selected publications academicarticle Al-Aboosi, A. F., & Fink, R. (2022). Novel Device Used to Monitor Hand Tremors during Nocturnal Hypoglycemic Events. Inventions. 7(2), 32-32. Zoghi, B., & Fink, R. (2018). Novel use of Remote Sensing, Monitoring, and Tracking for Animals in Wild Habitats. International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation. 10(2), 57-62. Hasan, M. Z., Beattie, E., Witt, J., Mohiuddin, W., & Fink, R. (2018). Development and Calibration of a Portable Controller for Adjustable Pulmonary Artery Shunt. American Journal of Advanced Research. 2(1), 18-23. Hasan, M., Fink, R., James, D., & Gamboa, J. (2017). Performance Validation of an Energy Efficient Elevator Controller. International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation. 8(2), 14-22. Hasan, M. Z., Fink, R. J., Suyambu, M. R., & Baskaran, M. K. (2016). Evaluation of Intelligent Controllers for Improving Elevator Energy Efficiency. International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation. 7(2), 5-12. Benden, M. E., Fink, R., & Congleton, J. (2011). An in situ study of the habits of users that affect office chair design and testing. Human Factors. 53(1), 38-49. Munns, T., Fink, R. B., & Onderko, E. (2011). Industry Supported Semiconductor Test Engineering Academic Survey and Round-Table at Texas A&M University. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies. 2(5), 531-545. Benden, M., Fink, R., & Henk, R. (2010). New Technology being Developed to Reduce Teen Distracted Driving. 4(1), Zhan, W., Fink, R., & Fang, A. (2010). Teaching Statistics to Engineering Technology Students. American Journal of Engineering Education. 1(1), 65-78. Zhan, W., Zoghi, B., & Fink, R. (2009). The benefit of getting early and frequent exposure to the product development process. Journal of Engineering Technology. 26(1), 34-43. Jain, S., Fink, R., Freeman, D. H., Saade, G., & Garfield, R. E. (2008). UTERINE ELECTROMYOGRAPHY IS COMPARABLE TO INTRAUTERINE PRESSURE CATHETER FOR MONITORING CONTRACTIONS. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. 199(6), S55-S55. Zoghi, B., Jung, Y. K., Singhal, R., & Fink, R. J. (2006). RFID Solutions: Parking Optimization and Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Modern Engineering. 7(1), Little, F., Chang, K., Fink, R., Arndt, D., Ngo, P., & Beach, R. (2004). A space to Earth Demonstration of Wireless Power Transmission. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. 3, 1679-1682. Yeary, A. B., Fink, R. J., Beck, D., Guidry, D. W., & Burns, M. (2004). A DSP-based mixed-signal waveform generator. 53(3), 665-671. Fink, R. J., Yeary, M. B., Burns, M., & Guidry, D. W. (2003). A DSP-based technique for high-speed A/D coversion to generate coherently sampled sequences. 52(3), 950-958. Yeary, M. B., Fink, R. J., Sundaresan, H., & Guidry, D. W. (2002). Design of a CORDIC processor for mixed-signal A/D conversion. 51(4), 804-809. Miller, G. E., & Fink, R (1999). Analysis of optimal design configurations for a multiple disk centrifugal blood pump. Artificial Organs. 23(6), 559-565. Miller, G. E., Madigan, M., & Fink, R (1995). A preliminary flow visualization study in a multiple disk centrifugal artificial ventricle. Artificial Organs. 19(7), 680-684. Miller, G. E., Sidhu, A., Fink, R., & Etter, B. D (1993). Evaluation of a multiple disk centrifugal pump as an artificial ventricle. Artificial Organs. 17(7), 590-592. FINK, M., ROSS, A. W., & FINK, R. J. (1989). CROSS-SECTIONS AND SPIN POLARIZATIONS OF ELECTRONS ELASTICALLY SCATTERED FROM ORIENTED MOLECULES (CH3I). 11(3), 231-238. conference paper Burnett, M., Fink, R., & Munns, T. (2020). Texas Instruments & Texas A&M Validation Course Collaboration Fink, R., Hur, B., Kellogg, M., Delamater, D., McGaffin, A., Wiatrek, N., & Ordonez, G. (2019). Non-Invasive SpO2 and Heart Rate Monitoring Device in Determining Emergency Cesarean Delivery Hasan, M. Z., Fink, R., Barrera, E., & Carrasco, L. (2019). Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Control Algorithms with Real Traffic Data for Future Measure of Effectiveness (MOE). 1-5. Hasan, M. Z., Fink, R., Barrera, E., & Carrasco, L. (2019). Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Control Algorithms with Real Traffic Data for Future Measure of Effectiveness (MOE). 136-140. Hasan, M., Beattie, E., Witt, J., Mohiuddin, W., & Fink, R. (2018). Performance Evaluation of a Portable Controller for Adjustable Pulmonary Artery Shunt Hasan, M., Fink, R., Waqar, M., & Beattie, E. (2017). Development and Calibration of a Portable Controller for an Adjustable Pulmonary Artery Shunt Hasan, M. Z., Fink, R., Vargas, M., Adame, J., & Hernandez, E. (2016). Development and Evaluation of Traffic Signal Algorithms to Support Future Measure of Effectiveness (MOE). IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology. 407-412. Hasan, M., Fink, R., Suyambu, M., & Baskaran, M. (2016). Evaluation of Intelligent Controllers for Improved Elevator Efficiency Fink, R., & Hasan, M. (2016). Remote Monitoring of Labor via Electromyography Lewis, K., Horner, R., Reinoso, N., Jenschke, L., Fink, R., & Zoghi, B. (2015). Facilitating Biomedical Research with Lab Mouse Data Logging System: WiMi Hasan, M. Z., Fink, R., Suyambu, M. R., Baskaran, M. K., James, D., & Gamboa, J. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient Intelligent Elevator Controllers. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology. 44-49. Hasan, M. Z., Fink, R., Suyambu, M. R., & Baskaran, M. K. (2012). Assessment and Improvement of Elevator Controllers for Energy Efficiency. 2012 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics. 1-8. Hasan, M. Z., Fink, R., Suyambu, M. R., & Baskaran, M. K. (2012). Assessment and Improvement of Intelligent Controllers for Elevator Energy Efficiency. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology. 1-7. Fink, R., Garfield, R., Bost, B., Waterhouse, T., Williams, J., & McCrary, J. (2011). Can a Non-Invasive Trans-Abdominal Uterine electromyograph (EMG) replace the Intrauterine Pressure Catheter (IUP) for Monitoring Contractions During Labor? Fink, R., Munns, T., & Onderko, E. (2011). Industry Supported Semiconductor Test Engineering Academic Survey and Round Table at Texas A&M University Fink, R., Munns, T., & Onderko, E. (2011). Semiconductor Test Round Table and Survey results from Texas A&M University Zhan, W., Fink, R., & Fang, A. (2009). Teaching Statistics To Engineering Technology Students. 14.1153.1-14.1153.11. Little, F., Chang, K., Fink, R., Arndt, D., Ngo, P., & Beach, R. (2009). A space to Earth Demonstration of Wireless Power Transmission Garfield, R. E., Maner, W. L., Jain, S., & Fink, R (2009). Non-Invasive Trans-Abdominal Uterine Electromyography as a Replacement Technology for Tocodynamometer-Clinical Implications. REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES. 95A-95A. Jain, S., Basraon, S., Fink, R., Freeman, D. H., Saade, G. R., & Garfield, R. (2009). Uterine electromyography (EMG) is comparable to the intrauterine pressure catheter for monitoring contractions Zhan, W., Fink, R., & Fang, A. (2009). Teaching statistics to Electronics Engineering Technology students. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Zhan, W., Zoghi, B., & Fink, R. (2007). A Course Project With A Focus On Product Development Process. 12.27.1-12.27.11. Zhan, W., Zoghi, B., & Fink, R. (2007). Interdisciplinary Training and System Engineering Approach Zhan, W., Zoghi, B., & Fink, R. (2007). A course project with a focus on product development process. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Fink, R., & Zoghi, B. (2006). A PDA-Based RFID Intelligent System for Orchid Growers and Collectors Jung, Y. K., Zoghi, B., Fink, R., & Smith, J. (2006). Automated Individual Remote: An Industry Sponsored Capstone Project Fink, R., Porter, J., Jung, Y., & Zoghi, B. (2006). Mixed-Signal Test Emphasis in Engineering Technology Zoghi, B., Singhal, R., Jung, Y., & Fink, R. (2006). RFID Solutions: Parking Optimization and Customer Satisfaction Fink, R., Jung, Y., & Zoghi, B. (2006). Teaching the Significance of Data Correlation in Semiconductor Testing Fink, R., Porter, J., Jung, Y., & Zoghi, B. (2006). Test Time-Reduction in Semiconductor testing: An analysis of University/Industry Interaction Zoghi, B., Porter, J., Jung, Y., Thompson, S., & Fink, R. (2006). Wireless Sensor Monitoring Combined with RFID Networks Jung, D., Levy, E. J., Zhou, D., Fink, R., Moshe, J., Earl, A., & Tsiotras, P. (2005). Design and Development of a Low-Cost Test-Bed for Undergraduate Education in UAVs. 2739-2744. Fink, R. (2005). Teaching The Significance Of Data Correlation In Semiconductor Testing. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 10.1236.1-10.1236.8. Aghara, S. K., Fink, R., Ochoa, J. A., & Porter, J. (2004). Comparison of performance degradation of commercially available DAC ICs in mixed-radiation environment. 279. Yeary, M., Price, J., Fink, R., & Guidry, D. (2003). Waveform Synthesis Via Splines. 1529-1532. Aghara, S., Fink, R. J., Charlton, W. S., Bhuva, B., Samadi, M. R., Ochoa, J. A., & Porter, J. R. (2003). Degradation of commercially available DAC ICs in a mixed-radiation environment. 34-37. Aghara, S. K., Charlton, W. S., Fink, R., Ochoa, J. A., & Porter, J. (2003). Fast neutron damage to digital-to-analog converters in a mixed radiation environment. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 63. Yeary, M., Fink, R., Beck, D., Burns, M., & Guidry, D. (2002). A spline function, DSP based mixed-signal arbitrary waveform generator. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings. 1211-1215. Yeary, M. B., & Fink, R. J. (2002). Eigenvectors and low-rank Modeling. 388-390. Porter, J., Burnett, D., Warren, M., & Fink, R. (2002). Teaching The Importance Of Data Correlation In Engineering Technology. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 7.1104.1-7.1104.10. Fink, R. J., Porter, J., Ochoa, J. A., & Alexander, R. M. (2001). Synergy of applied research and education in engineering technology. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 9277-9283. Yeary, M. B., Fink, R. J., Burns, M., & Guidry, D. W. (2001). A DSP based technique for high-speed A/D conversion to generate coherently sampled sequences. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings. 1853-1857. Horton, D., Kidder, C., Yeary, M., & Fink, R. (2001). An Internet Based Wireless Network Analysis Tool Employing Bluetooth. 6.179.1-6.179.11. Yeary, M., Kidder, C., Horton, D., & Fink, R (2001). An internet based wireless analysis tool employing Bluetooth. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 1877-1887. Porter, J., Ochoa, J., & Fink, R. (2001). Balancing Tenure Requirements With Family Life: Perspectives From Three Tenure Track Faculty Members. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 6.231.1-6.231.7. Ochoa, J., Fink, R., & Porter, J. R. (2001). Building A Digital Test Curriculum At Texas A&M University: An Industry Academic Partnership Fink, R., Celis, J., Gould, J., Vaughn, K., & Zoghi, B. (2001). Characterization of a Coherent Under-sampling Digitizer Porter, J., Ochoa, J., & Fink, R. (2001). Collaboration Leads To Benefits For Tenure Track Faculty. