Elucidating the Local Supermassive Black Hole – Galaxy Connection
Elucidating the stoichiometry of GPCR oligomers
Elucidating the stoichiometry of GPCR oligomers
Elucidation of a Dictyostelium chalone
Elucidation of a Eukaryotic Chemorepulsion Mechanism
Embodying Visual Semantic Information Composition to Stimulate Sensemaking and Ideation
Emerging Issues in Tropical Ecohydrology; June 5-9, 2016; Cuena, Ecuador
Emission models for fugitive particulate matter towards an online emission inventory for the Middle East Area
Empowering Smart and Resilient Communities, Pathways to the Doctorate Collaboration
Empowering Teachers of English Language Learners (ETELL)
Empowering Texas Agriculture: Leveraging Agricultural Prowess for Global Impact and Local Prosperity
Empowering Texas Agriculture: Napa Cabbages Role in Global Fermented Foods
Enabling Continuous in vivo Metabolic Monitoring with Microencapsulated SERS Assays
Enabling cybersecurity, situational awareness and resilience in distribution grids through smart devices and deep-learning
Enabling Efficient Integration of Electric Vehicles In Qatarâ s Smart Grid: Planning, Operation, and Cybersecurity
Enabling precision calibration of massively multiplexed spectroscopic surveys
Enabling Zero-Trust Resource Access Management for Scientific Collaborations
Endangered Species Act, Recovery Science Support
Endogenous Fluorescence Lifetime Endoscopy for Early Detection of Oral Cancer and Dysplasia
Endogenous Synthesis and Nutritional Needs of Glycine in Sow-Reared Piglets
Endophytic Microbial Culture-Collection For Pest Management In Maize
Endothelial estrogen receptor alpha and cardiometabolic disease
Energy Storage Flywheels to Enable Renewable Energy and for Uninterruptible Power Source Service
Energy Storage Flywheels to Enable Renewable Energy and for Uninterruptible Power Source Service
Enforcement, Investigations and Analysis Officer (EIAO) Training
Enforcement, Investigations and Analysis Officer (EIAO) Training
Enforcement, Investigations and Analysis Officer (EIAO) Training
Engaging Gulf Coast CESU Partnerships for Administrative Support, Research and Education in the National Parks
Engine data mining and establishment of sensitivities between various types of instrumentation across an engine
Engineered enteric nerve plexi to improve predictive preclinical screens in early-stage colorectal adenocarcinomas