selected publications academicarticle Easley, A. D., Li, C., Li, S., Nguyen, T. P., Mick Kuo, K., Wooley, K. L., Tabor, D. P., & Lutkenhaus, J. L. (2024). Electron transport kinetics for viologen-containing polypeptides with varying side group linker spacing. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 12(46), 31871-31882. Alessandri, R., Li, C., Keating, S., Mohanty, K. T., Peng, A., Lutkenhaus, J. L., ... de Pablo, J. J. (2024). Structural, Ionic, and Electronic Properties of Solid-State Phthalimide-Containing Polymers for All-Organic Batteries. JACS Au. 4(6), 2300-2311. Somodi, C. B., McCormick, K., Tabor, D. P., Pentzer, E., & Shamberger, P. J. (2024). Kinetics of the plastic crystal transition in neopentyl glycol. Journal of Applied Physics. 135(14), 145101. Neisser, R. W., Davis, J. P., Alfieri, M. E., Harkins, H., Petit, A. S., Tabor, D. P., & Kidwell, N. M. (2023). Photophysical Outcomes of Water-Solvated Heterocycles: Single-Conformation Ultraviolet and Infrared Spectroscopy of Microsolvated 2-Phenylpyrrole. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 127(50), 10540-10554. Ma, T., Fox, E., Qi, M., Li, C., Sachithani, K., Mohanty, K., ... Lutkenhaus, J. L. (2023). Charge Transfer in Spatially Defined Organic Radical Polymers. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. 35(21), 9346-9351. Li, C., & Tabor, D. P. (2023). Generative organic electronic molecular design informed by quantum chemistry. Chemical Science. 14(40), 11045-11055. Chao, T., Rekhi, S., Mittal, J., & Tabor, D. P. (2023). Data-Driven Models for Predicting Intrinsically Disordered Protein Polymer Physics Directly from Composition or Sequence. Molecular Systems Design and Engineering. 8(9), 1146-1155. Li, J., Peng, B., Li, S., Tabor, D. P., Fang, L., & Schroeder, C. M. (2023). Ladder-type conjugated molecules as robust multi-state single-molecule switches. Chem. 9(8), 2282-2297. Li, C., & Tabor, D. P. (2023). Reorganization Energy Predictions with Graph Neural Networks Informed by Low-Cost Conformers. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 127(15), 3484-3489. Ma, T., Li, C., Thakur, R. M., Tabor, D. P., & Lutkenhaus, J. L. (2023). The role of the electrolyte in non-conjugated radical polymers for metal-free aqueous energy storage electrodes. Nature Materials. 22(4), 495-502. Shuber, N. J., Tabor, D. P., & North, S. W. (2023). Theoretical investigation of the ground state dissociation pathways of CH2NO2. Chemical Physics. 568, 111823-111823. Li, C., & Tabor, D. P. (2023). Generative organic electronic molecular design informed by quantum chemistry. Chemical Science. 14(40), 11045-11055. Lee, J., Li, S., Ji, X., Che, S., Cao, Y., Tabor, D. P., & Fang, L. (2022). Molecular mechanism of rigidity- and planarity-promoted, state-dependent doping of conjugated ladder-type molecules. Materials Chemistry Frontiers. 6(22), 3329-3337. Ma, G., Leng, M., Li, S., Cao, Z., Cao, Y., Tabor, D. P., Fang, L., & Gu, X. (2022). Robust chain aggregation of low-entropy rigid ladder polymers in solution. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 10(37), 13896-13904. Peterson, B. N., Alfieri, M. E., Hood, D. J., Hettwer, C. D., Costantino, D. V., Tabor, D. P., & Kidwell, N. M. (2022). Solvent-Mediated Charge Transfer Dynamics of a Model Brown Carbon Aerosol Chromophore: Photophysics of 1-Phenylpyrrole Induced by Water Solvation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 126(27), 4313-4325. Li, C., & Tabor, D. P. (2022). Discovery of lead low-potential radical candidates for organic radical polymer batteries with machine-learning-assisted virtual screening. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 10(15), 8273-8282. Sawaya, N., Paesani, F., & Tabor, D. P. (2021). Near- and long-term quantum algorithmic approaches for vibrational spectroscopy. Physical Review A (PRA). 104(6), 062419. Goulet, M., Tong, L., Pollack, D. A., Tabor, D. P., Odom, S. A., Aspuru-Guzik, A., ... Aziz, M. J. (2021). Correction to "Extending the Lifetime of Organic Flow Batteries via Redox State Management". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143(34), 14019-14020. Wang, Q., Yao, Z., Zhao, C., Verhallen, T., Tabor, D. P., Liu, M., ... Li, B. (2020). Interface chemistry of an amide electrolyte for highly reversible lithium metal batteries. Nature Communications. 11(1), 4188. Tabor, D. P., Chiykowski, V. A., Friederich, P., Cao, Y., Dvorak, D. J., Berlinguette, C. P., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2019). Design rules for high mobility xanthene-based hole transport materials. Chemical Science. 