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 6.272.1-6.272.4. Fink, R., Porter, J. R., & Ochoa, J. (2001). Development of Targeted Education-Industry Impact in Mixed-Signal Testing Porter, J. R., Fink, R., & Ochoa, J. (2001). Enhancing Core Curriculum Concepts Through Industry Collaborations Fink, R., & Burns, M. (2001). High Bandwidth Measurements Using Coherent Under-sampling Digitizer Fink, R., Porter, J., & Ochoa, J. (2001). Testing a High Bandwidth Coherent Under-sampling Digitizer Yeary, M. B. (2001). Design of a CORDIC processor for mixed-signal A/D conversion. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings. 733-737 vol.2. Fink, R. (2000). Design of a Device Interface Board Fink, R., Bohan, P., & Chalmers, K. (2000). Evaluation of a University Program Fink, R., & Porter, J. (2000). Mixed-Signal Test and Characterization in Engineering Technology Fink, R., & Porter, J. R. (1999). Mixed Signal Test Emphasis in Engineering Technology Porter, J. R., & Fink, R. (1999). Modernizing the Traditional Analog Sequence in Engineering Technology Miller, G. E., & Fink, R. (1998). Design Considerations for Multiple Disk Pump Porter, J., Wright, G. B., Morgan, J. A., Zoghi, B., Fink, R., & Jung, Y. Project EVIS: An Example of an Innovative Capstone Process patent Maly, A. A., Fink, R. J., Latzel, M. J., Vlassov, V. Y., & Young, G. W. (2017). Mobile audio distribution system and method Burns, M., & Fink, R. (2013). Method and apparatus for determining impedance variation at skin / electrode interface Fink, R. J., & McCrary, J. N. (2013). Skin impedance matching system and method for skin/electrode interface Fink, R. J., Garfield, R., & McCrary, J. N. (2013). System and method for acquiring and displaying abdominal emg signals Fink, R. J., Garfield, R., & McCrary, J. N. (2013). System and method for acquiring and displaying abdominal EMG signals Fink, R., McCrary, J., Porter, J., & Burns, M. (2013). System for acquiring and displaying uterine EMG signals Fink, R. J., Garfield, R., & McCrary, J. N. (2013). Noninvasive measurement of uterine emg propagation and power spectrum frequency to predict true preterm labor and delivery Garfield, R., Maner, W. L., Fink, R. J., McCrary, J. N., & Burns, M. (2012). Measuring and displaying the propagation velocity of uterine action potentials to determine the onset of labor Sneed, J., Fink, R., & Ochoa, J. (2003). Electronic water line tracer
teaching activities ENGR684 Professional Internshp Instructor ENTC485 Directed Studies Instructor ENTC489 Sptp: Validation Of Elect Sys Instructor ENTC491 Hnr-research Instructor ENTC611 Industrial Internet Of Things Instructor ENTC689 Sptp: Electronics Testing Ii Instructor ENTC691 Research Instructor ENTC692 Professional Study Instructor ESET210 Circuit Analysis Instructor ESET350 Analog Electronics Instructor ESET352 Electronics Test I Instructor ESET452 Electronics Test Ii Instructor ESET453 Validation & Verification Instructor ESET491 Research Instructor ESET611 Industrial Internet Of Things Instructor ESET685 Directed Studies Instructor ESET689 Sptp:indust Internet Of Th Instructor MMET681 Seminar Instructor MXET691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Juriani, Ameet Rajkumar (2011-08). Investigation of the Emission Properties of Quantum Dot-thermoresponsive Polymer Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Temperature.
education and training Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1995 M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1992 B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1988
awards and honors Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2003
mailing address Texas A&M University Engineering Technology 3367 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3367 USA