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- Diabetes Education and Wellness through Faith-based Organizations in Texas
- Diagnostic and prognostic methylation biomarkers for alcohol and related health risks
- Diagnostic Tools and Test Facilities to Characterize Plasma-Material Interaction in High-Enthalpy Flows
- DiBB: The Digital Black Bibliographic Project
- Diet induced modifications of microbiota metabolites in colon tumorigenesis
- Diet-dependent regulation of DCIS progression
- Dietary Flavonoids-Microbiota-Ah Receptor Interactions in the Gut
- Diffusion and Kinetics in Organic Radical Polymers
- Digital Core Analysis for Qatari Carbonate Reservoir Characterization (QCRC)
- Digital High-Speed Spectroscopic Recording in the Upward LIghtning Triggering Study (UPLIGHTS)
- Digital Maze
- Digital Maze Games in Educational Settings
- Digitization of Texas Agricultural Agency Publications in Support of Development of the National Digital Library for Agriculture
- Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research: oVert: Open Exploration of Vertebrate Diversity in 3D
- Digitization Tcn: Collaborative Research: Southwest Collections of Arthropod Network (scan): A Model for Collections Digiti
- Digitization TCN: Collaborative: American Crossroads: Digitizing the vascular flora of the south-central United States
- Dimensionality Reduction and Early Event Detection Using Online Synchrophasor Data
- Directed Self-assembly and Alignment of Conjugated Polymers for High Performance Plastic Electronics
- Disability, Food Security, and Assistance Programs
- Disaster Planning, Preparedness, & Response for Rural Long-Term Care Providers
- Disaster-Resilient and Self-Assessing Multifunctional Transportation Structures
- Discovery and Characterization of Novel Regulators of Mitochondrial Copper Homeostasis
- Discovery and Exploitation of Genes Conditioning Quality and Resistance Traits in Melons, Peppers and Tomatoes
- Discovery Of Host Cell Candidate Proteins Critical To The Attachment By Cryptosporidium Sporozoites
- Discovery of inhibitors against cryptosporidial fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
- Disease Risks To Whooping Cranes Determined By Non-Invasive Sampling and Analysis of Sandhill Cranes As Surrogates
- Dispersal, larval habitat source, and efficacy of intervention using autodissemination on Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in South Texas
- Dissecting Connectivity and Function of Transplanted Interneurons in the Injured Spinal Cord
- Dissecting the Ecological and Molecular Interactions Between the Pathogen Causing Zebra Chip Disease, Its Potato Psyllid Vector
- Dissecting the role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in avoidant behavior