10(36), 8360-8366. Perkinson, C. F., Tabor, D. P., Einzinger, M., Sheberla, D., Utzat, H., Lin, T., ... Baldo, M. A. (2019). Discovery of blue singlet exciton fission molecules via a high-throughput virtual screening and experimental approach. Journal of Chemical Physics. 151(12), 121102. Topg, L., Goulet, M., Tabor, D. P., Kerr, E. F., De Porcellinis, D., Fell, E. M., ... Aziz, M. J. (2019). Molecular Engineering of an Alkaline Naphthoquinone Flow Battery. ACS Energy Letters. 4(8), 1880-1887. Goulet, M., Tong, L., Pollack, D. A., Tabor, D. P., Odom, S. A., Aspuru-Guzik, A., ... Aziz, M. J. (2019). Extending the Lifetime of Organic Flow Batteries via Redox State Management. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141(20), 8014-8019. Tabor, D. P., Gomez-Bombarelli, R., Tong, L., Gordon, R. G., Aziz, M. J., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2019). Mapping the frontiers of quinone stability in aqueous media: implications for organic aqueous redox flow batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 7(20), 12833-12841. Tong, L., Goulet, M., Tabor, D. P., Kerr, E. F., Porcellinis, D. D., Fell, E. M., ... Aziz, M. J. (2019). Molecular Engineering of an Alkaline Naphthoquinone Flow Battery Davydov, A. V., & Kattner, U. R. (2019). Predicting synthesizability. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 52(1), 013001-013001. Chiykowski, V. A., Cao, Y., Tan, H., Tabor, D. P., Sargent, E. H., Aspuru-Guzik, A., & Berlinguette, C. P. (2018). Precise Control of Thermal and Redox Properties of Organic Hole-Transport Materials. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 57(47), 15529-15533. Chiykowski, V. A., Cao, Y., Tan, H., Tabor, D. P., Sargent, E. H., AspuruGuzik, A., & Berlinguette, C. P. (2018). Precise Control of Thermal and Redox Properties of Organic HoleTransport Materials. Angewandte Chemie. 130(47), 15755-15759. Kwabi, D. G., Lin, K., Ji, Y., Kerr, E. F., Goulet, M., De Porcellinis, D., ... Aziz, M. J. (2018). Alkaline Quinone Flow Battery with Long Lifetime at pH 12. Joule. 2(9), 1894-1906. Kwabi, D. G., Lin, K., Ji, Y., Kerr, E. F., Goulet, M., De Porcellinis, D., ... Aziz, M. J. (2018). Alkaline Quinone Flow Battery with Long Lifetime at pH 12 (vol 2, pg 1894, 2018). Joule. 2(9), 1907-1908. Tabor, D. P., Gomez-Bombarelli, R., Tong, L., Gordon, R. G., Aziz, M. J., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2018). Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Stability Limits of Quinones in Aqueous Media: Implications for Organic Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries Sawaya, N., Rappoport, D., Tabor, D. P., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2018). Excitonics: A Set of Gates for Molecular Exciton Processing and Signaling. ACS Nano. 12(7), 6410-6420. Goulet, M., Pollack, D., Tong, L., Tabor, D. P., Aspuru-Guzik, A., Gordon, R. G., & Aziz, M. J. (2018). Stability of Organic Reactants for Aqueous Flow Batteries. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2018-02(2), 126-126. Tabor, D. P. (2018). Approaching saturation limits. Nature Energy. 3(6), 455-456. Tabor, D. P., Roch, L. M., Saikin, S. K., Kreisbeck, C., Sheberla, D., Montoya, J. H., ... Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2018). Accelerating the discovery of materials for clean energy in the era of smart automation. Nature Reviews Materials. 3(5), 5-20. Yang, Z., Tong, L., Tabor, D. P., Beh, E. S., Goulet, M., De Porcellinis, D., ... Aziz, M. J. (2018). Alkaline Benzoquinone Aqueous Flow Battery for Large-Scale Storage of Electrical Energy. Advanced Energy Materials. 8(8), Yang, Z., Tong, L., Tabor, D. P., Beh, E. S., Goulet, M., De Porcellinis, D., ... Aziz, M. J. (2018). Flow Batteries: Alkaline Benzoquinone Aqueous Flow Battery for LargeScale Storage of Electrical Energy (Adv. Energy Mater. 8/2018). Advanced Energy Materials. 8(8), Hewett, D. M., Tabor, D. P., Fischer, J. L., Sibert, E. L., & Zwier, T. S. (2017). Infrared-Enhanced Fluorescence-Gain Spectroscopy: Conformation-Specific Excited-State Infrared Spectra of Alkylbenzenes. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 8(21), 5296-5300. Bakker, D. J., Dey, A., Tabor, D. P., Ong, Q., Mah, J., Gaigeot, M., Sibert, E. L., & Rijs, A. M. (2017). Fingerprints of inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding in saligenin-water clusters revealed by mid- and far-infrared spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP. 19(31), 20343-20356. Hewett, D. M., Bocklitz, S., Tabor, D. P., Sibert Iii, E. L., Suhm, M. A., & Zwier, T. S. (2017). Identifying the first folded alkylbenzene via ultraviolet, infrared, and Raman spectroscopy of pentylbenzene through decylbenzene. Chemical Science. 