selected publications academicarticle Truong, H., Martinez, M. J., Ochoa, O. O., & Lagoudas, D. C. (2020). Mode I fracture toughness of hybrid co-cured Al-CFRP and NiTi-CFRP interfaces: An experimental and computational study. 135, 105925-105925. Kulkarni, M. C., & Ochoa, O. O. (2017). Creating novel granular mixtures as proppants: Insights to shape, size, and material considerations. 24(7), 605-614. Rodriguez, D. E., Guiza-Arguello, V., Ochoa, O. O., Gharat, T., Sue, H. J., Lafdi, K., & Hahn, M. S. (2016). Development of a hydroxyapatite-poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) infiltrated carbon foam for orthopedic applications. Carbon. 98, 106-114. Truong, H., Lagoudas, D. C., Ochoa, O. O., & Lafdi, K. (2014). Fracture toughness of fiber metal laminates: Carbon nanotube modified Ti-polymer-matrix composite interface. Journal of Composite Materials. 48(22), 2697-2710. Sarzynski, M. D., Schaefer, S., & Ochoa, O. O. (2012). Microstructure-Based Models for Multi-Functional Material Systems. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 19(6), 421-430. Kulkarni, M. C., & Ochoa, O. O. (2012). Mechanics of light weight proppants: A discrete approach. 72(8), 879-885. Kulkarni, M. C., & Ochoa, O. O. (2012). Light Weight Composite Proppants: Computational and Experimental Study. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 19(1-3), 109-118. Sarzynski, M. D., Lafdi, K., & Ochoa, O. O. (2010). Multifunctional Hybrid Carbon Foams: Integrating Processing and Performance. 44(5), 621-638. Alexander, C., & Ochoa, O. O. (2010). Extending onshore pipeline repair to offshore steel risers with carbon-fiber reinforced composites. Composite Structures. 92(2), 499-507. Sarzynski, M. D., & Ochoa, O. O. (2005). Carbon foam core composite sandwich beams: Flexure response. Journal of Composite Materials. 39(12), 1067-1080. Ochoa, O. O., & Salama, M. M. (2005). Offshore composites: Transition barriers to an enabling technology. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 65(15-16), 2588-2596. Rodriguez, D. E., & Ochoa, O. O. (2004). Flexural response of spoolable composite tubulars: an integrated experimental and computational assessment. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 64(13-14), 2075-2088. Eason, T. G., & Ochoa, O. O. (2001). Material behavior of structural reaction injection molded composites under thermomechanical loading. 35(5), 411-432. Parker, P. A., & Ochoa, O. O. (2000). Oxidation assessment of highly inhibited SiC coated carbon-carbon laminates using electrical resistance measurements. Journal of Composite Materials. 34(6), 444-459. Ashley, T. H., & Ochoa, O. O. (1999). Structural response of oxidation-resistant carbon/carbon composites. 59(13), 1959-1967. Chouchaoui, C. S., & Ochoa, O. O. (1999). Similitude study for a laminated cylindrical tube under tensile, torsion, bending, internal and external pressure. Part I: governing equations. 44(4), 221-229. Chouchaoui, C. S., Parks, P., & Ochoa, O. O. (1999). Similitude study for a laminated cylindrical tube under tension, torsion, bending, internal and external pressure - Part II: scale models. 44(4), 231-236. Hill, B. W., Barron, J. H., & Ochoa, O. O. (1999). Material and structural assessment of thermal spray composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 12(4), 257-275. Hofman, B. B., & Ochoa, O. O. (1999). Shear deformable user finite element for MARC to model composites with taper. Composite Structures. 44(2-3), 137-143. Ochoa, O. O., & Ross, G. R. (1998). Hybrid composites: Models and tests for environmental aging. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 17(9), 787-799. Ochoa, O. O., & Elliott, C. H. (1998). Inhibited carbon-carbon composites: Isothermal and fatigue exposure. Journal of Composite Materials. 32(12), 1157-1177. Oztelcan, C., Ochoa, O. O., Martin, J., & Sem, K. (1997). Design and analysis of test coupons for composite blade repairs. 37(2), 185-193. WALSH, T. J., & OCHOA, O. O. (1996). ANALYTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS OF WOVEN FABRIC COMPOSITES. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 3(2), 133-152. Romine, P. R., & Ochoa, O. O. (1996). An assessment of the effect of inhibitor oxidation on the response of oxidation-resistant carbon/carbon composites. