Evolution of Immune Loci Critical in Antigen Recognition
Evolutionary diversification, morphological diversity and alpha taxonomy of the carps, minnows and their relatives
Evolutionary ecology and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles: Integration of Basic and Applied Research
Evolutionary Insights from Host-Parasite Interactions: Systematics, Population Genetics, and Coevolution
Ex-Situ Remediation of Investigation-Derived Wastes containing PFAS by Electron Beam Technology
Examining Progression of a Neurodegenerative Disorder
Examining the Assembly History of the Universe Using Large Grism Datasets
Examining the Legal Landscape in Rural America: Implications for the Healthcare Workforce, Access to Care, and Population Health
Exciton and its Coupling with Spin and Lattice in Strongly Quantum Confined 0D-2D Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
Exercise Training-Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species as Protective Mechanisms in the Coronary Microcirculation
Exercise-Induced Myokines in Cardiac Cachexia
Exercise-induced reactive oxidants as microvascular protective mechanisms
Exoskeleton based Stroke Rehabilitation with Augmented Reality
Exosomes secreted by osteosarcoma cells subjected to extreme physiological conditions suppress tumor microenvironment immune response
EXP: Collaborative Research: Perception and Production in Second Language: The Roles of Voice Variability and Familiarity
EXP: Collaborative Research: PerSketchTivity- Empowering and Inspiring Creative, Competent, Communicative, and Effective Engineers through Perspective Sketching
EXP: Exploratory study on the Adaptive Online Course and its implication on synergetic competency
EXP: To Enact, To Tell, To Write: A Bridge to Expressive Writing through Digital Enactment
Expanding on the Nature Conservancy - Wind Cave National Park bison Partnership: Genetic Conservation Initiative
Expanding STEM Education in Texas: A Multi-Institutional Collaboration using NASA-based Science
Expanding STEM Education in Texas: A Multi-Institutional Collaboration Using NASA-based Science and Tools
Expansion of Texas A&M'S Cancer Prevention Program to Rural and Medically Underserved Women
Expansion of the capacity of the TAMU VMTH Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Experimental and Computational Assessment of Fission Product Residue in Plutonium From Low-Burn-Up Thermal Reactor Fuel and Gaussian Inverse Analysis for Forensics
Experimental and Computational Assessment of Unique Trace Elements and Isotope Ratios in Separated Plutonium from Depleted Uranium Irradiated in Fast Reactor Blanket
Experimental and Computational Studies of NEAMS Pebble Bed Reactors
Experimental and theoretical study of femtosecond compressed 3D light field projection and its application in multiphoton 3D curing of photoresists
Experimental Investigation of Precast Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Segmental Beams
Experimental Investigations On The Deformation Behavior Of Sediment In The Shallow Region Of The Nankai, North Sumatra, And Aleutian Subduction Zones