selected publications academicarticle Gangeme, A., Simpson, B., De La Torre, G. G., Larose, T. L., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2023). A Comprehensive Look Behind Team Composition for Long Duration Spaceflight. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. 94(6), 457-465. Diaz-Artiles, A., Ekblaw, A., Falco, G., Frank, J. D., & Paradiso, J. A. (2023). Pervasive Computing in Space. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 22(2), 4-6. Whittle, R. S., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2023). Gravitational effects on carotid and jugular characteristics in graded head-up and head-down tilt. 134(2), 217-229. Whittle, R. S., Keller, N., Hall, E. A., Vellore, H. S., Stapleton, L. M., Findlay, K. H., Dunbar, B. J., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). Gravitational Dose-Response Curves for Acute Cardiovascular Hemodynamics and Autonomic Responses in a Tilt Paradigm. Journal of the American Heart Association. 11(14), e024175. Davis, L., McHenry, N., Carrera, M., Brady, L., Mayorga, K., Balthazor, B., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). Remote virtual whiteboard assistance for improving task performance during lunar surface operations. 26(2), 559-570. Van Cutsem, J., Abeln, V., Schneider, S., Keller, N., Diaz-Artiles, A., Ramallo, M. A., ... De La Torre, G. G. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on human psychology and physical activity; a space analogue research perspective. International Journal of Astrobiology. 21(1), 32-45. Petersen, L. G., Whittle, R. S., Lee, J. H., Sieker, J., Carlson, J., Finke, C., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). Gravitational effects on intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure. Journal of applied physiology. 132(1), 24-35. Whittle, R. S., Stapleton, L. M., Petersen, L. G., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). Indirect measurement of absolute cardiac output during exercise in simulated altered gravity is highly dependent on the method. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 36(5), 1355-1366. Abbott, R. W., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). The impact of digital scents on behavioral health in a restorative virtual reality environment. Acta Astronautica. 197, 145-153. Kluis, L., Patel, R., Thompson, W. K., Lewandowski, B., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). The impact of stance during heel raises on the hybrid ultimate lifting kit (HULK) device: A future microgravity exercise machine. Frontiers in Physiology. 13, 943443. Keller, N., Whittle, R. S., McHenry, N., Johnston, A., Duncan, C., Ploutz-Snyder, L., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). Virtual Reality "exergames": A promising countermeasure to improve motivation and restorative effects during long duration spaceflight missions. Frontiers in Physiology. 13, 932425. Kluis, L., Keller, N., Bai, H., Iyengar, N., Shepherd, R., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). Reducing Metabolic Cost During Planetary Ambulation Using Robotic Actuation. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. 92(7), 570-578. Whittle, R. S., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). Modeling individual differences in cardiovascular response to gravitational stress using a sensitivity analysis. Journal of applied physiology. 130(6), 1983-2001. Belobrajdic, B., Melone, K., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). Planetary extravehicular activity (EVA) risk mitigation strategies for long-duration space missions. NPJ Microgravity. 7(1), 16. Kluis, L., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). Revisiting decompression sickness risk and mobility in the context of the SmartSuit, a hybrid planetary spacesuit. NPJ Microgravity. 7(1), 46. Diaz-Artiles, A., & Karmali, F. (2021). Vestibular Precision at the Level of Perception, Eye Movements, Posture, and Neurons. Neuroscience. 468, 282-320. Diaz-Artiles, A., Wang, Y., Davis, M. M., Abbott, R., Keller, N., & Kennedy, D. M. (2021). The Influence of Altered-Gravity on Bimanual Coordination: Retention and Transfer. Frontiers in Physiology. 