Evaluation of Marketed Drugs for Rapid Development As Anti- Cryptosporidial Agents
Evaluation of New Anti-Tick Antigens on Rabbit for Control of Vector Tick Species
Evaluation of Novel Interferon Epsilon across Human Pregnancy
Evaluation of Potential Application of Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate (SAIB) in Combination with Following Polymers in the Development of Abuse Deterrent Formulations of Opiod Drugs
Evaluation of Pressed Cottonseed Meal (csm) As An Alternative Protein Source In Broiler Diets
Evaluation of Probiotic and Prebiotic Supplements with Catfish, Golden Shiners, Hybrid Striped Bass and Tilapia under Conditions of Commercial Production
Evaluation of Probiotic and Prebiotic Supplements with Catfish, Golden Shiners, Hybrid Striped Bass and Tilapia under Conditions of Commercial Production
Evaluation of sperm integrity and function in dogs after sperm cryopreservation using two different cryoprotectants
Evaluation of the Cloud and Aerosol Look-UP Tables and Relevant Parameterizations Utilized In Viirs Cloud Property Retrievals and
Evaluation of the Continued use of "Dear Colleague Letters in the House of Representatives
Evaluation of the recovery of the gut microbiome and metabolome following an acute diarrhea episode
Evaluation of Trk Probes in Models for Dry Eye Disease
Evaluation of Wheat Tortilla Quality Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Evidence-Based Tele-Behavioral Health Network Program
Evolution and Spatial Phylogenetics of the Texas Biota
Evolution of Diversification Mechanisms for Lymphocyte Antigen-Receptors
Evolution of Immune Loci Critical in Antigen Recognition
Evolutionary diversification, morphological diversity and alpha taxonomy of the carps, minnows and their relatives
Evolutionary ecology and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles: Integration of Basic and Applied Research
Evolutionary Insights from Host-Parasite Interactions: Systematics, Population Genetics, and Coevolution
Evolving Bildung in the nexus of streaming services, art and users – Spotify as a case
Ex-Situ Remediation of Investigation-Derived Wastes containing PFAS by Electron Beam Technology
Examining resilience in youth exposed to adversity
Examining the Assembly History of the Universe Using Large Grism Datasets
Examining the Legal Landscape in Rural America: Implications for the Healthcare Workforce, Access to Care, and Population Health
Exciton and its Coupling with Spin and Lattice in Strongly Quantum Confined 0D-2D Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
Exercise Training-Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species as Protective Mechanisms in the Coronary Microcirculation
Exercise-Induced Myokines in Cardiac Cachexia
Exercise-induced reactive oxidants as microvascular protective mechanisms