My research interests focus on statistical signal processing and control, and pattern recognition and machine learning, with applications in bioinformatics, materials informatics, and epidemiological models.
Martins, D., Braga-Neto, U. M., Hashimoto, R. F., Bittner, M. L., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2008).Intrinsically Multivariate Predictive Genes. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
2(3), 424-439.
Braga Neto, U., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2005).Classification. Dougherty, E., Shmulevich, I., Chen, J., & Wang, Z. J. (Eds.),
Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
(pp. 93-128).
Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Xie, S., Imani, M., Dougherty, E. R., & Braga-Neto, U. M.
(2017).Nonstationary Linear Discriminant Analysis. Conference record / Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers.
Arslan, E., & Braga-Neto, U. M.
(2017).A Bayesian Approach to Top-Scoring Pairs Classification. Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference).
McClenny, L. D., Imani, .., & Braga-Neto, U. M.
(2017).Boolean Kalman Filter with Correlated Observation Noise. Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference).
Karbalayghareh, A., Braga-Neto, U., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2017).CLASSIFICATION OF GAUSSIAN TRAJECTORIES WITH MISSING DATA IN BOOLEAN GENE REGULATORY NETWORKS. Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference).
Atashpaz-Gargari, E., Braga-Neto, U. M., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2013).Improved Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for U-Curve Optimization. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
Chen, T., & Braga-Neto, U.
(2012).A Statistical Test for Intrinsically Multivariate Predictive Genes. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
Sun, Y., Ulisses, B., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2011).Modeling and systematic analysis of LC-MS proteomics pipeline. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
Atashpaz-Gargari, E., Braga-Neto, U. M., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2011).Multiple Reaction Monitoring: Modeling and Systematic Analysis. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
Vu, T. T., Braga-Neto, U. M., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2009).BAGGING DEGRADES THE PERFORMANCE OF LINEAR DISCRIMINANT CLASSIFIERS. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
Sima, C., Vu, T., Braga-Neto, U. M., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2009).BOLSTERED ERROR ESTIMATOR WITH FEATURE SELECTION. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
Martins-D, C. J., Braga-Neto, U., Bittner, M. L., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2008).Network properties of intrinsically multivariate predictive genes. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.
Vu, T. T., Braga-Neto, U., & Dougherty, E. R.
(2008).Preliminary study on bolstered error estimation in high-dimensional spaces. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics.