Dr. Hammond is an international leader in activity recognition, data science, artificial intelligence, haptics, engineering education, and computer-human interaction research.
Mendiola, V., Doss, A., Adams, W., Ramos, J., Bruns, M., Cherian, J., ... Hammond, T.
(2020).Automatic Exercise Recognition with Machine Learning. Studies in Computational Intelligence.
Precision Health and Medicine.
(pp. 33-44).
Springer Nature.
Berman, A., Gottumukkala, L., Huo, Z., Polsley, S., Quek, F., & Hammond, T.
(2019).iCanTrace: Avatar Personalization Through Selfie Sketches. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Hammond, T., Prasad, M., & Stepanova, A. (Eds.),
Inspiring Students with Digital Ink.
(pp. 163-180).
Springer Nature.
Narendra, S., Dey, S., Coad, J., Polsley, S., & Hammond, T.
(2019).FreeStyle: A Sketch-Based Wireframing Tool. Hammond, T., Prasad, M., & Stepanova, A. (Eds.),
Inspiring Students with Digital Ink: Impact of Pen and Touch on Education.
(pp. 105-117).
Springer International Publishing.
Stepanova, A., Prasad, M., & Hammond, T.
(2019).Inspiring Students Through Digital Ink: An Introduction. Hammond, T., Prasad, M., & Stepanova, A. (Eds.),
Inspiring Students with Digital Ink: Impact of Pen and Touch on Education.
(pp. 3-11).
Springer International Publishing.
Monteiro, C., Narayanan, M., Polsley, S., & Hammond, T.
(2017).A Multilingual Sketch-Based Sudoku Game with Real-Time Recognition. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., & Prasad, M. (Eds.),
Frontiers in Pen and Touch.
(pp. 187-196).
Springer Nature.
van Dam, A., Buxton, B., Hammond, T., Koile, K., & Stahovich, T.
(2017).CPTTE Research Panel: Frontiers in Pen & Touch Research. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., & Prasad, M. (Eds.),
Frontiers in Pen and Touch.
(pp. 277-300).
Springer Nature.
Ma, S., Sun, Y., Lyu, P., Polsley, S., & Hammond, T.
(2017).DCSR: A Digital Circuit Sketch Recognition System for Education. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., & Prasad, M. (Eds.),
Frontiers in Pen and Touch.
(pp. 137-146).
Springer Nature.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., Prasad, M., & Stepanova, A.
(2017).Introduction: Frontiers in Pen and Touch Research. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., & Prasad, M. (Eds.),
Frontiers in Pen and Touch.
(pp. 3-24).
Springer Nature.
Hammond, T.
(2017).Learning Through the Lens of Sketch. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., & Prasad, M. (Eds.),
Frontiers in Pen and Touch.
(pp. 301-341).
Springer Nature.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., & Valentine, S.
(2016).Introduction. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink.
(pp. 3-15).
Springer Nature.
Barreto, L., Taele, P., & Hammond, T.
(2016).A Stylus-Driven Intelligent Tutoring System for Music Education Instruction. 10th Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education. CPTTE 2016.
Hammond, T., Valentine, S., & Adler, A. (Eds.),
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink.
(pp. 141-161).
Springer Nature.
Hammond, T., Adler, A., & Valentine, S.
(2016).Introduction. Hammond, T., Valentine, S., & Adler, A. (Eds.),
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink: The Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education.
(pp. 3-15).
Springer International Publishing.
Lara-Garduno, R., Leslie, N., & Hammond, T.
(2016).SmartStrokes: Digitizing Paper-Based Neuropsychological Tests. Hammond, T., Valentine, S., & Adler, A. (Eds.),
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink: The Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education.
(pp. 163-175).
Springer International Publishing.
Valentine, S., Leyva-McMurtry, A., Borgos-Rodriguez, K., & Hammond, T.
(2016).The Digital Sash: A Sketch-Based Badge System in a Social Network for Children. Hammond, T., Valentine, S., & Adler, A. (Eds.),
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink: The Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education.
(pp. 179-189).
Springer International Publishing.
Valentine, S., Conrad, H., Oduola, C., & Hammond, T.
(2016).WIPTTE 2015 High School Contest. Hammond, T., Valentine, S., & Adler, A. (Eds.),
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink: The Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education.
(pp. 345-364).
Springer International Publishing.
Hammond, T., & Mock, K.
(2008).Bringing Single-User Settings to Life. Mantgem, M. V. (Eds.),
Tablet PCs in K-12 Education: No More Blank Slates.
(pp. 87-112).
Valentine, S., Vides, F., Lucchese, G., Turner, D., Kim, H., Li, W., Linsey, J., & Hammond, T.
(2012).Mechanix: A Sketch-Based Tutoring System for Statics Courses. Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.