publication venue for
- Real-Time Gait Phase and Task Estimation for Controlling a Powered Ankle Exoskeleton on Extremely Uneven Terrain.. 39:2170-2182. 2023
- Bounds on Optimal Revisit Times in Persistent Monitoring Missions With a Distinct and Remote Service Station. 39:1070-1086. 2023
- a-WaLTR: Adaptive Wheel-and-Leg Transformable Robot for Versatile Multiterrain Locomotion. 39:941-958. 2023
- Gaussian-Process-Based Control of Underactuated Balance Robots With Guaranteed Performance. 39:572-589. 2023
- Unifying Consensus and Covariance Intersection for Efficient Distributed State Estimation Over Unreliable Networks. 37:1525-1538. 2021
- Graph-Based Proprioceptive Localization Using a Discrete Heading-Length Feature Sequence Matching Approach. 37:1268-1281. 2021
- Optimal UAV Route Planning for Persistent Monitoring Missions. 37:550-566. 2021
- Encoder-Camera-Ground Penetrating Radar Sensor Fusion: Bimodal Calibration and Subsurface Mapping. 37:67-81. 2021
- TWISTER Hand: Underactuated Robotic Gripper Inspired by Origami Twisted Tower. 36:488-500. 2020
- Robots in the Huddle: Upfront Computation to Reduce Global Communication at Run Time in Multirobot Task Allocation. 36:125-141. 2020
- SLAP: Simultaneous Localization and Planning Under Uncertainty via Dynamic Replanning in Belief Space. 34:1195-1214. 2018
- Visual Navigation Using Heterogeneous Landmarks and Unsupervised Geometric Constraints. 31:736-749. 2015
- Cooperative Search of Multiple Unknown Transient Radio Sources Using Multiple Paired Mobile Robots. 30:1161-1173. 2014
- Simultaneous Localization of Multiple Unknown and Transient Radio Sources Using a Mobile Robot. 28:668-680. 2012
- On Optimizing Autonomous Pipeline Inspection. 28:223-233. 2012
- On the Time to Search for an Intermittent Signal Source Under a Limited Sensing Range. 27:313-323. 2011
- Secure Mobility and the Autonomous Driver. 24:688-697. 2008
- Approximate Algorithms for a Collaboratively Controlled Robotic Camera. 23:1061-1070. 2007
- Superpositioning of Behaviors Learned Through Teleoperation. 22:79-91. 2006
- Algorithms for fast concurrent reconfiguration of hexagonal metamorphic robots. 21:621-631. 2005
- How UGVs Physically Fail in the Field. 21:423-437. 2005