faculty position
- Alfriend, Terry, Professor
- Benedict, Moble, Associate Professor
- Benzerga, Amine, Professor
- Bhargava, Divya, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Bhattacharya, Raktim, Professor
- Bowersox, Rodney, Professor and Head
- Boyd, James, Associate Professor
- Chakravorty, Suman, Associate Professor
- Chamitoff, Gregory, Professor of the Practice
- Cizmas, Paul, Professor
- Connolly, John, Professor of Practice
- Cruzado Garcia, Aitor, Research Assistant Professor
- Currie-Gregg, Nancy, Professor of the Practice
- DeMars, Kyle, Associate Professor
- Diaz Artiles, Ana, Assistant Professor
- Dogariu, Arthur, Associate Professor
- Donzis, Diego, Associate Professor
- Dunbar, Bonnie, Professor
- Girimaji, Sharath, General Dynamics Professor
- Groot, Koen, Research Assistant Professor
- Guhathakurta, Swagnik, Assistant Professor
- Hartl, Darren, Assistant Professor
- Hurtado, John, Professor
- Jackson, Scott, Associate Professor
- Karpetis, Adonios, Associate Professor
- Kinra, Vikram, Professor
- Lagoudas, Dimitris, Professor
- Le Graverend, Jean-Briac, Assistant Professor
- Leonov, Boris, Research Assistant Professor
- Lutz, Wayne, Associate Professor of the Practice
- Miles, Richard, O`Donnell Foundation Chair V and University Distinguished Professor
- Mortari, Daniele, Professor
- Naraghi, Mohammad, Associate Professor
- Oran, Elaine, O`Donnell Foundation Chair VI and Professor
- Pollock, Thomas, Associate Professor
- Reed, Helen, Senior Professor
- Richard, Jacques, NSF REU Program Director
- Richard, Jacques, Aerospace Engineer
- Sanjuan Munoz, Jose, Research Associate Professor
- Saric, William, Distinguished Professor
- Selva Valero, Daniel, Assistant Professor
- Shryock, Kristi, Instructional Associate Professor
- Siddiqui, Farhan, Research Professor
- Singh, Narendra, Assistant Professor
- Strganac, Thomas, Professor
- Strouboulis, Theofanis, Professor
- Tichenor, Nathan, Research Assistant Professor
- Tropina, Albina, Research Professor
- Vadali, Srinivas, Professor
- Vadali, Srinivas, Interim Department Head
- Valasek, John, Professor
- Whitcomb, John, Professor
- White, Edward, Professor and Associate Department Head
- Wong, Zi Jing, Assistant Professor
non-faculty academic position
- Ozten, Unal, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Wologo, Jacob, Communications Specialist III