publication venue for
- Cooperative sensing of mitochondrial DNA by ZBP1 and cGAS promotes cardiotoxicity.. 186:3013-3032.e22. 2023
- Evolutionary assembly of cooperating cell types in an animal chemical defense system.. 185:1257-1257. 2022
- Mitochondrial ROS promotes susceptibility to infection via gasdermin D-mediated necroptosis.. 185:3214-3231.e23. 2022
- Mucus-degrading Bacteroides link carbapenems to aggravated graft-versus-host disease.. 185:3705-3719.e14. 2022
- Evolutionary assembly of cooperating cell types in an animal chemical defense system.. 184:6138-6156.e28. 2021
- The origins of SARS-CoV-2: A critical review.. 184:4848-4856. 2021
- A Paleogenomic Reconstruction of the Deep Population History of the Andes.. 181:1131-1145.e21. 2020
- Bacteria-to-Human Protein Networks Reveal Origins of Endogenous DNA Damage.. 176:127-143.e24. 2019
- exRNA Atlas Analysis Reveals Distinct Extracellular RNA Cargo Types and Their Carriers Present across Human Biofluids.. 177:463-477.e15. 2019
- Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America.. 175:1185-1197.e22. 2018
- An Endothelial-to-Adipocyte Extracellular Vesicle Axis Governed by Metabolic State.. 175:695-708.e13. 2018
- Time-Resolved Analysis Reveals Rapid Dynamics and Broad Scope of the CBP/p300 Acetylome.. 174:231-244.e12. 2018
- NONO Detects the Nuclear HIV Capsid to Promote cGAS-Mediated Innate Immune Activation.. 175:488-501.e22. 2018
- Pipped at the Post: Pipecolic Acid Derivative Identified as SAR Regulator.. 173:286-287. 2018
- Circadian Reprogramming in the Liver Identifies Metabolic Pathways of Aging.. 170:664-677.e11. 2017
- Development of a Novel Lead that Targets M.tuberculosis Polyketide Synthase 13.. 170:249-259.e25. 2017
- Dual Chromatin and Cytoskeletal Remodeling by SETD2.. 166:950-962. 2016
- Sequencing the mouse Y chromosome reveals convergent gene acquisition and amplification on both sex chromosomes.. 159:800-813. 2014
- PGRP-SC2 promotes gut immune homeostasis to limit commensal dysbiosis and extend lifespan.. 156:109-122. 2014
- Tryptophan biosynthesis protects mycobacteria from CD4 T-cell-mediated killing.. 155:1296-1308. 2013
- Aging: seeking mitonuclear balance.. 154:271-273. 2013
- Reshaping antibody diversity.. 153:1379-1393. 2013
- Visualizing GroEL/ES in the act of encapsulating a folding protein.. 153:1354-1365. 2013
- A mouse model of Salmonella typhi infection.. 151:590-602. 2012
- A sterol-binding protein integrates endosomal lipid metabolism with TOR signaling and nitrogen sensing.. 148:702-715. 2012
- SIRT1 activates MAO-A in the brain to mediate anxiety and exploratory drive.. 147:1459-1472. 2011
- Arabidopsis Argonaute10 specifically sequesters miR166/165 to regulate shoot apical meristem development.. 145:242-256. 2011
- Dual action of ATP hydrolysis couples lid closure to substrate release into the group II chaperonin chamber.. 144:240-252. 2011
- Metabolic homeostasis: HDACs take center stage.. 145:497-499. 2011
- The monarch butterfly genome yields insights into long-distance migration.. 147:1171-1185. 2011
- A genome-wide Drosophila screen for heat nociception identifies 23 as an evolutionarily conserved pain gene.. 143:628-638. 2010
- A global in vivo Drosophila RNAi screen identifies NOT3 as a conserved regulator of heart function.. 141:142-153. 2010
- Decision making at a subcellular level determines the outcome of bacteriophage infection.. 141:682-691. 2010
- An acid-sensing channel sows fear and panic.. 139:867-869. 2009
- The Drosophila circadian network is a seasonal timer.. 129:207-219. 2007
- Activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Vps34 by a G protein alpha subunit at the endosome.. 126:191-203. 2006
- Circadian transcription: passing the HAT to CLOCK.. 125:424-426. 2006
- Intracellular nucleotides act as critical prosurvival factors by binding to cytochrome C and inhibiting apoptosome.. 125:1333-1346. 2006
- Specific bacterial suppressors of MAMP signaling upstream of MAPKKK in Arabidopsis innate immunity.. 125:563-575. 2006
- Drosophila DPM neurons form a delayed and branch-specific memory trace after olfactory classical conditioning.. 123:945-957. 2005
- A "dock, lock, and latch" structural model for a staphylococcal adhesin binding to fibrinogen.. 115:217-228. 2003
- Developmentally programmed gene elimination in Euplotes crassus facilitates a switch in the telomerase catalytic subunit.. 113:565-576. 2003
- vrille, Pdp1, and dClock form a second feedback loop in the Drosophila circadian clock.. 112:329-341. 2003
- A stimulatory role for cGMP-dependent protein kinase in platelet activation.. 112:77-86. 2003
- The novel zinc finger-containing transcription factor osterix is required for osteoblast differentiation and bone formation.. 108:17-29. 2002
- Regulation of distinct muscle behaviors controls the C. elegans male's copulatory spicules during mating.. 107:777-788. 2001
- GroEL-GroES cycling: ATP and nonnative polypeptide direct alternation of folding-active rings.. 97:325-338. 1999
- Characterization of the active intermediate of a GroEL-GroES-mediated protein folding reaction.. 84:481-490. 1996
- Topographic organization of sensory projections to the olfactory bulb.. 79:981-991. 1994
- DET1, a negative regulator of light-mediated development and gene expression in arabidopsis, encodes a novel nuclear-localized protein.. 78:109-116. 1994
- The crystal structure of human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase with bound GMP.. 78:325-334. 1994
- Sec9 is a SNAP-25-like component of a yeast SNARE complex that may be the effector of Sec4 function in exocytosis.. 79:245-258. 1994
- Secretory proteins move through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane via an aqueous, gated pore.. 78:461-471. 1994
- The three-dimensional structure of H-2Db at 2.4 A resolution: implications for antigen-determinant selection.. 76:39-50. 1994
- Protein kinase C zeta isoform is critical for mitogenic signal transduction.. 74:555-563. 1993
- A spring-loaded mechanism for the conformational change of influenza hemagglutinin.. 73:823-832. 1993
- The signal sequence moves through a ribosomal tunnel into a noncytoplasmic aqueous environment at the ER membrane early in translocation.. 73:1101-1115. 1993
- A functional c-myb gene is required for normal murine fetal hepatic hematopoiesis.. 65:677-689. 1991
- Mutations in the CDP-choline pathway for phospholipid biosynthesis bypass the requirement for an essential phospholipid transfer protein.. 64:789-800. 1991
- The antifolding activity of SecB promotes the export of the E. coli maltose-binding protein.. 53:273-283. 1988
- Distinct sequence determinants direct intracellular sorting and modification of a yeast vacuolar protease.. 48:875-885. 1987
- Phenocopy of discoidin I-minus mutants by antisense transformation in Dictyostelium.. 43:633-641. 1985
- The htpR gene product of E. coli is a sigma factor for heat-shock promoters.. 38:383-390. 1984
- Nucleotide sequence of the heat shock regulatory gene of E. coli suggests its protein product may be a transcription factor.. 38:175-182. 1984
- Intragenic suppressor mutations that restore export of maltose binding protein with a truncated signal peptide.. 37:243-252. 1984
- Developmental regulation of a Dictyostelium gene encoding a protein homologous to mammalian ras protein.. 39:141-148. 1984
- Novel proteins belonging to the troponin C superfamily are encoded by a set of mRNAs in sea urchin embryos.. 36:663-671. 1984
- A mouse model for beta-thalassemia.. 34:1043-1052. 1983
- Structure of the pericellular matrix: association of heparan and chondroitin sulfates with fibronectin-procollagen fibers.. 28:663-671. 1982
- Substrate adhesion of rat hepatocytes: mechanism of attachment to collagen substrates.. 24:463-470. 1981
- The synthesis and deployment of filamin in chicken skeletal muscle.. 23:524-532. 1981
- Secretion of a progesterone-induced inhibitor of plasminogen activator by the porcine uterus.. 20:865-872. 1980
- Processing of high molecular weight ovalbumin and ovomucoid precursor RNAs to messenger RNA.. 22:219-230. 1980
- Inhibition of the transformation-specific kinase in ASV-transformed cells by N-alpha-tosyl-L-lysyl chloromethyl ketone.. 18:369-374. 1979
- Characteristics of individual repetitive sequence families in the sea urchin genome studied with cloned repeats.. 14:889-900. 1978
- A fructose receptor functions as a nutrient sensor in the Drosophila brain.. 151:1113-1125.
- A spatial map of olfactory receptor expression in the Drosophila antenna.. 96:725-736.
- A unified nomenclature system for the Drosophila odorant receptors. Drosophila Odorant Receptor Nomenclature Committee.. 102:145-146.
- Bitter-sweet solution in taste transduction.. 112:283-284.
- Genes expressed in neurons of adult male Drosophila.. 88:459-469.
- Hypoxia Rescues Frataxin Loss by Restoring Iron Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis.. 177:1507-1521.e16.
- Meiotic transvection in fungi.. 86:103-113.
- Monkeypox emergency: Urgent questions and perspectives.. 185:3279-3281.
- Serotonin reduction in post-acute sequelae of viral infection.. 186:4851-4867.e20.
- The role of specific protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions in positive and negative control of pre-mRNA splicing by Transformer 2.. 76:735-746.
- The sex-determining gene tra-2 of Drosophila encodes a putative RNA binding protein.. 55:1025-1035.