Development of a Novel Lead that Targets M.tuberculosis Polyketide Synthase 13.
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Widespread resistance to first-line TB drugs is a major problem that will likely only be resolved through the development of new drugs with novel mechanisms of action. We have used structure-guided methods to develop a lead molecule that targets the thioesterase activity of polyketide synthase Pks13, an essential enzyme that forms mycolic acids, required for the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Our lead, TAM16, is a benzofuran class inhibitor of Pks13 with highly potent invitro bactericidal activity against drug-susceptible and drug-resistant clinical isolates of M.tuberculosis. In multiple mouse models of TB infection, TAM16 showed invivo efficacy equal to the first-line TB drug isoniazid, both as a monotherapy and in combination therapy with rifampicin. TAM16 has excellent pharmacological and safety profiles, and the frequency of resistance for TAM16 is 100-fold lower than INH, suggesting that it can be developed as a new antitubercular aimed at the acute infection. PAPERCLIP.