publication venue for
- The roles of shadow of the past and future in driving new product novelty and meaningfulness within coopetitive collaborations. 109:174-187. 2023
- The comparative effects of gratitude and indebtedness in B2B relationships. 103:73-82. 2022
- Building and leveraging competence exploitation and exploration for firm new product success. 97:233-244. 2021
- Navigating the demands of increasing customer participation through firm and individual job resources. 97:173-182. 2021
- Customer based execution and strategy: Enhancing the relevance & utilization of B2B scholarship in the C-suite. 88:396-409. 2020
- Customer information resources advantage, marketing strategy and business performance: A market resources based view. 89:89-97. 2020
- Explicit and normative contracting in collaborations of varying magnitudes: Differing perspectives of component suppliers and original equipment manufacturers. 65:15-27. 2017
- Service growth in product firms: Past, present, and future. 60:82-88. 2017
- The influence of an optimal control system on salesperson performance and championing. 43:304-311. 2014
- Aligning marketing strategies throughout the supply chain to enhance performance. 41:1008-1018. 2012
- A holistic approach to market assessment for a manufacturing company in an emerging economy. 41:1142-1151. 2012
- Lessons from high-performance service organizations. 40:188-189. 2011
- Antecedents and consequences of opportunism in buyer-supplier relations: Research synthesis and new frontiers (vol 37, pg 895, 2008). 39:874-874. 2010
- Cross-functional integration as a knowledge transformation mechanism: Implications for new product development. 39:650-660. 2010
- Antecedents and consequences of opportunism in buyer-supplier relations: Research synthesis and new frontiers. 37:895-909. 2008
- Customer relationship management: Finding value drivers. 37:120-130. 2008
- Impact of sales force automation on technology-related stress, effort, and technology usage among salespeople. 34:345-354. 2005
- Sales force obsolescence: Perceptions from sales and marketing executives of individual, organizational, and environmental factors. 33:439-456. 2004