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 56(5), 569-579. Ross, G. R., & Ochoa, O. O. (1996). Micromechanical Analysis of Hybrid Composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 15(8), 828-836. Ross, G. R., & Ochoa, O. O. (1996). Micromechanical analysis of hybrid composites (Reprinted from Enercomp '95, Proceedings of the International Conference on Composite Materials and Energy, May 8-10, 1995). Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 15(8), 828-836. Eason, T. G., & Ochoa, O. O. (1996). Modeling progressive damage in composites: A shear deformable element for ABAQUS(R). Composite Structures. 34(2), 119-128. Ashley, T. H., & Ochoa, O. O. (1996). Structural response of oxidation resistant carbon-carbon composites. ASME -Publications- Ad. 51, 211-217. OCHOA, O. O. (1995). HYBRID COMPOSITE TUBES FOR OFFSHORE APPLICATIONS. Oil and Gas Science and Technology: revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole. 50(1), 27-34. ANDREWS, S. D., OCHOA, O. O., & OWENS, S. D. (1993). THE EFFECTS OF FASTENER HOLE DEFECTS. Journal of Composite Materials. 27(1), 2-20. WALSH, T. J., & OCHOA, O. O. (1993). COMPOSITES WITH MULTIPLE CUTOUTS. 24(2), 117-124. AIKENS, Q., OCHOA, O. O., & ENGBLOM, J. J. (1993). EXPERIMENTAL AND STATISTICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF BRITTLE COMPOSITES. 47(2), 193-200. DUGGAN, M. B., & OCHOA, O. O. (1992). NATURAL FREQUENCY BEHAVIOR OF DAMAGED COMPOSITE-MATERIALS. 158(3), 545-551. GUYNN, E. G., BRADLEY, W. L., & OCHOA, O. O. (1992). A PARAMETRIC STUDY OF VARIABLES THAT AFFECT FIBER MICROBUCKLING INITIATION IN COMPOSITE LAMINATES - EXPERIMENTS. Journal of Composite Materials. 26(11), 1617-1643. GUYNN, E. G., OCHOA, O. O., & BRADLEY, W. L. (1992). A PARAMETRIC STUDY OF VARIABLES THAT AFFECT FIBER MICROBUCKLING INITIATION IN COMPOSITE LAMINATES .1. ANALYSES. Journal of Composite Materials. 26(11), 1594-1616. OCHOA, O. O., ROSCHKE, P., & BAFRALI, R. (1991). DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF COMPOSITE TUBES UNDER COMPRESSIVE LOADING. Composite Structures. 19(1), 1-14. Ross, G. R., & Ochoa, O. O. (1991). Environmental Effects on Unsymmetric Composite Laminates. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 4(3), 266-284. OCHOA, O. O., & CASTANOPARDO, D. (1991). DELAMINATION IN COMPOSITES - NONLINEAR EFFECTS. 26(3-4), 319-333. Chan, W. S., & Ochoa, O. O. (1990). Delamination characterization of laminates under tension, bending and torsion loads. Computational Mechanics. 6(5-6), 393-405. OCHOA, O. O. (1990). DEVELOPING A FOCUSED DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR COMPOSITE-MATERIAL SYSTEMS. 16(1-3), 193-208. OCHOA, O. O., & MOORE, A. (1989). A PARAMETRIC STUDY ON STRAIN-ENERGY RELEASE RATES OF COMPRESSION MEMBERS. Composite Structures. 11(2), 151-163. OCHOA, O. O., & ENGBLOM, J. J. (1987). ANALYSIS OF PROGRESSIVE FAILURE IN COMPOSITES. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 28(2), 87-102. KOZMA, F., & OCHOA, O. O. (1986). BUCKLING OF COMPOSITE PLATES USING SHEAR DEFORMABLE FINITE-ELEMENTS. AIAA Journal. 24(10), 1721-1723. ENGBLOM, J. J., & OCHOA, O. O. (1986). FINITE-ELEMENT FORMULATION INCLUDING INTERLAMINAR STRESS CALCULATIONS. Computers & structures. 23(2), 241-249. OCHOA, O. O., ENGBLOM, J. J., & TUCKER, R. (1985). A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF KINEMATIC AND MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS ON THE FUNDAMENTAL-FREQUENCY CALCULATIONS OF COMPOSITE PLATES. 101(2), 141-148. Ochoa, O. O., Engblom, J. J., & Tucker, R. (1985). STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF KINEMATIC AND MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS ON THE FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY CALCULATIONS OF COMPOSITE PLATES. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 101(2), 141-148. ENGBLOM, J. J., & OCHOA, O. O. (1985). THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS PREDICTIONS FOR LAMINATED PLATES OF ADVANCED COMPOSITE-MATERIALS. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 21(10), 1759-1776. OCHOA, O. O., & MARCANO, V. M. (1984). THERMAL-STRESSES IN LAMINATED BEAMS. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 20(6), 579-587. conference paper Truong, H., Martinez, M. J., Ochoa, O. O., & Lagoudas, D. C. (2015). AN INVESTIGATION ON HYBRID INTERFACE USING ON-LINE MONITORING EXPERIMENT AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSES Nanami, N., & Ochoa, O. O. (2013). Bird impact study of a preloaded composite wind turbine blade. 