Ecologically and Economically Sustainable Strategies for Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains
Ecologically Intensive Arthropod Pest Management in Cotton Agroecosystems in the Texas High Plains
Ecology and Control of Diseases of Sorghum, Corn, and Cotton in a Semi-Arid Subtropical Environment of the United States
Ecology and Management of Arthropods in Corn
Ecology of forested windbreaks and woodland vegetation and their concomitant impact on wildfire behavior, suppression, and containment.
Ecology, Management and Utilization of Woody Plants on Rangelands
Economic and Policy Implications of Climate Change on Agricultural Water Conservation and Energy Issues
Economic Benefits of the Aerial Application Industry in the United States: Phase 1 - Aerial Herbicide Application Ban Scenario--
Economics of Rural Transportation for Elderly and Disadvantaged Populations
Educational videos of the principles of aquatic propulsion and their role in the evolution for Buffalo Science Museum
Effect of Alcohol Withdrawal on Pain Sensitization
Effect of External Post-Tensioning on Fatigue Life of Shear Connectors in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams
Effect of fasting on canine lymphocyte Activation
Effect of Improved Graft Compliance Matching on Intimal Hyperplasia
Effect of Inflammation on Recovery and Pain After Spinal Cord Injury
Effect of moisture content and particle size on the explosive properties of sulfur dusts
Effect of Nanoparticles on Alternative Fuel Sprays at High-Pressure Conditions
Effect of Prenatal Stress on DNA Methylation and Correspondence with Gene Expression in Cattle
Effect of Prenatal Stress on DNA Methylation and Correspondence with Gene Expression in Cattle
Effect of the cryoprotectant and cryopreservation rate on the sperm viability and function of Colombian Creole stallions
Effective Early Literacy Screeners for English Language Learners: A Collaborative Research and Training Project.
Effective Exploitation Of Structural Data For Oncology
Effectiveness of mandated alcohol, marijuana, and drug intervention programs for college students
Effects of a flipped-classroom
Effects of a research data management camp on graduate students’ research data management skills
Effects of coconut oil feed additive on growth performance, immune function, and metabolism in post-weanling piglets
Effects of Electron Beam on Potato/Tomato Psyllid and Disease Transmission
Effects of microbial activity on mechanical and transport properties of mudstones
Effects of Microgravity on Cerebral Arterial, Venous, and Lymphatic Function: Implications for Elevated Intracranial Pressure--NNX16AC28G
Effects of microgravity on lymphatic structure and function