8(8), 5305-5318. Franke, P. R., Tabor, D. P., Moradi, C. P., Douberly, G. E., Agarwal, J., Schaefer, H. F., & Sibert, E. L. (2016). Infrared laser spectroscopy of the n-propyl and i-propyl radicals: Stretch-bend Fermi coupling in the alkyl CH stretch region. Journal of Chemical Physics. 145(22), 224304. Korn, J. A., Tabor, D. P., Sibert, E. L., & Zwier, T. S. (2016). Conformation-specific spectroscopy of alkyl benzyl radicals: Effects of a radical center on the CH stretch infrared spectrum of an alkyl chain. Journal of Chemical Physics. 145(12), 124314. Tabor, D. P., Hewett, D. M., Bocklitz, S., Korn, J. A., Tomaine, A. J., Ghosh, A. K., Zwier, T. S., & Sibert, E. L. (2016). Anharmonic modeling of the conformation-specific IR spectra of ethyl, n-propyl, and n-butylbenzene. Journal of Chemical Physics. 144(22), 224310. Sibert, E. L., Tabor, D. P., & Lisy, J. M. (2015). Modeling the CH Stretch Vibrational Spectroscopy of M(+)[Cyclohexane] (M = Li, Na, and K) Ions. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119(41), 10293-10299. Tabor, D. P., Kusaka, R., Walsh, P. S., Zwier, T. S., & Sibert, E. L. (2015). Local Mode Approach to OH Stretch Spectra of Benzene-(H2O)n Clusters, n = 2-7. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119(38), 9917-9930. Tabor, D. P., Kusaka, R., Walsh, P. S., Sibert, E. L., & Zwier, T. S. (2015). Isomer-Specific Spectroscopy of Benzene-(H2O)n, n = 6,7: Benzene's Role in Reshaping Water's Three-Dimensional Networks. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6(10), 1989-1995. Lee, Y., Chou, W., Johnson, B. A., Tabor, D. P., Sibert, E., & Lee, Y. (2015). Infrared absorption of CH3O and CD3O radicals isolated in solid para-H2. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 310, 57-67. Sibert, E., & Tabor, D. P. (2014). A perturbative description of non-adiabatic effects in methoxy vibrations. Molecular Physics. 112(24), 3138-3143. Sibert, E. L., Tabor, D. P., Kidwell, N. M., Dean, J. C., & Zwier, T. S. (2014). Fermi resonance effects in the vibrational spectroscopy of methyl and methoxy groups. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 118(47), 11272-11281. Tabor, D. P., Harding, M. E., Ichino, T., & Stanton, J. F. (2012). High-accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry of the vinyl, allyl, and vinoxy radicals. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116(29), 7668-7676. conference paper Tabor, D., Kidwell, N., & Annis, J. (2021). STRUCTURE AND INFRARED SPECTRA OF NEW AEROSOL PARTICLE FORMATION SEED CLUSTERS. 1-1. Chappie, E., Kidwell, N., & Tabor, D. (2021). MOLECULAR FRAGMENT MACHINE LEARNING TRAINING TECHNIQUES TO PREDICT CLUSTER ENERGETICS AND FREQUENCIES IN BROWN CARBON AEROSOL CLUSTERS. 1-1. Tabor, D., & Kidwell, N. (2020). STRUCTURE AND INFRARED SPECTRA OF NEW AEROSOL PARTICLE FORMATION SEED CLUSTERS. 1-1. Tabor, D. (2019). Active search for organic functional materials with artificial intelligence. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Tabor, D., Outeiral, C., Sanchez-Lengeling, B., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2018). Coupling generative models to virtual screening: Application to organic redox flow batteries. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Tabor, D., Hase, F., Roch, L., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2018). Discovery of organic flow battery electrolytes via a machine learning driven approach. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Walsh, P., Tabor, D., Kusaka, R., Buchanan, E., Gord, J., Sibert, E., & Zwier, T. (2018). Water world: Understanding water's diverse interactions with solutes through single-conformation spectroscopy. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Tabor, D., Kusaka, R., Walsh, P., Sibert, E., & Zwier, T. (2016). Attaching water clusters to aromatic solutes: Spectroscopic signatures of large amplitude motions and Fermi resonance in the OH stretch region. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Sibert, E., Tabor, D., Korn, J., Hewett, D., & Zwier, T. (2016). Using vibrational spectra to probe structure and local environment. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Sibert, E., Tabor, D., Kidwell, N., Dean, J., & Zwier, T. (2015). Alkyl CH stretch vibrations as a probe local environment. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 1-1. Tabor, D., Kusaka, R., Walsh, P., Sibert, E., & Zwier, T. (2015). Vibrational spectroscopy of benzene-(water)n clusters with n=3-7. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 1-1. Sawaya, N. P., Marti-Dafcik, D., Ho, Y., Tabor, D. P., Neira, D., Magann, A. B., ... Camps, D. HamLib: A Library of Hamiltonians for Benchmarking Quantum Algorithms and Hardware. 389-390. institutional repository document Alessandri, R., Li, C., Keating, S., Mohanty, K. T., Peng, A., Lutkenhaus, J. L., ... de Pablo, J. J. (2024). Structural, Ionic, and Electronic Properties of Solid-State Phthalimide-Containing Polymers for All-Organic Batteries Li, C., & Tabor, D. P. (2023). Generative Organic Electronic Molecular Design via Reinforcement Learning Integration with Quantum Chemistry: Tuning Singlet and Triplet Energy Levels Li, C., & Tabor, D. P. (2023). Generative Organic Electronic Molecular Design via Reinforcement Learning Integration with Quantum Chemistry: Tuning Singlet and Triplet Energy Energy Levels Sawaya, N. P., Marti-Dafcik, D., Ho, Y., Tabor, D. P., Neira, D., Magann, A. B., ... Camps, D. (2023). HamLib: A library of Hamiltonians for benchmarking quantum algorithms and hardware Chao, T., Rekhi, S., Mittal, J., & Tabor, D. P. (2023). Data-Driven Models for Predicting Intrinsically Disordered Protein Polymer Physics Directly from Composition or Sequence Li, C., & Tabor, D. (2022). Accelerating Organic Electronic Materials Design with Low-Cost, Robust Molecular Reorganization Energy Predictions Peterson, B., Alfieri, M., Hood, D., Hettwer, C., Costantino, D., Tabor, D., & Kidwell, N. (2022). Solvent-Mediated Charge Transfer Dynamics of a Model Brown Carbon Aerosol Chromophore: Photophysics of 1-Phenylpyrrole Induced by Water Solvation Li, C., & Tabor, D. (2022). Discovery of lead low-potential radical candidates for organic radical polymer batteries with machine-learning-assisted virtual screening Sawaya, N., Paesani, F., & Tabor, D. P. (2020). Near- and long-term quantum algorithmic approaches for vibrational spectroscopy Tong, L., Goulet, M., Tabor, D. P., Kerr, E. F., Porcellinis, D. D., Fell, E. M., ... Aziz, M. J. (2019). Molecular Engineering of an Alkaline Naphthoquinone Flow Battery Tabor, D., Gmez-Bombarelli, R., Tong, L., Gordon, R. G., Aziz, M. J., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2018). Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Stability Limits of Quinones in Aqueous Media: Implications for Organic Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries Tabor, D. P., Gomez-Bombarelli, R., Tong, L., Gordon, R. G., Aziz, M. J., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2018). Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Stability Limits of Quinones in Aqueous Media: Implications for Organic Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries Sawaya, N., Rappoport, D., Tabor, D., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2017). Excitonics: A universal set of binary gates for molecular exciton processing and signaling
principal investigator on Accelerating the Prediction and Analysis of Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy awarded by Welch Foundation - (Houston, Texas, United States) 2023 - 2026 A-2049-20200401 Mapping the Structure and Formation of Aerosols Through Theoretical Spectroscopy and Multiscale Simulation awarded by Welch Foundation - (Houston, Texas, United States) 2020 - 2023
co-principal investigator on Collaborative Research: DMREF: Accelerated Design of Redox-Active Polymers for Metal-Free Batteries awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2021 - 2025
teaching activities CHEM119 Hnr-fund Of Chemistry I Instructor CHEM291 Research Instructor CHEM491 Research Instructor CHEM491 Research Instructor CHEM648 Prin Of Quantum Mech Instructor CHEM690 Theory Of Chem Resrch Instructor CHEM691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin - Madison - (Madison, Wisconsin, United States) 2016 B.S. in Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2011 Harvard University - (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) , Postdoctoral Training 2019
awards and honors Cottrell Scholar Award, conferred by Research Corporation for Science Advancement - (Tucson, Arizona, United States), 2023
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