6415-6425. Nanami, N., & Ochoa, O. O. (2011). Assessment of a modular composite wind turbine blade. 983-994. Nanami, N., & Ochoa, O. O. (2011). Vibration and dynamic response of hybrid wind turbine blades. 427-441. Nanami, N., & Ochoa, O. O. (2011). Vibration and dynamic response of hybrid wind turbine blades Nanami, N., & Ochoa, O. O. (2010). Vibration and dynamic response of hybrid wind turbine blades. 1065-1079. Ochoa, O. O., & Nanami, N. (2010). Hybrid wind turbine blades: Damage tolerant design. 251-252. Ochoa, O. O., & Alexander, C. (2009). Hybrid composite repair for offshore risers Kulkarni, M. C., & Ochoa, O. O. (2008). Characterization of light weight composite proppants. 970-983. Bogdanovich, A., Mungalov, D., Ochoa, O. O., & Lee, S. M. (2008). Joining thick composite panels with the use of unitary 3-D woven couplers and patches Rodriguez, D. E., Ochoa, O. O., Hahn, M., & Sue, H. J. (2007). Processing, morphology, and biocompatibility of hydroxyapatite and carbon foam reinforced bioresorbable polymer. 1905-1915. Kim, W. K., Ochoa, O. O., & Miller, C. A. (2007). Fatigue damage and life of a composite production riser Kim, W. K., Ochoa, O. O., & Miller, C. (2005). Axial and burst analysis of offshore composite risers. 321-332. Verdugo, R. A., Ochoa, O. O., & Lara-Curzio, E. (2003). Tensile evaluation of ceramic foam ligaments. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings. 153-158. Ochoa, O. O., & Rodriguez, D. E. (2002). Flexure Behavior of Composite Spoolable Tubes. 233-237. Ochoa, O. O., & Parker, P. A. (1998). Electrical resistance measurements in carbon-carbon composites. 277-278. Eason, T. G., & Ochoa, O. O. (1998). Modeling damage initiation and growth in discontinuous random fiber composites. 203-212. Ochoa, O. O. (1998). Similitude models for composites Ochoa, O. O., Ross, G. R., & Liggett, G. M. (1996). Design of hybrid composite tubulars. 257-263. Ochoa, O. O. (1996). Hybrid composite design: Optimization and scaling aspects. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 333-335. Ashley, T. H., & Ochoa, O. O. (1996). Structural response of oxidation resistant carbon-carbon composites. 245. Ochoa, O. O., & Hill, B. (1995). Performance of SRIM thermal spray composites. 657-661. Ochoa, O. O., & Scott, M. (1995). Oxidation assessment of carbon-carbon composites with electrical resistance measurements. 129-133. Eason, T. G., & Ochoa, O. O. (1994). Incorporation of a shear deformable element into ABAQUS(R) to model composite structures. Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 1144-1154. Ayers, T. R., & Ochoa, O. O. (1993). Effects of ballistic damage on dynamics of composite drive shafts. 243-247. Romine, P. R., Ochoa, O. O., & Castano-Pardo, D. (1993). Particulate inclusions in brittle composites: An assessment of the effects of temperature dependent phase changes. ASME Applied Mechanics Division -Publications- Amd. 283-292. Walsh, T. J., Ochoa, O. O., & Barron, D. (1992). Structural response of SRIM auto bumper beams. 597-603. Ochoa, O. O., Aikens, Q. Y., & Payne, D. F. (1991). Efficient numerical models to emulate inherent defects in brittle composites. ASME -Publications- Ad. 147-153. Walsh, T. J., & Ochoa, O. O. (1990). Efficient cutout designs in fiber reinforced composite structures. 7-9. Chu, P., & Ochoa, O. O. (1988). Free-vibration and damping characterization of composites. 127-129. Ochoa, O. O., & Kozik, T. J. (1987). TRANSVERSE SHEAR AND NORMAL STRESSES IN LAMINATED BEAMS. ASME -Publications- Pvp. 1-8.
principal investigator on Due to Increase needs for lightweight and multifunctional structures and materials that can operate at and sustain the extreme environment such as high temperature and pressure, hybrid composites are of high interests and being developed recently. awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2014 - 2018
teaching activities MEEN684 Professional Internship Instructor MEEN685 Directed Studies Instructor MEEN691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1980 M.E. in Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1977 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Bogazici University - (Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey) 1976
mailing address Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Mechanical Engineering 3123 TAMUS College Station, TX 77843-3123 USA