacruz, Osvaldo, Associate Professor
- Hall, Michael, Professor
- Hilty, Christian, Professor
- Hughbanks, Timothy, Professor and Associate Department Head
- Laane, Jaan, Professor
- Laganowsky, Arthur, Associate Professor
- Lee, Edward, Lecturer
- Lim, Soon-Mi, Associate Graduate Advisor
- Lim, Soon-Mi, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Lindahl, Paul, Professor
- Liu, Sajid, Professor
- Liu, Wenshe, Professor
- Lucchese, Robert, Professor
- Mawk, Elmo, Senior Lecturer
- Michaudel, Quentin, Assistant Professor
- Mullen, Christine, Senior Lecturer
- Nippe, Michael, Associate Professor
- North, Simon, Professor and Head
- Ozerov, Oleg, Professor
- Pennington, James, Instructional Associate Professor
- Ponnamperuma, Krishan, Senior Lecturer
- Powers, David, Professor
- Powers, Tamara, Lecturer
- Raushel, Frank, Distinguished Professor
- Russell, David, Professor
- San Pedro, Joanna Maria, Senior Lecturer
- Santander, Patricio, Senior Lecturer
- Schaefer, Amber, Lecturer
- Schweikert, Emile, Professor
- Sczepanski, Jonathan, Assistant Professor
- Serrano, Catherine, Lecturer
- Sheldon, Matthew, Assistant Professor
- Singleton, Daniel, Professor
- Son, Dong, Professor
- Songok, Abigael, Lecturer
- Tabor, Daniel, Assistant Professor
- Thomas, Andy, Assistant Professor
- Waas, Jack, Lecturer
- Wang, Xuan, Instructional Associate Professor
- Watanabe, Coran, Associate Professor
- Williamson, Vickie, Instructional Professor
- Wooley, Karen, Distinguished Professor
- Xu, Shiqing, Assistant Professor
- Yan, Xin, Assistant Professor
- Yeager, Danny, Professor
- Yennello, Sherry, Professor and Director
non-faculty academic position
- Tomlin, Bryan, Research Scientist