12, 794705. Whittle, R. S., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2020). An ecological study of socioeconomic predictors in detection of COVID-19 cases across neighborhoods in New York City. BMC Medicine. 18(1), 271. Diaz-Artiles, A., Heldt, T., & Young, L. R. (2019). Computational model of cardiovascular response to centrifugation and lower body cycling exercise. Journal of applied physiology. 127(5), 1453-1468. Diaz-Artiles, A., Navarro Tichell, P., & Perez, F. (2019). Cardiopulmonary Responses to Sub-Maximal Ergometer Exercise in a Hypo-Gravity Analog Using Head-Down Tilt and Head-Up Tilt. Frontiers in Physiology. 10(JUN), 720. Galvan-Garza, R. C., Clark, T. K., Sherwood, D., Diaz-Artiles, A., Rosenberg, M., Natapoff, A., ... Young, L. R. (2018). Human perception of whole body roll-tilt orientation in a hypogravity analog: underestimation and adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 120(6), 3110-3121. Diaz-Artiles, A., Heldt, T., & Young, L. R. (2018). Short-Term Cardiovascular Response to Short-Radius Centrifugation With and Without Ergometer Exercise. Frontiers in Physiology. 9(NOV), 1492. Diaz-Artiles, A., Priesol, A. J., Clark, T. K., Sherwood, D. P., Oman, C. M., Young, L. R., & Karmali, F. (2017). The Impact of Oral Promethazine on Human Whole-Body Motion Perceptual Thresholds. JARO: Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 18(4), 581-590. De S Teixeira, N. A., Hecht, H., Diaz Artiles, A., Seyedmadani, K., Sherwood, D. P., & Young, L. R. (2017). Vestibular stimulation interferes with the dynamics of an internal representation of gravity. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 70(11), 2290-2305. Artiles, A. D., Heldt, T., & Young, L. R. (2016). Effects of artificial gravity on the cardiovascular system: Computational approach. Acta Astronautica. 126, 395-410. Diaz, A., Trigg, C., & Young, L. R. (2015). Combining ergometer exercise and artificial gravity in a compact-radius centrifuge. Acta Astronautica. 113, 80-88. Dutta, P., Josan, P. K., Wong, R., Dunbar, B. J., Diaz-Artiles, A., & Selva, D. Effect of Explanations in AI-Assisted Anomaly Treatment for Human Spaceflight Missions. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society ... Annual Meeting Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Annual Meeting. 66(1), 697-701. conference paper Vellore, H., Galvan-Garza, R., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2023). Computational Modeling of Individual Differences in Cardiovascular Response during Parabolic Flight. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-11. McHenry, N., Brady, L., Vives-Cortes, J., Cana, E., Gomez, I., Carrera, M., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). Adaptive Navigation for Lunar Surface Operations Using Deep Learning and Holographic Telepresence. 1-8. McHenry, N., Ozturk, A., Josan, P. K., Nixon, K. B., Abbott, R. F., Aguayo, V. C., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). The JEANNE Habitat Design for a 2033 Crewed Mars Mission. 1-24. Kennedy, D. M., Wang, Y., Abbott, R., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2022). Bimanual Force Control in Simulated Martian Gravity. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S41-S41. Woodruff, R., Beebe, N., Josan, P. K., Dutta, P., Short, A., Wong, R., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). 3D Interactive Model of HERA to support ECLSS anomaly resolution using a Virtual Assistant. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-10. Keller, N., McHenry, N., Duncan, C., Johnston, A., Whittle, R. S., Koock, E., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). Augmenting Exercise Protocols with Interactive Virtual Reality Environments. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-13. Josan, P. K., Dutta, P., Woodruff, R., Beebe, N., York, K., Balcells-Quintana, O., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2021). Experimental Design & Pilot Testing for ECLSS Anomaly solution using Daphne-AT Virtual Assistant. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-13. McHenry, N., Hunt, T., Young, W., Gardner, A., Bhagavatula, U., Bontz, B., ... Diaz-Artiles, A. (2020). Evaluation of Pre-Flight and On Orbit Training Methods Utilizing Virtual Reality McHenry, N., Davis, L., Gomez, I., Coute, N., Roehrs, N., Villagran, C., Chamitoff, G. E., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2020). Design of an AR Visor Display System for Extravehicular Activity Operations. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-11. Whittle, R. S., & Diaz-Artiles, A. (2020). Metabolic Modeling in Altered Gravity. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-17. Dutta, P., Balcells-Quintana, O., Viros Martin, A., Whittle, R., Josan, P. K., Beebe, N., ... Selva, D. (2020). Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Treatment in Long Duration Exploration Missions Diaz Artiles, A. (2019). Human Performance in Altered-Gravity Environments. Frontiers in Physiology. Klapper, H. M., Jagatia, B., & Diaz Artiles, A. (2018). ASTRA: Archimedes Screw for Targeted Regolith Aggregation A. D. Artiles, .., D. Schor, .., & G. Clment. (2018). Effects of inverted vision on hand-pointing performance in altered gravity during parabolic flight. 1-9. Jagatia, B., Klapper, H. M., & Diaz Artiles, A. (2018). ICICLE - Ice Core Integrated Calescent Linear Extractor De La Torre, G., Vogler, A., Stone, R., Diaz Artiles, A., Jorgensen, J., & Bienertova-Vasku, J. (2018). Virtual reality as a countermeasure for physical training in bed rest and artificial gravity conditions. Frontiers in Physiology. Karmali, F., Artiles, A. D., Garza, R. G., Clark, T. K., Sherwood, D. P., & Young, L. R. (2016). Development of a Countermeasure to Enhance Sensorimotor Adaptation to Altered Gravity Levels. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-7. Kiang, C., Ly, J., Berg, E., Cancar, P., Rudin, H., & Artiles, A. D. (2016). PALLAS: A Portable Asteroid Lift and Lock Aggregate System Artiles, A. D., Trigg, C., Jethani, H., Tritchler, S., & Newman, D. (2016). Physiological and Comfort Assessment of the Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit During Exercise. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-10. Diaz, A., Heldt, T., & Young, L. R. (2015). Cardiovascular Responses to Artificial Gravity Combined with Exercise. 1-11. Bosanac, N., Diaz, A., Dang, V., Ebersohn, F., Gonzalez, S., Qi, J., ... Taylor, G. (2014). Manned Sample Return Mission to Phobos: a Technology Demonstration for Human Exploration of Mars. 1-20. Diaz, A., & Newman, D. (2014). Musculoskeletal Human-Spacesuit Interaction Model. 1-13. Anderson, A., Diaz, A., Kracik, M., Trotti, G., Hoffman, J., & Newman, D. (2012). Developing a Spacesuit Injury Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity: Modeling and Analysis Vanwijck, X., & Diaz Artiles, A. (2006). Differential orbit estimation for formation flying. 4495-4507. institutional repository document Fois, M., Diaz-Artiles, A., Zaman, S. Y., Ridolfi, L., & Scarsoglio, S. (2023). Linking cerebral hemodynamics and ocular microgravity-induced alterations through an in silico-in vivo head-down tilt framework
co-principal investigator on Virtual Assistant for Spacecraft Anomaly Treatment during Long Duration Exploration Missions awarded by Johnson Space Center - (Houston, Texas, United States) 2019 - 2023
teaching activities AERO201 Intro To Flight Instructor AERO291 Hnr-research Instructor AERO402 Aero Systems Design Instructor AERO414 Human Perf Aero Environments Instructor AERO489 Sptp: Human Perf Aero Instructor AERO491 Hnr-research Instructor AERO614 Human Perf Aero Environments Instructor AERO684 Professional Internship Instructor AERO685 Directed Studies Instructor AERO685 Directed Studies Instructor AERO689 Sptp: Des Of Exper & Stat Meth Instructor AERO691 Research Instructor KINE685 Directed Studies Instructor KINE691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) 2015 M.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering, Technical University of Madrid - (Madrid, Spain) 2006
mailing address Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Aerospace Engineering 3141 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3141 USA
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