The benefit of getting early and frequent exposure to the product development process
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One of the educational objectives for the Electronics Engineering Technology graduates at Texas A&M University is to bave the students possess the technical skills to be immediately productive and have successful careers in industry. To this end, a course project bas been designed to walk the students through a typical product development process. The students begin their project by brainstorming for new product ideas. Tools such as the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Critical Path Method (CPM), System Engineering, and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) are employed to conduct their course project. By the end of the project they have a good understanding of tbe overall product development process. On the basis of feedback from the students, the course project achieved the goal of reducing the gap between technical course projects and the capstone project, Through this kind of course project, the students are better prepared for tbeir capstone design project, The students will be greatly benefited by the early and frequent exposure to the product development process.